See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 184: The Perseverance of the Weak

Looking at Sueyoshi Kinda, who fell to the ground with his belly, Gao Lang praised it in a rare way: "You played pretty well just now. Unlike most of the vain guys I have met before, you didn't flinch from me. On the contrary, you fought me upright. Your courage is undoubtedly commendable."

After speaking, Jiaolang turned around and walked towards his runner channel.

But what he didn't expect was that when he turned around, Suekichi Kinda suddenly stopped him.

"Don't be kidding me, you bastard! What a unified king, is this your attitude towards combat! Why didn't you just chase after, why didn't you hit me until I was unconscious? As long as I punch me, I will definitely lose. Aware. Are you being merciful? Just because I am weak?"

While talking, Sueyoshi Kinda stood up tremblingly, and continued: "I am your diehard fan. When I was young, I kept watching your game videos. Now I don’t have gloves. There are no rules, it can be said that you are in a state of heyday. You don't have to do so twice, right?"

Gao Lang sighed: "Oh~Sueyoshi Kinda, what a great perseverance, I admit that you are a good fighter, but I think the result of the game is already obvious. There is an insurmountable relationship between you and me. This is just a game, I don’t want to kill you..."

Before he finished speaking, Suekichi Kinda shouted at him: "I have said it, this TM is insulting me! I am weak since I was a child, and my strength is really poor, and I don’t have any martial arts talents. It's clear, but you and that will label me as losers wantonly, even if you lose your lives, it doesn't matter that [the weak] gamble their lives towards [the strong], what's wrong!!!"

Hearing Sueyoshi Kinda’s roar, Kaorang instantly understood what was going on. The man in front of him was the only one who challenged him as a weak in this knockout round, in order to get rid of his weak label. .

Thinking of this, Jiaolang's momentum suddenly changed, and he assumed his posture again.

"I'm really sorry, I don't want you to die here, so I didn't use my best effort just now, but no matter what I said, my sympathy for you just now is equivalent to an insult on the battlefield. This is my fault. Fighting with all my strength is my fault. The correct etiquette, it seems that I am dominated by my own arrogance, but now I am sober, in order to show respect to you, I will use my strength to defeat you."

Seeing Kaoran's momentum changed from a boxer to a fighter, Suekichi Kanada cried bitterly with emotion.

"Thank you, Mr. Gaolang, what I have been studying has always been you fighting with all your strength without releasing the water, so that I can use my [prediction]."

Thinking of this, Suekichi Kinda wiped away the tears and blood, and saw his left elbow raised above his head, and his right hand clenched his fist to his abdomen, posing [Red Flow·Yin-Yang Interlaced Frame].

Suekyoshi Kinda’s [Red Man Ryu] is an ancient martial art created on the premise that the opponent is holding a weapon and wearing armor on the battlefield. Because the setting is to throw the opponent down and give the final blow, so this genre is full of Throwing skills and twisting skills, almost no attacking moves exist.

This is very unfavorable for his match this time, because his opponent uses [boxing], which is the most powerful boxing method recognized in the world. The earliest recorded boxing began in ancient Egypt in 4000 BC, using only The hands are weapons and are the master of beating techniques.

Moreover, both the physical fitness and the proficiency of the moves between the two are worlds apart, so Gaolang's victory is already obvious.

But it does not mean that Suekichi Kinda has no chance of winning at all, because Suekichi Kinda also has the [prediction] trick. Just like a first-class chess player can predict the game situation after a few steps or even dozens of moves, Suekichi Kinda can pass the opponent The analysis of the data predicts the opponent's next move and completes his offense and defense before him.

After staring at each other for a while, the two rushed to each other at the same time. When they got closer, Suekichi Kinda took the initiative, and his elbow dropped suddenly, hitting Gaolang's face door, and after Gaolang dodged, he fisted back. In an instant, Suekichi Kanada tilted his head slightly forward, easily dodged Gaolang's fist, then stretched out a thumb and stabbed Gaolang into the eye.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiaolang immediately backed away and evaded. Just as he was about to distance himself from Suekichi Kinda, he was surprised to find that Sueyoshi Kinda had stepped on one of his feet for some time, so Gao Lang suddenly Lost the balance.

