Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 4 - New Year's Eve

The cool beauty that stared back at her in the mirror seemed to mock Alice as she fastened the priceless string of diamonds around her neck. The violet gown was tightly laced around her breasts and and waist while the skirt flowed freely. Alice caressed the soft material as she picked up the shawl to drape over her shoulders and covered the skin showed by the backless gown. Sigh! Parties were such a headache. She hated it when people fawned over her as if they would not stab her in the back the moment they had a chance. As the car started towards the venue, Alice opened her trusted phone and started answering the emails that she had received. She liked everything about the business world but the need for socializing.

She had just finished reading the new proposal for acquiring the distribution rights of a certain organic brand when the car turned into the hotel. The annual new year ball was held in The Imperial Hotel every year and as she had the first glimpse of the hotel, she felt a proud smile stretch on her face. This was the first time the company had thrown a ball under her leadership and it was beautifully arranged, if she said so herself.

Her smile was short lived, however as she glimpsed the people she wanted to see the least, as she entered. Her father and Samuel Faye stood at the entrance greeting the guests as if they were the hosts. Her face turning stiff, she carefully stepped out and walked towards the entrance. But they really did not understand that they were being ignored and blocked her way. Well, if they needed to hear a few curt words from her they were welcome to. With a thin smile, she turned to them..

Inside the hotel:

K glanced around the beautifully decorated ballroom with extreme boredom as he stirred the glass of whiskey in his hands. Why? Just why did he tell his manager that he had no plans! While all his band mates were out doing their stuff, he was stuck here schmoozing the rich and mighty! At least the place was beautiful and the food good. He took a sip out of his glass as he admired the beautiful crystal and ice decorations. Though the weather outside was pleasant, the inside looked like a winter solstice as the crystals decorations gleamed and reflected the light. But what made him overlook the greedy gazes of the heiresses was the fact that the food was unbelievably good. He picked up a dainty looking appetizer from a passing waiter, he had no idea what it was called, and put it into his mouth, uncaring of his image, letting the thing melt in his mouth. Just as he was about to look for more of this stuff and head for the food table, he felt the party atmosphere suddenly freeze.

Looking around him , he realized that most of the people were looking in the direction of the entry. The first thing he noticed was the hour glass figure of the beauty that stood at the door. His breath whooshed out in a rush when he saw the beautiful face. The delicate jaw line and the glowing skin of the beauty made him think of angels coming down from heaven. He had seen many beautiful faces in his line of work but this was the first time he had seen one that made him so captivated. He had already taken two steps forward to introduce himself when their eyes met... A shocking realization went through him as he recognized the violet gaze... It seems fate had already answered his question. Instead of making him go to the Rocky Mountains, it had brought the mountains here...

Alice kept a blank expression as she entered the venue even though she was no longer in the mood to celebrate, while the old board of directors tried to flatter her and the other businessmen tried to woo her so that they could get their hands on her money. In the last six months, since she had taken the reins of the company in her hand, these people had started to look at her like she was a prized Charles Hollander Chess Set. She could already see the dollar signs in their eyes. However, just before she stepped inside, she felt a heated gaze pierce her. Her eyes scanned the ballroom and met with an electric grey gaze. The man seemed to be staring at her and she felt herself get arrested in his gaze. Her breath caught and she could feel his eyes searing her even from a distance. Beautiful was the first thought that came to her mind. She had never seen such a beautiful man. The second and even more silly thought that entered her head was that the man was like a pied piper. He would not even have to play the pipe and women would follow him everywhere. Even her own steps were about to turn his way, when his smile widened and he raised the hand in his glass as a toast. The sudden gesture snapped Alice back to reality and she turned her head and walked in. How dare he toast to her as if they were old acquaintances? The people who had frozen in place when she had entered now all swarmed towards her, ready to greet her and lavish her with praise as if she was a naive kid.

Every guest who had shown a bit of reservation when greeting Elder Faye and Samuel Faye now tried to get closer to the young girl making the two men who stood at the side seethe in anger. Elder Faye snorted as he saw everyone try to get in that ingrate's good books, not even feeling a little bit of pride over the fact that this girl was his daughter.. He turned to his son and snorted," Samuel? Is this why you wanted me to come here? So that I can be insulted by these people? Is it not enough to know that I have reared a snake in my own home all this time that you have to rub my nose in it? And do these people think that by fawning over Alice they will be able to make some gains? The girl is made of ice just like her mother and any one who gets too close to ice will only shrivel and freeze. I am going home!"

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