Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 65 - A Support

Never had he believed that he would one day have to close himself off in a men's washroom. As Adam sat on the water closet, he threw his head down and clutched his head aching head as the tears he had held in for so long fell from his lashes. He knew that he needed to get a hold of himself but the fear of losing one or more of his brothers was scaring the hell out of him. Others might not know but he was on the verge of collapse and had no power to face anyone. Everyone claimed that he was lucky for having suffered the least damage. But to him, he was the unluckiest! For the last five years, they had suffered everything together and now suddenly he was all alone.

Unknown to him, his interaction with the people he had sort to assure had spurred many more topics among the netizens, where they prayed that Adam would have someone to support him through this trying time. Hashtags such as #PartnerforK and #Youarenotalone were now trending along with #prayforSKY and #WeloveSKY as their fans clamored for their idols. It was usually believed that when an idol was in a relationship, their fans would drop but in an about turn, for the first time in history, fans were desperately praying that their idol had a romantic partner.

After taking a while to compose himself, to fight the fate that waited his brothers, Adam slowly walked back to the waiting room. Lost in his own world, he failed to notice the presence of guards outside the room, simply assuming that they had been arranged by Phillippe for him. Opening the door, he was about to start questioning Phillippe about what he had been talking about when he spoke about replacing Apollo on the phone this morning, when he looked straight into the purple gaze.

Shocked, he stood there, one leg in and one leg out of the waiting room, wondering if his shock was causing him to hallucinate. He rubbed his eyes but the image did not disappear. In the next instance, he had stepped inside, closing the door behind him with a bang and his arms were wound tightly around the figure of the girl. Even as he closed his eyes and breathed in her scent, assuring himself that she was really here, his own body started to tremble.

Alice felt her own eyes tear up when she saw the haggard state of Adam. Ever since she had learned that their band had been involved in an accident, she had been trying to get to his side. But, convincing the airport officials that she genuinely had a reason for making a fuss and then using all her contacts to get here had kept her busy so that she had only now been able to reach the hospital, only to see him almost being trampled by the journalists. 

It was a good thing that she had mobilized her own guards. And the little shred of doubt she had held about Adam needing her had been dispelled when he had hugged her. She held him tightly, letting his absorb her support, something he needed the most. 

It was a long time later when Adam finally let go of Alice but simply collapsed onto the chair nearby even though his hand did not let go of her palm as if afraid that she would disappear in a moment. Alice let him hold her close and slowly caressed his head, the way her mother used to caress hers when she was upset. She wanted to ask him but had no idea where to start and how to console him. Finally, she slowly pried his hand off her wrist but he looked up at her in a panic. 

She cast him a reassuring glance before pointing to a small bag sitting on top of the table. " I got you some porridge and coffee."

He let her go but his eyes followed every moment as she took out a thermos and a lunch box, bringing it close to him. Opening the box, she placed it in front of him but he turned away his head and refused," I don't want to eat, Alice. I am not hungry."

Ignoring his words, Alice brought a spoonful of the fragrant porridge to his mouth. When he simply turned his head away and refused to eat, she brought a finger to his chin and turned his head towards her," Your family needs you. They are going to have a long fight ahead of them. And you have to support them every step of the way."

Looking into her calm eyes, he finally felt that maybe just maybe they will be able to weather this storm as well. He opened his mouth slowly and let her feed him spoonful by spoonful. It was only some time later that his brain started to function and the haze that covered it, eased a bit. And it was at this moment that he asked her a question," What are you doing here?" 

He wondered if she had come here for him. That would mean that she had been keeping tabs on him and was worried about him. A kernel of hope sprouted in his heart but is was dashed when she said," I was already here when I heard the news of your accident."

She naturally did not tell him that she had actually come here for his concert but let him believe that she had been here for work. Overcoming his disappointment, however, K closed his eyes and leaned his head against her shoulders, letting himself go for a few moments.

Previous Night:

Alice sat at the airport waiting for her flight to take off which had been delayed due to the rainy weather. She glared at her phone, pouting. If she had known she would have to wait at the airport, in spite of changing her flight timing to an earlier time, then she would have rather attended the concert. She had felt so...alive! 

She wondered how her grandmother was doing now and if there had been any news. Alice had long ago given up on her grandmother but tonight when she heard the news that the old woman had been hospitalized, she had felt her heart ache and a fear that she had known when she heard her mother was sick seemed to assault her again.

This was three hours ago and she could not help but still shiver at the thought of loosing her when she was not around. A dull pain seemed to echo in her head when she tried to think if her reaction at the time of learning her mother's illness had been the same. But she did not remember. Because she herself had fainted with shock when she heard this and then woken up in a hospital trying hard to believe that it was all a nightmare which unfortunately it was not. 

Just as she was wondering if she should call Ximin for an update, her phone started to ring. Answering the call, she crossed her fingers on the other hand, and asked," How is she?"

"She is doing well. It was a false alarm! It most certainly was not a heart attack but the old woman had eaten too many sweets and hidden the fact from Butler Han. It is why he panicked when she complained of pain in the chest and was very sure that she was dying. Her reports are clear. Her heart healthy and she is at present sleeping. She will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning."

For a moment, Alice did not know whether to laugh or cry. So she had missed out on the most stimulating time of her life because her grandmother had suffered indigestion. The fates had played her beautifully! She had worked all day yesterday, taken a red eye flight to this country, hardly rested before reaching the stadium for the concert that she had been unable to watch and was now ready to go back! All for nothing! But on the other hand, the fact that her grandmother was not going to die made her feel week in the knees. She let Ximin prattle how Samual and his parents had been making a fuss outside and were finally chased away by Butler Han. 

As the announcement for her flight was finally made, Alice disconnected the call and walked towards the doors. Since, her grandmother was doing fine and would be discharged by the time she went back to the country, Alice already started to plan her day for tomorrow. She would go meet the old woman in the morning and then the meetings that she had asked Ximin to hold off could be conducted. Soon, she was able to board the flight and as she leaned back in the luxurious chair, she closed her eyes peacefully, hoping to catch some sleep on the way back.. On the brink of sleep, a name fell in Alice's ears, that made her jerk wide awake and as she heard the news, she could not help but check her phone and when she read the horror, she grabbed her purse and walked straight to the cabin crew with a determined expression on her face.

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