See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 201 I Never Said I Was A Wrestler

The peculiar sounds made by the two people in the arena like monster movie-like beatings and fists punching their flesh, shocked the hearts of the audience like a giant hammer.

In terms of the number of punches, Wakatsuki Samurai did have the upper hand, but the damage caused to the transformed Leopard King was not as serious as it seemed. On the other hand, Wakatsuki Samurai, every time the Leopard King’s great power and the transformation brought about The difference in physique made him suffer.

Gradually, Samurai Wakatsuki fell into the wind. Suddenly, Samurai Wakatsuki felt a piercing pain from the injured part of his foot, and his feet were soft, revealing a flaw.

Naturally, the Leopard King would not miss such an opportunity. He squeezed Samurai Wakatsuki by the neck and lifted him up, and then threw him out with a [lock throat throw].

After landing, the Wakatsuki Samurai had not had time to get up completely, but the Leopard King had already pursued again, raising his fist and hitting the Wakatsuki Samurai on the ground.

Just when everyone thought that the Wakatsuki Samurai was doomed to escape, the Leopard King suddenly roared, clutched his side ribs and retreated several steps, and then sat down on the ground.

There was a dazzling bloody fist mark on the muscle on his left rib, and a large piece was sunken in, while the Samurai Wakatsuki, who was not far away, was half kneeling on the ground, maintaining a punching posture.

Samurai Wakatsuki panted and said to the Leopard King: "This trick [Breaking Core] was originally intended to deal with [Destroyer Fang], but now it has been exposed in advance."

[Broken Core] In addition to the twisting skills, Wakatsuki Samurai prepared another killer for Ghana. In simple terms, he contracted his whole body muscles to a certain point like a compression spring, and then passed through various parts of the body. The attack mode of release.

Looking at the fist marks on his body, the Leopard King said with some regret: "It's really careless. If this move hit the key directly, even my strengthened body would inevitably be seriously injured, but like this Isn’t it a huge burden on your body? How many shots can you make in this situation?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the Wakatsuki Samurai who was half kneeling there, the Leopard King got up and jumped a few steps, and took the initiative to distance himself from the Wakatsuki Samurai, carefully preparing for his attack.

Looking at the Leopard King who was far away from him, Samurai Wakatsuki stood up slowly, spitting out blood on the ground, and thought: "I never considered such a whimsical thing as meeting Ghana unscathed, but In order to fight him, I will not hesitate no matter what price I pay."

Thinking of this, Samurai Wakatsuki made up his mind to look at the Leopard King, and immediately tightened his muscles again and kicked his feet on the ground.

"Legs [burst core], start!"

With the activation of [Burst Core], Samurai Wakatsuki came to the Leopard King in an instant like an explosion. Before the Leopard King could take any action, he cut into his hinterland. Then, the Samurai Wakatsuki did not care. Core] The burden on the body, before the Leopard King had time to react, punched his leopard head.

"[Broken Core]!!!"

With only a "tear" sound, the leopard head mask on the head of the Leopard King was directly blown up, turning into rags and falling in all directions, while the Leopard King himself flew out and hit the wall at the edge of the venue. The wall was cracked and a cloud of smoke was raised.

At this time, all the audience held their breaths and they had only one common thought in their hearts: "This guy's mask is off, what kind of look is hidden behind that mask?"

When everyone was engrossed in the cloud of smoke and dust in the field, a sigh was passed into everyone’s ears from the smoke and dust: “Alas~ It’s a pity that Master Diage gave me the mask. I originally planned to do it this time. This mask was used throughout the playoffs. It’s good now. It’s only in the second round that there are no corpses. How are you going to accompany me?"

As the words fell, a tall figure in the smoke slowly stood up, and then slowly shrunk back to the original size of the Leopard King.

The smoke dissipated, and the audience turned their eyes to the figure by the wall. They saw that he had a beautiful black shawl and long hair, but his face was replaced with a pair of blue fangs and a hideous and strange mask. , This result disappointed all those who expected the Leopard King to show his true face.

Just listen to the Leopard King laughed and said: "Hahahaha! I didn't expect it? The underside of the mask may not be true, how about it, is it disappointed?

