Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 63 - First Concert Ever

As Adam popped an allergy medicine, he finally had calmed down a bit and thoughtfully typed out a simple "Thank You" message. But somehow, that felt incomplete to him and after thinking about it for a moment, he clicked the picture of the flowers and the note before captioning, "Thank You. I miss you too." and clicked on the sent icon, his previous grievances and resentment of her not checking or replying to his messages forgotten in a minute. Whistling, Adam brushed back his hair and booked a cab to take them to the final location for their rehearsal. They had a final rehearsal today for their last concert and then the final performance the next day. On one hand, Adam hated to finish off the tour as it would mean saying a goodbye to their fans for a while but he also looked forward to seeing Alice. Even more so now that she had taken such a huge step in his direction.

As the cab drove towards the venue, K looked out eagerly wondering if he should take a present for Alice as a memento. But what should one give a girl who has everything? He had no idea. But he vowed to look for something once the concert ended and before they went back home.

At the venue, K noticed Felix who was practicing his solo rap song on the stage and let the power of his words wash over him," You, can defeat me, You can't beat me. I'm the king.." Even though the song was supposed to be a dissing song for their opponents and people who looked down on them, Adam felt that it was perfect for his love also. Nothing could beat down or defeat his love for Alice. According to their set-list, after Felix, I.M would come for his solo performance and then him followed by their group performances. Thus after enjoying Felix's performance, he went to get prepared.

To most people a concert was just a few hours of fun, singing and dancing. But to those involved, it meant hundreds of hours of practice, of repeating the same movements again and again until perfect and working hours at an end to create the perfect harmonic world. Once Adam was on stage, this became worrisome as his usually baritone husky voice was hoarse as a result of sneezing too much. The other boys who stood backstage looked at each other as Adam drank warm water sip by sip to soothe his sore throat. He had been fine this morning. Then how did his voice become like that so suddenly? As Adam was reproached for not taking better care of his throat by the sound director, the others could not help but stare wide eyes as Adam grinned and agreed with every scolding that the man dished out. And he was not even worried about being able to sing tomorrow. They just could not get their heads around this new K.

By the end of their practice, Adam's voice quality had almost returned to the original making the people worry less about the concert next day. During a break as everyone lounged in the chair, Adam took out his phone checking to see if she had replied. But she had not even seen it yet. Sulking a bit, he wondered why he thought that a few simple flowers would change everything. Maybe she had not even known the meaning of the flowers and simply ordered randomly. This thought made K's good mood plummet a bit. To make things worse, another even more intrusive thought occurred to him. What if she had not even ordered these and asked an assistant to do the flowers? Placing his chin on his palm, Adam tried to talk himself out of the notion that she would not do something so tasteless but his usual unflagging confidence had taken a nosedive when it came to Alice Faye. 

A moment later, the back of his head was hit causing his face to fall off his palm and he turned to look at Apollo grinning down at him as he teased, " Are you too hormonal? One minute you are grinning like a fool and the next you are scowling so much. Why are you wasting your IQ on useless things? If you have too much energy to think, we could simply have another round of practices."

K grinned at this and teased back, "Uh huh! Let's do it. Let's do another round of practice."

This led to Apollo widening his eyes and grabbing K by the collar as he said, "Hey! You are too cruel! Just because you want to get out of treating us for your birthday, you are going to make us sweat more? You penny pinching, miser jerk! Fine, let's do some boxing! If I win then we will go for your birthday celebration and if you win, then we will practice some more!"

But Felix, who was passing through simply said," You will be the only one doing that. I am going to go and sleep. We will celebrate his birthday tomorrow."

And followed by Felix who was stooping as if he carried the burden of the world over his shoulders were I.M and Gyeom who resolutely wanted to rest! Disappointed, the few people went their nanny van and left, ready to rest.

The Next Day- Concert Day

As the time of the beginning of the concert neared and the people who were lined out were allowed to enter, the atmosphere seemed to have taken an electric charge that permeated every corner of the stadium. As Alice walked into the VIP seats, nervously dressed in a denim shorts and black top, she felt a unique binding spell around her. This was the first time she would be attending a concert and the chance to be able to see Adam performing on stage was one she could not even begin to describe. She wondered if he would be able to see her. She had actually wondered if she should be coming given the fact that they had drifted to their different paths. But she had been unable to stop herself from coming here and she found that she did not regret it. She knew that he must have received her flowers and probably messaged her to thank her for them but she dare not check them because being able to see him so closely, her control was already in tethers. To stop herself from being tempted, she had already booked a flight back to their country after the concert. Thus she had come here directly after a ten hour flight and would be going back from here directly. Anyway, she had to handle all the shareholders once she went back so this was the time she had dedicated to herself. 

As she took a seat, the lights around the stadium dropped and the screaming started making her feel as if she was in the middle of mayhem. Waves and waves of energy washed over her and made her blood pump in excitement and forget all the negative thoughts. 

And then, the spotlight on the stage focused on the five figures who glided down as if angels from the heavens. Their glittering white clothes reflected the light off making them shimmer like other worldly beings as they began to sing a slow melody...Slowly, the energy went higher and the band upped the energy as the songs got faster and more upbeat. The music seemed to swirl around her, mixing in with her heartbeat as her eyes followed only Adam who teased responses from the audiences while making them crave more. When he came towards their section and their eyes connected for a moment, Alice felt as if she had been electrified and hurriedly tried to hide, worried about.. she did not know what. It wasn't as if he could acknowledge her. And with the lights in his eyes, he had not even seen her...possibly!

And just like she had imagined, Adam went back to his partners as they went below the stage for the next performance. As they changed their clothes for their next dance, K almost ripped his clothes off, making Gyeom tease, "Hey! You want people out there to faint? Why are you in such a hurry suddenly? You want to go home too quickly?"

Since there was no time to reply, everyone rushed back onto the stage and Adam immediately covered the stage and walked towards where he believed that he had seen her. His piercing gaze scanned the crowd slowly, making the hearts of other girls almost slow down to a stop but he could not find her. Covering his disappointment, he turned back to the other end of the stage, ready to enchant their stars on the other side. 

Unknown to him, Alice slowly left the stadium with a heavy heart as the magical spell that had been weaved by Adam and the others was broken. She had received a call from Ximin asking her to come urgently and for the first time Alice realized how alive one felt at a concert and how empty her life had become in the past few years..."

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