See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 203 Killer vs. Prison Angel

After the referee confirmed that both sides were in place, he shouted "The game begins!"

Hearing the signal, Muteba Jizenga preemptively struck Guan Linchun's eyes with a flash, stretched out two fingers, moved Shuanglong to get the pearls, and plunged into Guan Linchun's eyes without hesitation.

But what he didn't expect was that his confident blow did not produce the desired effect.

I saw Guan Linchun squinting his eyes to show a weird smile, and at the same time he gathered his facial muscles upwards. Muteba Jizanga’s two fingers were blocked by his facial muscles, and they only stuck to Guan Linchun’s lower eyelids. .

"Do you think that a bloody start can win the audience's attention? Really a layman!"

Guan Linchun yelled, raising his hands high with swords, and at the same time slashing towards Muteba Jizanga's collarbone.

"Mongolia hacked!"

The heavy palms hit Muteba Jizanga's left and right collar bones, and threw him to the ground.

Then, when Guan Linchun took advantage of his unstable gravity, he struck him upright with a bottom-up [heavy punch]. Then, he held a knife with one hand and a [reverse horizontal hand knife] cut at Muteba Jizanga’s chest.

Afterwards, Guan Linchun's [heavy punches], [inverse level hand knives], [heavy fist strikes], and [inverse level hand knives] burst into an endless loop of offensive. For a while, Muteba Jizanga could only hold Head defense, no fight back.

In fact, as a wrestler, Guan Linchun relies only on the strength of his hand to strike a blow. It is not as powerful as the straight punch in other fighting skills. It is not as powerful as it looks, but the weight of the fist is far average. Above the fighter.

As the center of gravity was continuously affected by Guan Linchun's attacks, Muteba Jizenga was caught in an offensive and defensive dilemma.

In the end, Muteba Jizanga fought for the price of a heavy punch and grabbed Guan Linchun with a grapple. When he tried to pull Guan Linchun down, he was surprised to find that Guan Linchun was as stable as a mountain and could not be shaken. Cents.

"Haha, is the mercenary at this level? It's too weak."

With that said, Guan Linchun stretched out his hand and strangled Muteba Jizenga's neck with his strong arms. The whole person fell backward, pressing down Muteba Jizanga's head to the ground.

However, under such circumstances, Muteba Jizanga did not lose his composure. In a moment of crisis, Muteba Jizanga stretched out his elbows and propped it up on the ground, avoiding his head hitting the ground. Because of this support, Guan Linchun himself fell into an unfavorable position.

Muteba Jizenga seized the opportunity to break free from Guan Linchun's restraint, quickly turned over and sat on him, completing the suppression. Just as he wanted to launch a fierce attack on Guan Linchun, Guan Linchun stretched out a hand and grabbed it. His ears.

"Professional wrestling has a lot of [li skills], so please feel the horror of professional wrestling!

Guan Linchun laughed and stretched out a finger to plug Muteba Jizanga's ear hole, and then another big fan-like hand slammed his other ear.

Suddenly, two streams of blood shot out from Muteba Jizanga's ears, and Muteba Jizanga's original incomparably clear perception was instantly blurred.

Looking at his masterpiece, Guan Linchun said triumphantly: "Can you still [see] me clearly now?"

As Guan Linchun expected, after Muteba Jizanga injured his ear, he immediately gave up suppressing Guan Linchun, jumped back several times in a row, distanced himself from him, and felt his injury. Muteba Jizan Jia found that although there were constant noise interference, but it still made him unable to feel the enemy, so the confidence returned to him again.

He squeezed his fist and said to Guan Linchun, "Want to know? Then if you attack, I will show it to you."

While speaking, Muteba Jizanga actively moved closer to him while sensing the distance between him and Guan Linchun.

When he arrived five steps away from Guan Linchun, Muteba Jizenga suddenly shorted and disappeared from Guan Linchun's vision, and then he kicked Guan Linchun's knee with a light sliding shovel.

Guan Linchun obviously did not expect that he would be able to accurately control his own movements. He was kicked and he was kicked, and he felt his knees soften and he knelt down.

Taking this opportunity, Muteba Jizanga quickly got up and hit Guan Linchun's chin with a punch, but Guan Linchun always abide by his beliefs, not dodge or dodge, and just got off the front.

"Hey hey, you really don't avoid it at all. You are too dedicated. I start to admire you a little. Thank you. You are a perfect sandbag."

Then, Muteba Jizanga took advantage of Guan Linchun's chin being beaten and his brain was concussed, his fists flashed, and he launched a fierce attack on Guan Linchun.