In the VIP room on the top floor, King Laerma gave a soft voice: "It's really interesting. It turned out to be the ghost face of our country T's Nuo drama (from the celestial dynasty) and there is always a feeling of deja vu."

In fact, familiarity is inevitable. Perhaps Lalma XIII himself has already forgotten. This mask is exactly the parting gift that Sun Luo left when he left the Grand Palace. He hoped that Sun Luo would be able to As powerful as a ghost.

In the field, after the Leopard King got up, he didn't care about the wakatsuki samurai in the distance, but began to dance his fists, elbows, knees and legs, making strange movements, but he didn't mean to attack or defend.

However, as the leopard king moved forward, his momentum began to rise steadily, but he became more and more condensed.

Samurai Ruotsuki screamed badly when he saw this situation, and rushed forward to launch a fierce attack on the Leopard King, but this time, his attacks were all subtly avoided by the Leopard King's strange movements.

After a burst of unsuccessful attacks, Samurai Wakatsuki reluctantly jumped back and pulled away from the Leopard King. At this moment, the Leopard King also stopped his movements and assumed a pose that looked like Muay Thai but not like Muay Thai.

I saw that the posture of the Leopard King was different from the basic Muay Thai kick-up style where his fist was turned on his chest, one foot was on the ground, and his knee was slightly raised. His hands were not placed upright on his chest. Slightly lifted back over the top of his head, turned his two elbows to the front, bent one leg forward, and lifted it up completely. The golden rooster stood there independently.

Seeing this posture, Lalma XIII couldn't help but get moved: "Hey, Jiaorang, is that Fan Lan posture?"

Jiaolang nodded: "That's right, Your Majesty, and the [Fist Dance] just now should be a genre we are all familiar with. I didn't expect to see it here. It seems that the Leopard King is indeed..."

Larma XIII nodded: "Yes, it really is, but it bothers me this way. If you meet in the game, who should I instead cheer for?"

Hearing Laerma 13 and Gaolang playing a mystery, Katahara Mietang on the side asked: "Your Majesty Laerma, what did you mean by Fan Lan and [Fist Dance]?"

Jiaolang explained: “Mr. Katahara Mietang is different from the modern Muay Thai that is now competitive sports. Fanlan Muay Thai is an ancient Muay Thai boxing. It is a real Muay Thai boxing born to kill people. Before the battle, a movement used to improve the spirit and spirit is a dance dedicated to the gods. The [fist dance] of each genre is also different, so before the battle, the opponent’s genre will also be identified according to the [fist dance]. , It will end the battle."

"That's it, there is such a profound knowledge in it, but it seems that you just recognized that [Fist Dance], is it a very famous genre?"

Jiaolang shook his head: "No, there are very few people in the Fanlan Muay Thai Club, and this genre is only a mere handful. It's just that I happen to know the expert who created this posture."

"Oh huh, can you tell me the name of this expert?"

Jiaolang nodded: "It's all right, he is [Fisting Emperor Elbow Emperor] Agad Jem Zuowei."

Katahara Mietang obviously had heard of this [Dark Muay Thai Demon Emperor] and knew some of the relationships behind it. After hearing this name, Katahara Mietang began to keep silent and turned his mind to the people in the field. On the game.

On the court, seeing the posture of the Leopard King, Samurai Wakatsuki "cut" and said to the Leopard King: "Have you given up your pitching and twisting skills? You are still a wrestler, Guan Linna. The guy is totally different."

The Leopard King laughed: "Are you talking about Guan Linchun? He is indeed a real wrestler. Unfortunately, I never said that I am a wrestler. Now I just see you are good at percussion skills, so I will cooperate with you."

"You're really good at talking, are you also the same kind of clown from Yiwu Real Estate?"

"No, no, please don't confuse me with such a low-level guy, he is just a scam, and from now on, what you will face is the hell of real physical strikes. You have to be careful."

As soon as the voice fell, Wakatsuki Samurai took the initiative, rushed towards the Leopard King with full force and punched the Leopard King.

"[Broken Core]!!!"

