Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 27 - A Weekend Together

Alice packed her bag in a hurry as she realized that she could be late. Adam had messaged her that he would reach around five in the evening and it was already four! The party began at seven and she needed to get ready too but she had delayed packing and now she was going to be late! Taking out the lingerie from the drawer, she glanced at the lacy confections and paused. Maybe she should take the plain cotton ones.. Then shaking her head she thought to herself.. no one was going to see her anyway so she should wear what made her happy. Throwing the few pairs into the bag, she quickly closed and zipped the bag! Thankfully she had the forethought to at least send her dress to the resort in advance.

Once the packing was finished, Alice picked up the black cocktail dress from the bed and walked into the dressing room. Taking off the sweatshirt that had somehow become her daily wear, she threw it into the laundry basket and rubbed some strawberry lotion onto herself before donning the dress. Then started the work on her hairstyle. Slowly, she worked her long hair and tied them into a neat bun at the nape of her neck. Small ringlets framed her face highlighting her small face. Picking up the tint, she dabbed some onto her cheek and as she chose the lipstick the internal line phone started to ring. Frowning she raced out of the room and towards the phone where the guard said, "Madam, there is a Mr. Perry here to see you."

The frown was even more deepened as she noticed that it was still ten minutes to five. Hmpf! It would serve him right if she made him wait downstairs! But instead of doing that she said, "Let him up." Even the guard was shocked when he heard this but let the man pass. In the three years since he had worked here, he had never seen anyone visit this madam other than Miss Ximin.

As Adam walked out of the elevator, his breath caught in his throat at the vision that stood in front of him. There she stood, dressed in a black dress that hung to her knees. Her creamy shoulders were exposed and he could see that she had hardly worn any make up on her face. Smiling, he walked to her and without giving her a chance to retreat straightaway caught her by the waist and pulled her closer, placing a small peck on her lips. Before she could stiffen, he had already retreated. Grinning, he complimented, "Hello Gorgeous.. Good girl, you did not stiffen up at being kissed! Are you not going to invite me in?"

Realizing that she was actually blocking his way, she stepped back and let him step into the house. And then curtly said," I need a few more minutes. Please have a seat."

With that, Alice walked back to her room, leaving Adam behind to stare at the cold decor. As Adam looked around, he realized that he was rather disappointed at the house. There was nothing worse than a place that screamed of impersonal space. He had been rather excited to be invited into her home and get to know more about her but it seemed she had decided to keep her house as dispassionate as she pretended to be!

Within a few minutes, Alice had returned, pulling a trolley bag behind her. When she had come near him, she stopped and placed the bag on the side. That was when he noticed that she held something else in her other hand. Before he could ask what it was, she caught his wrist of her own initiative surprising him. And then she pushed a ring onto his finger. He looked down at the simple band and then at her with a raised eyebrow. Were they not supposed to be just boyfriend and girlfriend? Then how did they become a committed couple. He recognized the ring as one of a pair and could see it's counterpart on her hand. But of course he was not going to protest. Instead he clenched his fingers tightly as he vowed that he was going to make this couple ring become true and then smiled at her," My baby has a gift for me? Well I have one for you too!"

Alice scowled at Adam and was about to tell him that it was not a gift but just a prop and she wanted the ring back when this charade was over but before she could say that, he took out a small box from the pocket of his own black suit and opened it.

Alice felt her eyes widen at the beautiful sight. She stared in wonder as Adam picked up the set of chains and placed them around her neck. In the blink of an eye, she felt his hot breath caress her before he moved back and the chain was placed around her neck. Turning sideways, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. The first chain was placed near her neck with the small charm hanging in the middle. The second chain was a little lower while the third was nestled between her breasts. The design was simple but what made her breath catch was the flower charms in the middle.. her eyes met his in the mirror as she asked him, "This flower?"

"It's beautiful, isn't it? It matches the color of your eyes when they shine with happiness. This flower is called, 'The glory of the snow.'"

Adam could see that the flower held a special place for her and she liked it. But he did not tell her that this particular set had been waiting for four years to reach it's owner and he had designed it himself.

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