Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 38 - Shameless Female Lead

Adam stepped out of the shower with a towel tied around his waist, whistling softly. another towel rubbed through his slightly longer wet hair. A low rumble sounded from his empty stomach and he rubbed it slightly. He was really hungry. As he thought of eating a delicious breakfast, the sound of the lock clicking and the door opening could be heard.

Before he could realize what happened, Alice the 'tornado' had rushed into his arms and was screaming into his ears, "I got the contract!"

Naturally, he was not going to let this awesome opportunity go and he immediately hugged her back. It was only after a while that Alice realized that she could feel warm skin and hard muscles under his shoulders.. And drops of water were falling on her arms from his wet hair. Immediately pushing his away, Alice screamed some more and then covered her mouth with her palms while her fingers covered her cheeks and nose..

Adam, who had almost fallen on his bare a**, regained his balance, expecting to tease Alice who would have definitely covered her eyes but was amazed to see that every part of her face was covered except for the eyes which were wide open!

Raising an eyebrow, he placed the towel around his neck and cocked his head," Are you being modest? Shouldn't you be covering your eyes?"

But the naughty imp grinned and answered," Should I? I need to see for myself those sexy abs that I have heard of through the morning from your admirer! I was actually planning on checking the song video that Zirou told me about, to check the great abs that you had shown by lifting your shirt.. She said many fans almost fainted at the view! And I agree, they are worth drooling over. And I must say, the live view is even better..." Without bothering about anything, Alice slowly checked out his firm chest with the nips and then...

Adam noticed that her eyes were actually fixed on his six pack and he was tempted to flex them. Thankfully, he had taken good care of his body all these years! Leaning back against the wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest. There was a look of burning in his eyes which was lost on Alice who was shamelessly admiring such an awesome display of skin. Her eyes followed a drop of water to where it slowly slid from the side of his sexy belly button to the rim of the towel where it disappeared.

Just then she noticed the movement under that and her eyes widened even more. Within a minute, she could see a clear outline. Her astonished eyes shot up to him and she accused,"You said we are friends! Then what is that?"


But in spite of the reaction that she was single-handedly responsible for, her fascinated gaze was stuck to him.

Finally, unable to take the torture anymore, Adam gritted his teeth and answered,"Yes! We are friends. But I am also a man. And you are a beautiful woman who is staring at me! Of course the other head is going to respond to that."

Alice paid no attention to his words and continued with her shamelessness until finally Adam rolled his eyes and placed his hand on the knot of the towel and asked languidly,"Well, would you like me to drop the towel for you to look at?

This finally snapped Alice back to reality and she tried(in vain) to regain her haughtiness and said,"How can you be so shameless?"

Amused at the pot calling the kettle back he grumbled, "Well you are the one who is staring. I had simply come out of the shower and was going to get dressed!"

"Fine fine. You dress up fast. Since I won the deal for the resorts, it is going to be my treat. The yacht is going to moor at an island and we can have lunch there.!"

With that, Alice turned around, offering him privacy but deeply regretted he had not directly dropped the towel. Maybe she should think of an excuse to turn back and check that out also..but that would be too much even for her. And so she settled to scowl at the author.(Why did you make me so naughty?)

(Author: A little bit naughtiness is good for your health! Alice: Yeah! But this was a but too much author! How will I ever face him again? Author: Well, don't worry, I gave you a thick skin also. Alice: Hmpf, Author you are the truly shameless one!)

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