Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 56 - Don't Have Dinner

As Alice tried to concentrate on her work, her mind was on the picture that Adam had sent. He really was an incorrigible flirt and too confident in his looks. Of course he was, interrupted her mind's naughty voice.. "He had been awarded the 'most beautiful face' in numerous competitions for the last few years."

Alice rolled her eyes at the voice that had been quiet for a few years but was now speaking up more and more since meeting Adam and closed her eyes with a snap. Just then a knock sounded on the door and Uncle Han called out, "Miss Alice? The dinner is ready. And the guests are here."

Opening the door immediately and almost scaring Butler Han, Alice raised an eyebrow at him asking, "Guests?"

Butler Han nodded, expounding," Mister Samual and your father and his wife. Madam wanted her family to be here for her birthday."

"I see. I will be down in a few minutes, Uncle Han."

In the room downstairs, a maid poured drinks for the family of three who were sitting on the couch. James Faye swirled his glass of whiskey as he complained to his mother," I don't understand why you have to force this mother! She had left no stone unturned in humiliating me and making life difficult for me. Why should I have a meal with such an ingrate child? Do you see now, we are all already here and she is no where to be seen."

"I had no idea that my father was missing me so much." Alice strolled in with a smirk as she looked at James Faye in the eye before sitting opposite him. The 'father' was said in a snobbish way sounding more like a curse infuriating James Faye but before he was able to say something, Alice had already turned her attention to her grandmother, "Grandma Ye. If you wanted me to starve, you could have said so. I would have eaten something in the afternoon. At least then I would not have to worry about being poisoned or drugged."

This caused James Faye to stand up in anger as he burst out, "Alice! What do you mean by this? Are you trying to say that I would poison or drug my own daughter? "

Alice turned her violet eyes to her father staring at the man with a gaze that forced him to look away as she asked,"Am I? Am I really your daughter?"

Finally Lady Ye intervened,"James! Alice! I am aware that both of you do not like each other. But I hope you can be civil just for today. I am not asking you to behave like a loving family, but I am asking you to behave like cultured humans."

Alice nodded her head as she looked at her grandmother but her already cold eyes had turned wintry at this moment, letting the old lady know that this was the last time she would accept any invitation from the old woman.

Grandma Ye felt pained at this but continued to smile as she said,"Let's have dinner."

Grandma Ye led the people into the formal dining room and Alice could only watch as the others followed the old woman. she had enough belief in herself that she did not need to be blackmailed by the old woman and yet, she had chosen to stay, knowing that this would happen. It was only after the others had gone inside that Alice followed and then stopped once again as she watched the scene in front of her. Her grandma sat at the head of the table while James Faye sat on one side and Samual Faye on the other side. So her only choice was to either sit with her dear brother or her dear step mother.

Shaking her head, Alice chose to sit on the opposite end of the dining table as she waited for the dinner to be served. The dinner was a silent affair for Alice who refused to participate in any conversation started by the three people and only answered her Grandmother shortly when asked a direct question. But even so she paid keen attention to Samualneho murmured about being happy with his new girlfriend. This reminded her that she needed to warn the girl about this snake. Under the course of normal things, she would not have bothered who the unlucky girl was that had fallen for Samual but she knew that Adam would not like if a fan of his hurt so as a dutiful friend, she must inform the girl. 

Only after the dinner was finished did the old lady clink a glass and announce," It is my birthday and I am blessed that both my grandchildren remember me and brought me such thoughtful gifts. And every year I have received something from my for this day. Today, I would like to give something back to you. For James and his wife, this is my past gift to you. It is the resort home that you used to like as a youngster. I have been severely disappointed by you but since you are the only son I have, there is nothing more I can say other than blaming myself for bringing you up wrongly."

As James Faye tried to say something, Lady Ye turned her attention to Samuel and continued,"Samuel, you have had to bear the brunt of your parent's mistakes but even then you gave been admirable in your conduct and character. This is my gift to you."

The old lady then placed a red envelope in front of Samuel, waiting for the man to open it. Alice could see the anticipation in Samual's eyes and the greed that he tried to hide and looked down into her glass of water hiding her own thoughts.

Samual however immediately protested,"Grandmother the fact that you have already accepted me in to your family already makes me the happiest. The only thing I want now is to be able to show you my filial piety."

This caused Alice to snort as she muttered under her breath,"You should have gone into acting."

This earned Alice a stare from her grandmother and her dear step mother before she heard the older lady's voice,"Samuel, whether you accept it or not, I have already given them to you. What you do with them is up to you."

The acerbic words caused Alice's stomach to drop as she wondered if Samual had really received the shares. She watched as Samuel pretended to open the envelope reluctantly even as he threw a triumphant glance towards her. However, soon his expression changed as he read the papers in the envelope. Hushed, he asked," Grandmother? This money?"

"This is my life's savings, Samuel. I want you to have them. For this purpose, I have put the money into the trust and this money will be released to you, when you start a family."

Seeing the man's face, Alice could only mutter under her breath, "Oops. Acting backfired."

Just then, Butler Han placed a red envelope in front of her. "Alice. This is my gift to you. To you, I have many regrets, but with you I also have many memories that I can cherish in my old age. I have been lucky to have you as my granddaughter."

A lump the size of a dragon egg seemed to have lodged itself in her throat as she heard this. Looking at the envelope laid on the table, she gulped and stared at it with moist eyes. "Grandmother, I don't want this. Whatever it is. Please excuse me. I need to leave."

"Alice, I want you to take a look."

Grandma Ye gestured to Butler Han to open the envelope, knowing that her stubborn granddaughter would never do it herself."

Alice pushed back her chair when she was stopped," Alice! Before you go, listen to me. In the last five years, my biggest regret has been being unable to give you a home that solely belonged to you. I want you to know that I have transferred the ownership of this house in your name. From now on, you will always have a home to return to."

Hearing this, Alice was unable to control her anger anymore and burst out, "I already have a home grandmother!"

"No! What you have bought is a house with four walls. This is and will always be your home, Alice Faye! As long as I am alive, you will have me whenever you need me and when I am gone, you will have your childhood to accompany you! It is my dearest wish that the this house will be able to get to see your family expand too."

"Goodbye, grandmother."

Alice marched out of the house without looking back. Her hands clenched at her sides as tears streamed down her face. The fragrance of the plum blossoms that used to make her smile was now like a thorn in her heart. Her grandmother did not understand.. What she needed was not a home but a family who would solely belong to her.

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