Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 86 - Shocked

Through out the breakfast, K felt as if he was on his and needles while Alice was also distracted with her own thoughts. Once again, she had an inkling that she was missing out on something but was at a loss about what it could be.

Finally deciding to keep this thought for later, Alice turned to K who was eating the fried doughstick quietly.

He was the biggest reason she has come here this time. She looked at his graceful moments and felt herself get mesmerized. How could someone look so beautiful when they were simply doing a chore?

His hand had grown a bit longer from last time and the way a flick fell over his forehead made him look more and more boyish and cute. She was tempted to just ruffle them and make them a bit more messy and just look at him smile.

Just then, K looked up suddenly and met her eyes. Immediately a smile came upon his face and he raised his brow at her in question.

Impulsively, Alice leaned forward, gesturing him closer as if wanting to let him in on a secret. Curious, K leaned forward only to be kissed lightly on the lips and before he could even feel the warmth of them, she had already receded. His eyes turning as big and round as saucers, he licked the slightly sugary taste before carefully pinching his wrist.

Alice noticed this stunned look and could not help but giggle. In a confused voice, K asked," Am I not dreaming?"

She shook her head with a big smile.

"An I hallucinating?"

Another shake of her head.

"Then did you really kiss me?"

A shy nod this time.


"Because I wanted to taste the dough stick."

Looking down at the lone dough stick, he raised it up as if a flag and brought it to her mouth to let her taste.

This time, Alice could not suppress her giggle and catching his wrist, she took a bite of the dough stick.

Seeing her chew on the soft bread, K finally came back to his senses. He had been kissed. By Alice. Of her own accord. Grinning like a fool, he put the rest of the stick into his mouth and was even more rejoiced at getting this indirect kiss and found that this bread was sweeter than the others.

Once again, her tinkling laughter reached his ears and he looked up to see her leaning back in the bed, her eyes almost disappearing into crescent moons at his reaction.

Placing his chin on his palm, he stared at her with a smile. This made Alice feel conscious and she looked away a bit before asking,"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

Stuttering, Alice felt her face burn with shyness and muttered," you want to kiss me again..." This time it was K who roared with laughter and then said, "You are absolutely right. And since you stole a kiss and are not even telling me why, I am going to have to do the same.."

In the next moment, K had leaned forward and captured the soft lips, ready to taste them fully. While Alice was stunned, K used this opportunity to taste her lips fully. As his tongue touched hers, Alice's mouth opened in a gasp and K took this opportunity to explore some more. 

The tentative touch of her tongue as she hesitantly kissed him back, made the latent fire inside him ignite as he slowly stretched even more while Alice laid back on the hospital bed. Her arms wound around his shoulders and pulled him closer. This move almost caused K to lose his balance and he would have fallen on top of her but he stopped himself just in time, instead, sitting sideways and deepening the kiss. 

Soon, even that bit of awareness was gone and Alice and K were immersed in their passionate kiss. K laid next to Alice while the two people kept trying to get closer and closer. K's hand slipped around her back ,loosening the tie at the back of the hospital gown so that his slightly rough hands traced her smooth back. Alice's hands clenched, her nails digging into his shoulders and she arched herself into his hands wanting more. Needing him to touch her more.

As their legs tangled, Alice felt his hardness settle firmly against her and she felt a warm gush of awareness there. She could feel the warmth and eagerness even through their many layers of clothing. Slowly, K broke the kiss but instead of moving back, his mouth trailed slowly over her face to her ears and then lower, raining small kisses all over while his hand pulled down the now loose gown, until he had bared the twin treasures there. Slowly his mouth reached her neck and he bit there slightly before moving away. Finally, he moved away and looked into her eyes. The burning lust in there reciprocated his making him go even more crazy with desire.

Continuing to look into his eyes, wanting her to whole heartedly agree with what they were doing, he slowly brought his hand to her brea** and slightly pinched the stiff peak before rolling it between his fingers. His own hands trembled and her response as she tried to arch closer to him made him feel as if he had suddenly died and gone to heaven. Her eyes were closed while little mewls of need rose from her. Not breaking the eye contact, he slowly bent his head and placed a light kiss there. Before giving a similar treatment to the other side.

This time, Alice was unable to stop herself and pulled him closer to her and soon they were immersed in an even more passionate kiss. Finally, Alice was able to gather her courage to explore and her hands roved over him slowly exploring the firm muscles under her palms. 

But before their passion could rise even more to a point of no return, the voices of a few people walking in the corridor invaded their sense. Breaking the kiss hurriedly, K stood up hurriedly and clasped her face in his hands, before saying, "Baby! Lock the door behind me. I will stop anyone from coming in until then." And then he covered her with a blanket hurriedly

With that, Adam walked towards the door and just when there was a knock and the other person was about to enter, Adam pushed the door a bit and walked out.

I.M and Felix who were about to enter were shocked when the door suddenly opened and Adam came out. But instead of letting them in, he stood like a sentry guarding the door. I.M was confused and said, "Hey! We want to go and meet Alice why are you blocking our way? Move aside, K."

But K refused to budge and instead said in an angry tone," No. She wanted to change her clothes. You guys can come back later."

Just then the snick sound of the door being locked could be heard and this time K relaxed his stance a bit and said, "There? You heard that? Go back and come later?"

But I.M being the innocent chap he was, simply frowned and asked, "Well, since the door is locked, why are you still standing the door and blocking it. And why are you sweating so much? Are you not well."

This time Felix who had very keen eyes laughed and grabbed IM by the shoulders before he leaned in and whispered in the man's ear, "Stupid. He is not blocking anything. Rather we blocked something. And knowing K, he is not going to let this go."

Just as IM was about to  ask loudly what the man was talkin about, Felix looked pointedly at a certain someone's jeans and poor IM felt himself turn red and he escaped with a hurried, "Excuse me." On the way, he bumped into a few things, overturning a vase and causing a huge crash to echo in the corridor. In a voice that was still hoarse and painful when talking, Felix gave a meaningful glance at the door and said loudly," We are going. We'll come back in a while when CEO Faye is better."

K waited for Felix to go away before he threw a glance back at the closed door and breathed a sigh of relief. If they had been caught like that, he knew for sure that Alice would have kept a few meters distance from him in the future. Even now he was pretty sure that when the door opened again, her walls would be higher than the Walls of Troy! Sigh!

He went to sit on the small bench placed on the opposite side and licked his lips, still tasting her sweet taste there. The events of today had suddenly taken an unexpected turn...And even though he was pleased as punch, he also felt a little lost... He had carefully planned his way of getting to her heart but now, Alice had suddenly changed the game...

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