In the field, after Aguya Kiyaki’s fierce blow, Imai Little Universe softened his feet, lowered his figure, and fell forward involuntarily. Hiyama Shunka would naturally not give up such an opportunity, so he commanded: "It’s now. Agu Gu, solve him!"

Under the instructions of Shunka Hiyama, Kiyaki Aguya waved his fist to the head of Imai Small Universe with the greatest strength.

However, at the moment Aguya Qingqiu's fist struck, Imai Xiaoyu suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and then immediately stabilized his figure, raised his head and looked at Aguya Qingqiu with a grin.

"Finally let me wait. Your full fatal blow is the chance I have been waiting for!"

It turns out that whether Imai Cosmos starts the game with percussive skills, reduces clothing on his body, or responds negatively, all of this is to lure Aguya Kiyaki under the guise of making him abandon all defenses and attack with all his strength. Of this moment.

When Agugu Qingqiu realized this, it was too late.

"ZONE, start!!!"

At the same time that the voice of the small universe of Imai entered Qingqiu's ears, the figure of the small universe of Imai disappeared from the vision of Qingqiu.

At the next moment, Imai Xiao Cosmos had grabbed the fist that Aguya Kiyaki had hit, and immediately after, Imai Xiao Cosmos’ feet quickly circled behind his head, suddenly tightened his feet and locked his head and neck. It was the feet that came to the back of his head, crossed and tightened his feet, and at the same time put his left ankle to the right ankle, locking his head and neck position. This is the "triangular strangulation" that Imai Kouni is best at.

Aguya Qingqiu was caught off guard by Imai Small Universe. This sudden twisting technique successfully fixed him in place. Suddenly, Aguya Qingqiu fell into a state of motionlessness.

However, Akogiya Kiyaki is not completely capable of not responding. At the moment Imai Universe tightens his thighs, Aguya Kiyaki uses his superhuman reflexes to get his unfettered hand into Imai Universe. Between his legs, he protected his neck at a critical moment, so that he avoided the danger of coma due to lack of oxygen.

Seeing this scene, Imai Xiao universe's eyes widened in surprise.

"My ZONE is aimed at the opponent's blind spot of consciousness that doesn't even reach 0.1 second. How could anyone have time to react? How terrifying is this uncle's reflex nerves!"

Just when Imai Universe was surprised, Aguya Kiyaki also encountered an unexpected situation. After watching the first round of the game, Hinoyama Shunhua had already formulated a countermeasure against [ZONE] for Aguya Kiyaki. At the moment Aguya Kiyaki attacked, as long as Imai Universe showed signs of using ZONE, Hiyama Shunka would issue instructions to remind him to immediately adjust his conscious thinking.

But now Agugu Qingqiu has been recruited, but there is still no instruction from Hiyama Shunhua in the headset. Just when he wanted to call Hiyama Shunhua, a strange man's voice came from the headset.

"[Why is this man here?] You must think so now, President Hiyama."

In the auditorium at this time, Hiyama Shunhua was looking at Xipin Zhiming who suddenly appeared next to him with a look of horror. Xipin Zhiming pulled over the communication equipment in Hi Shan Shunhua's hand, and said with a smile: "Mingming is to prevent being The sneak attack has hired a lot of top-notch bodyguards, but I was approached silently. You must be surprised now, President Hiyama."

While talking, Xipin Zhiming pointed his finger behind Hiyama Shunhua: "Although your bodyguards are good, I also have reliable friends here to help. It's not like your bodyguards can escape his sneak attack."

Shunka Hiyama looked in the direction of Nishinjiaki’s fingers, and saw Guada Suzukizo was standing behind her with Inaba Ryo, and the bodyguards she hired were all tied up by Ryo Inaba’s hair. On the ground.

Hiyama Shunhua asked in a daze, " did you discover our plan?"

Xipin Zhiming didn’t speak. Gu Tian Shujizao behind her pushed her glasses and explained: “It’s very simple. Your calls are not encrypted, so I heard them all. To me, it’s just like eating and drinking. It’s just as simple."

With that, Guada Suzuki took out an intercom-like instrument from his pocket and shook it in front of Hiyama Shunhua.

"When did you notice?"

Hiyama Shunhua gritted her teeth unwillingly and looked at Xipin Zhiming.

"In the beginning, when I saw Aguya Qingqiu’s fighting style which looked like [pre-reading] but was quite different, I felt a sense of disobedience. Then I launched an investigation on you, and I found out that President Hiyama You have a very rare ability, [Extremely accurate biological clock]. This is the secret of your ability. Your biological clock can be accurate to the millisecond. Looking at billions of people around the world, there is no more than one hand. The number."

As he spoke, Xipin Zhiming smiled triumphantly: "[The reflex nerve that is second to none in humans] + [The biological clock that can never be calculated wrong], plus the previous sense of violation, link these three points in At the same time, the answer is obvious. But although we heard your conversation, there is no recording, so you can't use it as evidence to abolish your membership of the Boxing Club, but if this matter is announced, I think your company Your credibility will definitely plummet, especially your company is an insurance company, and credibility is the lifeblood. Therefore, President Hiyama, let Kiyaki Aguya abstain, or I will report you to President Katahara."

Guada Shujizao on the side clapped his hands: "It's really Mingjun, so you can win this round, but it seems to be unnecessary. The situation in the scene, the small universe is already in sight."

While talking, even though Akiya Kiyaki in the field had his arms and neck locked by Imai Universe, he relied on brute force to lift Imai Universe bit by bit.

In order to prevent Akugu Kiyoaki from hitting the ground, Imai Xiao universe took the initiative to loosen the [Triangle Strangulation]. As soon as his body slipped, a golden snake crawled behind him, with a ring of arms, and once again strangled his neck from behind.

Seeing such a scene, Hiyama Shunhua still wanted to resist, but a strand of hair wrapped around her wrist with the communicator unknowingly, instantly making her unable to move.

Xipin Zhiming persuaded him: "President Hiyama, you have no choice. You can no longer manipulate your doll, so quickly abstain."

Hearing what Xipin Zhiming said, she suddenly climbed up to the face of Shunhua in Hiyama in horror. She saw that she didn't even look at Xipin Zhiming and others, but kept shaking and said: "No...I'm fine... Please...give me another chance!"

As soon as Nishipinjiming wanted to say something, Agugu Qingqiu's cold voice came from the communicator in Hiyama Shunhua's hand: "Hiyama, do you remember what I said to you after the first round? There is no next time. , So Imai Xiao Universe will definitely die today!"

The voice fell, and Imai Xiao Universe's painful screams came from the field.


I saw Aguya Qingqiu grabbing Imai Xiaoyu's arms around his neck with both hands, and his ten fingers slammed into his arm through the wound he had just made.

The arms of Imai Small Universe suddenly surged with blood, and both feet stepped on Aguya Qingqiu's back with a strong kick, fleeing his terrible attack.

It was also thanks to his quick actions to break free in time, without breaking the tendon, if Agugu Qingqiu's fingers were allowed to go deeper, his hands would be directly abolished.

Just as Imai Cosmos was rejoicing, Aguya Qingqiu had already arrived in front of him with lightning speed, and kicked him towards the front door with a kick, poking his toes straight into his eyes.

At the critical moment, Imai Xiao Universe narrowly escaped the blow with a backward lean, but because of this unstable center of gravity, he fell backward.

Kiyaki Aguya took the opportunity to step forward and grabbed Imai Universe’s thigh with a grappling bit, then bit it up, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood. This bite directly injured Imai Universe’s leg arteries. Blood suddenly poured out of the wound without money, and the painful Imai Xiao universe screamed again.

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