Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 29 - Confident Woman

The Mou's Crown was true to it's glory as it wound around a long drive and opened majestically to the vies of the blue sea. Shaped like a 'U', the Mou's Crown resort was famous for it's sea view from every room and every corner of the resort. Alice remembered the time when she had come here for the first time for a business meeting with Uncle Mou. She had been a green teenage girl with only a dream for opening her own cafes and hotels.. Her grandfather had brought her here for a meeting and Uncle Mou had promised to give her the initial investment she would need. But that day never came. Her plans to study hospitality and culinary arts abroad were ruined. And so were her chances of even surviving this world. At the end of the day it was the money that she had received from her mother's death, her life insurance payout that had helped her escape from the traps her father had set.

Her beautiful eyes were lost in the recollection of the past and Adam clicked his fingers in front of her face, bringing her back. With his ever present ironic smile, he said, "Thinking of the past will not bring it back!" Her gaze snapped to him as she wondered how this man knew her so well but he had already turned away and was looking around interestedly.. Her father had known her since birth and never understood her. Even Ximin could never accurately guess what was going on in her head. But this man somehow guessed her thoughts correctly every time.

He then caught her hand and placed it on his arm before guiding her towards the back where the ships were decked. The ship would set sail soon and they needed to be on that on time. Soon, they were on the ship and once Alice entered, the entire place turned silent. It was a kind of talent, Adam thought. Silencing the whole room with just entering. It was also the opposite of what he usually experienced. Here the silence was a mark of reverence and respect while the screams they heard of their fans when they entered a room were the mark of the love and cheer from their fans.

But soon, Adam could see the confusion in the people's eyes. He read the questions in the eyes of the men who were pursuing her and the maliciousness in the women's gazes who could not even match Alice's little finger in looks or intelligence. And he also felt the hated gaze of the man that had brought them together-Samual Faye.

A lean and handsome man dressed in a grey suit, walked forward with a smile while the woman on his side came along elegantly. The two people smiled and introduced themselves," Chairwoman Faye. Welcome to the party. I am Mou Shantao and this is my sister Mou Zirui. It is a pleasure to welcome you. And your partner.."

Mou Shantao let the sentence hang in there incomplete letting Alice complete it, "This is my fiance, Adam Perry." Shantao politely nodded to the man and after welcoming them said," Please enjoy yourselves. My grandparents are celebrating their sixtieth anniversary and will be here soon."

Mou Shantao turned back, taking along his sister who was turning back even now to get another look at Adam. As they walked inside, Adam unerringly guided her towards the food display making Alice roll her eyes. In the last few days, Alice had discovered that the only thing this man loved other than himself was food. Even in the questionnaire he had filled up he had mentioned his obsession with food multiple times! There were times she was left to wonder how he even maintained his physique. Anyway, she will have to stop him from focusing on food. They were here to do business and not eat!

Subtly, she pinched his arm and stopped walking making him stop. He looked back in confusion and she smiled a big fake smile, "Adam! We are here to do business and not to fill your endless stomach." To which he protested, "Hey, we can do business on a full stomach also! It's not like the businessmen will refuse to discuss anything if you have eaten well?"

But she simply shook her head and warned him, "Yes. But you can also eat after we have discussed out business."

And then he was dragged to discuss business with various people. As they discussed stocks and shares, for the first time Adam realized that these parties were not that boring. Usually the people he milled with looked down on their intelligence because of their profession. But Alice treated him like an equal and when he had something to add, she chose to listen, making the others listen as well.

For the first time, he realized that the silly girl he had known had now grown into such a confident and admirable woman. He felt a pang that he was unable to see her bloom into this flower.. But he also realized that he had fallen a bit more for her... He was so toast....

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