Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 97 - Paparazzi

The press was in a flurry as a few reporters gathered outside the hotel. SKY had just finished their fan sign meeting yesterday and were now planning to go to their families for a final recovery before their comeback. But they had received an anonymous tip that one of the members was going to have a secret rendezvous with their lover. And they could hardly wait to find out who it was! The paparazzi were even now hiding in various parts of the hotel making wild guesses. They wondered if it was K and CEO Alice Faye? But they were already a supported couple ship so they did not need to keep it a secret. SO it was either that K had another girlfriend or about some of the other members.

Soon, they received a message of the room number and like a pack of vultures having spotted the dead, they moved to the room silently gathering in the corridor. Because exposing a news was nothing if there was no crowd to support it! It was better to go in packs! A waiter wearing a mask and the hotel's uniform walked by while dropping a key card in front of the crowd.

A woman picked up the card eagerly and nodded to the others to follow her. She checked her camera and nodded to her partner who held the video camera to be on ready. Just before they would have reached the door, a man stopped them and asked," Should we wait to hear some noises before we barge inside?" The others paused to consider this. Yes, the more flagrant position a couple was caught in, the better sales their own trashy magazines and blogs would get!

But then another man pointed out, "But what if they are done by the time we go in? It is better to catch them in the beginning of the act. And this is a big hotel, do you think they won't be having good sound proofing."

Soon the ten people gathered outside were about to get into a tiff in order to push away each other to get a better shot. Soon, they succeeded in getting the door opened without a sound but what was even more perplexing was that there was no sound from inside. Slowly, they pushed open the entire door, making a loud noise and startling the occupants they had now spotted in the room but the paparazzi themselves were shocked... They really had caught Alice Faye! But the man who stood there shirtless and had suddenly turned his back was not K! It was Felix. 

immediately they could hardly think straight as they focused on the angle and jumped to surround Alice," CEO Alice? Everyone believes that you and K are a couple even though you have mentioned that you are good friends! Are you going to claim the same for Felix? Are you cheating on K with his own friend? Are you trying to break the band? Or are you and Felix really a couple and K is just a cover? How does K feel about your relationship? Or is he going to be shattered by the betrayal of a woman he loves? CEO Faye? How could you play with the hearts of two men who are as close as brothers? Are you having an affair with any other members of SKY also? Are you sleeping with all of them?"

Alice glared down at the paparazzi and their lewd questions when a loud punch landed on the one who had asked the last question. It was Gyeom who had walked in and punched the reporter but instead of backing off the reporters then surrounded the youngest member and questioned him, "Are you also CEO Faye's alleged lover? Do you think that by hitting one of us, you can suppress the truth? Tell us Yu Gyeom? Are you also one of CEO Faye's lovers? This time we have enough proof and we will be doing a live broadcast so that your fans can see your truth!"

But Gyeom who was being questioned was also in shock when he finally saw the scene. He had entered the room after sensing a commotion and heard the reported questioning his sister in law lewdly so he had simply charged in to protect her. But now seeing her jacket discarded over a couch and seeing a shirtless Felix, with his shirt lying near his feet, and who had yet to turn to face them, made him a little dazed. Just then, Felix voice sounded, "Gyeom! Bring me a bath robe! And the medicine kit!"

Hurriedly, Gyeom went to the bathroom to gather both and only when he had draped it over his bare shoulders, did Felix turn to to the cameras. And there on his chest, was blood oozing out slowly. Gyeom widened his eyes and immediately opened the medication kit to help Felix bandage it. As this was captured by the cameras, everyone gained a new understanding of the situation and at this time, Felix finally spoke," I don't know what filth you guys have in your mind but the only sensational situation is that I was hurt and Miss Faye was worried about me. I had just removed my shirt and Miss Faye was about to go get the medicine kit when all of you barged in with your ill spoken words. Now, I suggest, of you have received your answers, het out of the room before I call the police and report you guys for trespassing and forcefully entering my room!"

The worried paparazzi were about to escape from the room but before that they were caught by a few bodyguards who made them surrender the memory cards as well as delete the videos.

As Samual Faye waited eagerly in front of the news channels, for the scandal to break out, Gyeom looked at Felix and then Alice in confusion. Something was not right! If Felix had taken off his shirt just so that he could be bandaged, why had Alice taken off her coat? And what was even Alice Faye doing here in Felix's room? Wasn't she supposed to have gone to K's room. Suspiciously, Gyeom stared at Felix. But before he could ask anything, K entered the room followed by a serious looking Apollo. Seeing the expression on his face, Gyeom was so scared that his legs started to shake! K was really angry! Did he have the same suspicions as him? And was wondering if Alice cheated with Felix? Gyeom remembered feeling amused when Felix and Alice had tended to end up together when they were all recuperating and Gyeom's mind provided a vivid imagination for Alice and Felix. If it was true, then Felix was probably going to be beaten to a pulp!

Gyeom wondered if he should risk his neck to protect Felix. It did not like Alice and Felix had gotten much ahead, if they were going to cheat for a first time... But before he could say anything, the bathroom door opened and I.M came rushing out, almost scaring Gyeom as he stood between the charging K and the frozen Felix and screamed, "It's my fault, K! I am sorry!"

This gave Gyeom an even more shocking news as he scratched his head! Did that mean that I.M was the one who seduced Alice? Unthinkingly, he blurted out the question in his head and this received him a glare from all of them in the room until Apollo smiled and placed an arm around his shoulder and explained, "My Innocent little lamb. We have protected you too well! I M did not seduce Alice! He seduced Felix! Or rather he was seduced by Felix! Finally!"

Gyeom felt his mouth fall open at this revelation. With his mouth still wide open for all the bees to enter, he pointed a finger first at Felix and then at I.M. There was no judgement in his eyes, simply shock as he looked at the two people in shock. At this point, he also noticed that he was the only one in the room who was not surprised. Scowling, he placed his hands on his hips and asked, "Will someone please explain what is going on here? And why do I feel the only one who is clueless."

The glaring match between the three people continued as Felix placed a hand on I.M's shoulder and said firmly, "It is my fault K! And I am sorry for being so careless! But this was a bit urgent!"    

Gyeom was about to burst with questions when Apollo finally said," You are the only one who is clueless because you are lost in your own world. Felix has been loving I.M for years now but our poor I.M was as clueless as you and did not want to accept that he was not interested in girls.. Until he finally saw Felix being interested in someone else and his jealousy got the better of him and he decided to accept that he was in love with Felix. These two have been since then, more than brothers!

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