Sueyoshi Kinda took the opportunity to stretch out his fingers and inserted his fingers into Kaoran's eyes again. Helplessly, Kaorang leaned back and barely escaped Sueyoshi Kinda's attack. Although he quickly fisted back, he was different from before. Knowing the trajectory of his punches, his fists were evaded by Suekichi Kinda one after another.

After a few punches, Sueyoshi Kinda suddenly became short and kicked at Gao Lang from the bottom up, but in the end, Sueyoshi Kinda still underestimated the speed of Gao Lang. He did his best to kick and strike. He didn't bump into Jiaoran as he thought, but saw Jiaoran turned slightly to the side and avoided the kick. At the same time, he leaned forward and slammed Suekichi's head into the floor with a punch.

The referee hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation. After confirmation, the referee announced Gaolang's victory.

Looking at Sueyoshi Kinda on the ground, Gao Lang said: "Sueyoshi Kinda, my promise to you has been fulfilled."

Sueyoshi Kinda smiled intermittently: "Heh...hehe...he, did you get by the general in just ten steps? I thought I could hold it a little longer."

Jiaoran nodded: "Yes, I won an overwhelming victory. This is an indisputable fact, but when the strength, speed, and technology are not as good as mine, you can actually connect my ten tricks in full power. , This is something that many world-class players cannot do. You are undoubtedly a strong player now, so let’s get a good night’s sleep."

As Gao Lang's voice fell, Sueyoshi Kinda smiled contentedly and lost consciousness.

After the game, Yamashita who came out of the bathroom met at the door of a smoking room and met the president of Yii Kuniya Bookstore who had just come out of it: Ken Oya.

Recalling the scene where Oya Ken and Hayami Katsumasa were standing side by side before the start of the knockout round, Yamashita greeted with a sad look: "Yeah, Ken, smoking. It's really a shame about Jintian, although we may be enemies now. But no matter who loses and who wins in the end, let's have a drink together after the competition."

After speaking, Yamashita turned around and was about to leave, but Oya Ken stopped him on the spot: "Yi, you can wait for me!"

Yamakazu looked back and saw Ken Oya lifted his suit, and there were two bottles of red wine in the pocket inside the suit.

At this time, Oujian's face suddenly blushed, without the slightest sense of loss of losing the game: "Ayi, what are you saying, what are you saying, if you want to drink, drink now."

With that, he threw one of the bottles to Yamashita.

Yamashita took the red wine and immediately smiled: "Haha, Jian, you haven't changed. When I saw you and President Hayami standing together, I thought..."

Oya Ken suddenly realized: "So you were worried about this. At that time, the Hayami guy did ask me to help him, but what kind of request he was, it was a threat at all, but I have never liked to succumb to others, and now He has already lost himself, and he can't do anything to me. After all, don't look at me like this, the power in my hand is not small."

"Hahaha, there really is Ah Jian's style, but you have already lost this game, is it okay for your company?"

Ou Jian chuckled: "My husband, there is no other way. Jintian can play like this with Gaolang. It's good enough. But as long as he can stand on that stage, his behavior itself is a demonstration of the company's strength. Trust Jintian. Fortunately, several businesses came to the door right after the competition, and the 5 billion that I participated in has already been earned. Not to mention, I also made a small profit."

Yamashita was surprised when he heard this: "Nani, is that so? No wonder you told me that you can get money even if you can't win."

"Yeah, that's it, but I still admire them as fighters. Unlike our businessmen who always make small calculations, most of them are purely pursuing strength. How should I say, Jintian is still young. , You can challenge it several times in the future."

As he spoke, Oujian's figure seemed a little decayed, and Yamashita patted his shoulder to comfort him: "Ajian, don't say anything, we are not as old as you said, and we still have a long way to go."

"Haha, that's what I said. Let's go, the final match is about to begin, we can't miss it."

As they said, the two people leaned back and poured red wine into their mouths while walking towards the auditorium.

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