Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 92 - I Missed You

Two days after Alice had come back, SKY returned to the country amid much aplomb.From fans holding celebratory welcome back parties to clammering to meet them at the airport, it was estimated that SKY was now even more popular that the time they had gone for the tour. People rushed to click and share their pictures at the airport and shouted their well wishes to them.

Even as K was surrounded by guards and screaming fans, he unfailingly helped the other members get into the vans before he got into one himself. He had known that Alice would not be able to come to pick them up but was still disappointed when he did not spot her.

With a last wave to the fans, he closed the door and looked out of the tinted windows before turning back. As they reached the hotel where they would be holding the fan meeting before separating for a while, K received a message that made him a but happy,"Come to this address when you have rested. My grandmother has just returned home an would love to meet you in the evening.. Happy at the thought that Alice was still talking to him and not ignoring him like the had expected. Settling into the room at the fastest speed, K changed into fresh clothes and raced out of the hotel as if on wheels.

Soon, he found himself at the entrance of Faye Group. Even though, Alice had invited him to her grandmother's home in the evening, he wanted to see her and not wait anymore. Since it was still the afternoon, he assumed her to be in the office and simply crossed his fingers that she would not be out. But just as had parked the rented car, he watched a man walk out of the Faye Group and get into their car. That person made him pause outside the door and shook him. Was he an acquaintance of Alice or someone who she was involved in business with..

This thought kept him stuck at the entrance. Even though he was wearing a bucket hat and face mask, he was easily recognized by the passers by. Not wanting to attract more attention and cause a big media circus, he placed his thoughts about the man aside and walked in. The receptionist looked up and meeting his piercing gaze blinked a bit. Glancing at the lean figure and casual clothes, she tried to guess the identity of the person and could barely control her excitement when K asked," Would it be possible to see CEO Faye at the moment?"

By now the news of his arrival was already spreading through the offices and many mean people tittered behind their hands," Doesn't it look like a slave has come to greet the queen? He has just returned to the country an hour ago and already come to pay his respects to the queen. How cheap."

"CEO is such an over achiever, why would she fall for someone in the show biz? I mean these people are like those dumb football players aren't they? Those jocks only know how to run after a ball while these pop bands only know how to dance and sing. He is simply using his looks to get himself a sugar mama."

This caused the few STARS in the company to be downright angry as they argued," K is one of the more intelligent men out there! His IQ is far more than those like you who could be said to have the room temperature for IQ!"

But K, who was waiting patiently for the receptionist to make the call remained unbothered by the stares and whispers. However when the receptionist placed down the phone with an apologetic look, everyone looked forward to the pop star facing humiliation. CEO Faye was notorious for refusing to meet anyone without appointment. The receptionists next words proved them right as the woman said, "Sir, Ma'm would like you to wait downstairs." Once again the STARS in the company were angry as K simply shrugged and walked to the couch on the side to wait. But they felt humiliated on his behalf. Everyone knew that even if the CEO's guests had to wait, there was a special lounge for them on the higher floor. To make K wait here was showing him how unimportant he was...This was the place where they made normal people wait... the kind who were not allowed into the company. Just as the others were about to gloat, however the private elevators opened and Alice Faye walked out of them. 

Until now, K had been unaffected by all this but just as he was about to sit, he noticed Alice walking towards him hurriedly. He stood up again and was about to walk to her when she suddenly speeded up and the next second her arms were around his neck as she leaned up to place a small peck above his mask and whispered, "K! I missed you!" Hugging her back, a beautiful smile surfaced on his face and before he could return to his senses, he was being pulled towards the elevator. 

The scene caused everyone to feel shocked! The STARS who were indignant were now on floating in happiness and could hardly wait to share the story or the re union of the lovers while the people who had just been gloating and muttering about K were silenced. The CEO had come down herself to receive the man, showing everyone the man's importance. This man could be their future boss! They would have to be careful from now on!

K smiled and lowered his mask once they were in the elevator and bent down to place a proper kiss on her lips," I missed you too! Though I was not expecting such a warm welcome! Alice Faye, you have thoroughly surprised me!"

In his happiness, K failed to notice the sad look that passed through Alice's eyes1 yes she had missed him terribly but the reason she had come down was something else. When she had received the unexpected call from the reception about K's arrival, Mr. Adken had just left and all the papers of their discussion had been spread out on her table. In the time it would have taken for K to arrive, the papers would not have gathered. That is why she had ordered Ximin to handle the papers while she went down to receive K and give Ximin a few moments to gather them. But even as she did this, she felt gloomy inside for her deception. Hugging him hard, she lay her head against his chest and let his steady heartbeat calm herself.

Now that she had a little more time to hold him, she needed to use this moment as much as she could. At this moment, a niggling sensation seemed to be disturbing K and he thought about the man he had seen down. He wanted to ask Alice but with her snuggling into him, he could only let the topic be. But as he hugged her back, he decided that he would have to warn her against the man. Mr. Adken was worse than a blood sucking leech and it would be best that Alice stayed as far from him as possible.

Ximin stood guard outside Alice's office with a smile on her face. She was eager to see the man that Alice had in her heart. She had doubted Alice's feelings in the past and thought that the girl was attaching herself to a pop star just because she felt lonely. But seeing her defend K in the meeting today and fight for him, Ximin knew that Alice deeply cared. And this made Ximin very happy! 

Alice did not know Ximin's history with her mother just that the woman had trusted Ximin unconditionally and that is why handed her the letter that she wanted to give Alice. But what she did not know was that Ximin actually considered her mother as her own as well. The older woman had treated her as a daughter and that was why after she was gone, Ximin had tried her best to never let Alice feel alone. And now she looked forward to meeting the man that Alice had chosen. 

They come out of the elevator with their fingers entwined. Seeing Ximin standing guard at the door, Alice felt her heart thud. Had Ximin failed to gather the papers and that was why she was guarding the door? her steps slowed down and jut as she was considering to take K into the conference room, Ximin extended her hand to K and said, "I am Ximin. It is an honor to finally meet you, K."

K also politely accepted the hand and said," It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Ximin! I have heard a lot about you.." 

After the two people finished introducing themselves, Ximin turned to Alice and nodded subtly.. Sighing in relief, Alice dragged K into the room and with a curt order to not let anyone disturb them, closed the door with a bang.

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