This time, the Leopard King did not choose to dodge anymore, facing the attack of the Wakatsuki Samurai, he squatted on one side of his body, raised one of his elbows, and slammed into the fist from the Wakatsuki Samurai.

"Drink! The teeth of the White Idol!!!"

Hearing a crisp sound, Wakatsuki Samurai’s fist hitting the Leopard King’s iron elbow instantly sank in from the middle, and his fingers were twisted into a strange and strange shape, and a stream of blood leaked out through the epidermis. , Obviously his hand has been abolished by the blow of the Leopard King.

However, the pain in the heart not only did not stop Samurai Wakatsuki’s movements, but instead stimulated his fierceness. He glanced at his fist, then gritted his teeth and kicked, accompanied by the leg [burst] kicking the leopard. The king's chest and abdomen.

With a dexterous leopard leap, he easily escaped the attack of the Samurai Wakatsuki, and then he pulled the foot kicked by the Samurai Wakatsuki with one hand, and at the same time he clenched his fist with the other hand and whirled. Blasted to his face.

"The Dragon Scroll Fairy Fists!!!"

The Leopard King hit the front door of the Wakatsuki Samurai with a fist, spitting blood and leaning back. Then the Leopard King kicked his feet and jumped into the air with the help of the Wakatsuki Samurai's body. Chop down.

"Thunder God of Burst Axe Flurry!!!"

Wakatsuki Samurai Leopard King was beaten with a punch and his mind became confused. Just after he recovered, I saw that the Leopard King’s elbows were getting bigger and bigger in his eyes. In a hurry, Wakatsuki Samurai had to roll on a donkey on the ground. Dangerously avoided the past.

After a loud "bang", the Leopard King's attack hit the ground solidly, splitting a long crack in the ground of the venue.

Looking at the fissure around him, Samurai Wakatsuki let out a long sigh of relief, but before he could relax, the Leopard King had already bullied him, and wrapped his arms around his neck. At the same time, the Leopard King thighs Lifting, the violent knee bumps continued to hit his abdomen.

"Knee hit by Kuangfang Flurry!"

Facing the incomparable attack from the Leopard King, Samurai Wakatsuki tried his best to block, while desperately tightening his muscles.

"Full body [Break Core]! Drive me!!!"

A powerful explosive force helped the Samurai Wakatsuki to break free of the Leopard King in an instant, but before he could regain his posture, the Leopard King had already waved his fist and hit him.

When the Samurai Tsukiji finished his [burst core], he was still in the period of losing his strength. He had no choice but to grit his teeth to fight, but this time the Leopard King’s fist not only sank vigorously, but also became extremely hard, even ordinary. Straight punches and hits on the body seemed to bring out the effect of nirvana. If it weren't for the strong body of the Samurai Tsukiji, he would fracture his whole body if he couldn't hold a few punches and die on the spot.

"I can't lose here! In order to fulfill the vow of shame between me and [Teeth of Destruction], I must not fall here!"

Facing the stormy fists and knees and elbows of the Leopard King, the Samurai Wakatsuki roared and squeezed the last strength of his whole body, pressed the fist of the Leopard King, squeezed the last strength of his body, and punched him in the head.

"[Broken Core]!!!"

Seeing the bigger and bigger fists in his eyes, the Leopard King’s attack came to an abrupt end, and he slammed his side to avoid the samurai Wakatsuki’s lore, then turned his body along the way, raised his knees sideways and drew a beautiful arc. It hit Samurai Wakatsuki's neck fiercely.

"The head of the white idol!!!"

At this moment, Samurai Wakatsuki's neck was hit almost 90 degrees. Because of the violent impact on the cervical spine, his consciousness instantly flew out of the clouds, and his strong body fell to the ground like a jade pillar.

Looking at the Wakatsuki samurai on the ground, the Leopard King cast his approving gaze: "Is it possible to do this for my own vows? You are a real man, you can watch it in the audience, yours I will fulfill your wish for you."

After finishing speaking, the Leopard King turned around and raised his hands, posing as a winner, and walked to his own player passage. Behind him came the referee's passionate voice: "The victory is divided! The winner ~ Grimjoe Jia Kajak!!!"

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