Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 2 - The Ice Queen

28th December,2020

The "clack, clack" of heels reverberated in the otherwise silent foyer as CEO Alice Faye walked in. The people that stood aligned at the door bent at ninety degrees to welcome the CEO who paid no attention to the people walking on as if they were mere furniture. The ice blue suit that she wore highlighted her fair face while her dark blonde hair was pulled back into a tight chignon accentuating her sharp jawline and her almond shaped blue violet eyes. However marring this beauty was the harsh, impersonal and cold gaze that gave the chills to anyone who dared to look at the woman.

As Alice reached the elevator, a man dressed in a grey suit stepped forward, the only one who had the guts to block the CEO's way. Every employee shivered in fright when they saw the man stand in front of the CEO. No one, absolutely no one would dare to do this.

Pausing, Alice turned her frigid blue gaze onto him, saying nothing. At the same time, the security personnel were preparing to get a signal to throw the man out.

The impudent man extended a hand to touch Alice's face before his fingers trembled and he moved it back.

"Little Sister? Are you still angry with me?

Alice did not reply. She did not need to. She simply gazed impassively at the man without showing any signs of recognizing him. Little sister? Oh please! If she acknowledged her relationship with lher biggest enemy then she would be a fool.

Finally, when the man started to look awkward, she gave him a thin smile as she asked," Mr. Faye? Are you here to do your job? I must say you have recognized your ability well by choosing to do your duty as a liftman. Since you are so well dressed, why don't you stop obstructing the way and man the other lifts. This elevator is for my private use only and I think I can handle it fine."

Insulted, Samuel Faye clenched his hands as Alice stepped aside to walk into the elevator. Just as the doors opened after scanning her finger and she was about to enter, Samuel muttered, "Bitch! You just wait!"

Stopping but not looking back, Alice shook her head and said, "Really? That is all you can come up with and you want to be the CEO of Fay Group? Samuel Faye? You cannot even come up with a decent curse word or threat and you dream big. The biggest insult that you can give me is calling me your sister rather than a female canine. And if you are by chance short of any more insults, my employees have better names for you to call me. "

Before Samuel Faye could say anymore, Alice Faye signaled for the security guards to come over and escort the man outside.

Immediately, the security personnel walked forward to escort the man out though they dared not touch the man. This was because the man might not hold a position in the company but he was still a share holder and member of the board of Directors. But they dare not let him stay inside of the Ice Queen would have them thrown out.

The leader of the security gave a perfunctory bow to the man before he said slowly, "Sir, Please follow us outside."

Samuel Faye threw a look at the guard before he harrumphed and walked out of the office. Damn it! If he had not needed that bi***, he would have already have her killed! But no! His dear grandfather's will had stipulated that he would need her to acquiescence if he wanted to sell the dam* property! What was the point of inheriting a fortress if you could not even sell it! That cursed thing had earned him nothing while almost depleting his own resources in the process! He had worked hard the last five five years to get into the good books of his grandparents not for the property but for the shares! But that old man had cheated him and his father by giving that Alice forty percent shares of the shares while he and his parents were left with a total of five percent shares altogether!

As he stomped out of the foyer like an angry bull, he narrowed his eyes and decided to finally mortgage the fortress to solve his problem of cash flow! He may have lost the battle but he would not let anything stand in his way to win . And once he had the cash, he would buy the rest of the shares that he needed to forcefully throw her out of the company the same way she had! But before that, he needed to work on the New Year Surprise he had planned for her....In two days, the new year would be upon them and Alice would have lost the war.

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