With Muteba Jizenga's heavy punches like a storm, Guan Linchun suddenly embraced Muteba Jizanga's head with both hands, and then slammed a head hammer into his face.

Muteba Jizanga’s nose was broken and two nosebleeds came out of his nose.

In this way, after hearing, Muteba Jizenga's sense of smell was also interfered with by Guan Linchun. Feeling that his perceptual ability was weakened again, Muteba Jizenga acted decisively and once again distanced himself from Guan Linchun.

"Hey, mercenary, don't run with your tail between you as soon as you get hurt. Are you a coward? You can attack as much as you like, but you have to be careful. Humans are the most defenseless at the moment of attack."

Muteba Jizanga heard the meaning in Guan Linchun's words: "Aren't you just a faint move that kills a thousand enemies and harms 800? Are you a special attacker?"

After that, Muteba Jizenga changed his posture, jumping in small steps like a boxer, and quickly leaned towards Guan Linchun.

Muteba Jizenga has never practiced boxing, but although he is just imitating, he can also imitate boxing in a different way with his physical fitness.

In this way, the gap in mobility was clearly revealed. After Muteba Jizanga changed his attack mode, Guan Linchun’s moves that killed an enemy a thousand and harmed himself never touched him again. body.

Not only that, Muteba Jizenga also seized the gap created by Guan Linchun's attack and attacked the wounds that he had just made on Guan Linchun's body.

Although the pain from the injury to the injury was extraordinary, Guan Linchun still did not evade, forcibly accepted all the attacks of Muteba Jizanga, and quietly waited for the opportunity to counterattack.

After a while, Muteba Jizenga kicked Guan Linchun's knee again, and then when he was standing unstable, he stretched out two fingers and poked Guan Linchun's eyes again.

But what he didn't expect was that although he was already prepared, Guan Linchun used his lower eyelids and facial muscles to block it for some reason, just like the beginning of the game.

This is actually a skill that every wrestler can learn. In wrestling, there are some moves that cannot be hard-wired, such as piercing the eye and kicking the crotch. For wrestlers who have no evasion options, they can only choose. How to defend it safely.So there is this kind of technique, a small range of movement of the attacked part, with a part other than the key to bear, in order to reduce the damage caused by the attack.

"Hey, you bastard has failed again, but I finally caught you."

Guan Linchun laughed and grabbed Muteba Jizanga's poked hand, while his other hand clenched his fist and struck Muteba Jizanga with that powerful punch. The blow rained down on Muteba Jizanga, vomiting blood, but his arm was caught but he couldn't break free.

But to everyone's surprise, Guan Linchun didn't fight for a while, but suddenly stopped.

The audience only noticed that the other hand of Muteba Jizenga that was not caught had been inserted into Guan Linchun's chest in a knife-like shape. This was one of his hidden killer moves [heart penetration] .

Slowly retracting his hand, Guan Linchun spouted a mouthful of blood and knelt down in front of Muteba Jizanga.

Looking at Guan Linchun on the ground, Muteba Jizanga praised sincerely: "You are an amazing guy who can force me to use [Heart Through]!"

After finishing speaking, Muteba Jizenga turned and walked towards his player channel. However, at the moment when he turned around, Guan Linchun, who should have lost consciousness, stood up tremblingly and walked towards Mu with difficulty step by step. Teba Jizanga.

Seeing Guan Linchun like this, the first emotion that came out of Muteba Jizenga's heart was not admiration but astonishment, because in his expectation, Guan Linchun should be exhausted at this time and there is absolutely no possibility of moving.

Just as Muteba Jizanga was shocked, Guan Linchun used all his strength to grab Muteba Jizanga's shoulder, and slammed him to the ground with a tumble.

After doing all this, Guan Linchun's huge body stood proudly in the field, standing and losing consciousness.

Muteba Jizanga got up and got up from the ground. Seeing this scene, he suddenly rushed to Guan Linchun who was unable to fight anymore, hugged his waist from behind, and threw him back with a German arch bridge. He hit the ground, then rolled over and pressed on him, shouting loudly: "One! Two! Three! Squeeze for three seconds, the winner is already divided!"

Standing up and looking at Guan Linchun on the ground, regardless of whether he could hear him or not, Muteba Jizanga said to him: "I said, I don’t hate professional wrestling. Based on your spirit, I will follow yours. The way to end the fight, it can be regarded as my respect to you. Goodbye, professional wrestler."

In an instant, enthusiastic applause erupted from the whole process. In the wave of applause, the referee announced loudly: "The victory has been divided, the winner ~ Muteba Jizenga!!!"

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