See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 210 The Powerful Haru

"The players from Ten Kings Communication have not yet arrived. Can the first-time players calmly treat opponents who don't know when they will appear?"

In the field, following Katahara Kasuga's introduction, the referee looked at the time on the watch and complained in a low voice: "What the hell is going on with Ten Kings Communications? Could it be that there are no fighters coming to the competition? I lost my face."

After waiting for a while, just as the referee wanted to announce that Niizumi had won without a fight, Haruo Kono strode into the arena.

When Haruo Kono entered the field, an application for a replacement player and player information were also sent to the hands of Katahara Kazuka.

Looking at the report in his hand, Katahara Kazuka announced: "Because the representative fighter [Blood Stained Ivory] Yohei Bando of Ten Kings Communications died from his injuries in the previous game, so this game is ten Wang Communication used the new rules to replace new fighters to participate in the competition."

Katahara Kaika said: "The name of the player changed by Ten Kings Communication this time is Haru. He is the strongest Gurkha mercenary in the past and is known as [Indra incarnation], although it seems that he I am injured now, but I believe he will definitely bring us a wonderful game."

Katahara Kazuka introduced Haru's information, and the audience did not connect this tall and mighty man with the former fat house Haruo Kono.

Chu Jianquan looked at Haru who came out of the player's exit, facing Haru who was more than two meters tall, he did not have the slightest fear, and said with a slightly raised mouth: "Yeah, you are really slow, because of the injury. , So have you overslept? By the way, your injury is okay? I won't be merciful when fighting."

But Haru, who was standing in the arena again, was completely different from the formerly deserted sand sculpture by Haruo Kono, with a slightly nervous look on his face.

"Haha, thank you for your concern. My injury has been dealt with and it is not a major problem. I came from a poor place. This is the first time I stand in such an imposing place. I am not used to it. But someone told me Yes, this is where I can fight as hard as I can, and this battle is very important to me, so I must win."

Seeing Quan was taken aback for the first time, and then he smiled: "Oh? What a coincidence, we have the same troubles. Although I have been a fighter for many years, I am still not used to the atmosphere here."

Although he said that, Chu Jianquan was secretly guarded, because Ta felt an astonishing aura as thick as a mountain from Haru's body. This was even a powerful fighter like Wakatsuki Samurai before him. I have never felt it before.

At this time, in the infirmary, Guan Linchun, who had been severely injured by Muteba Jizan before, woke up, opened his eyes and watched the game scene on the TV, Guan Linchun struggled to sit up.

The doctor Yingchu on the side looked at him and asked, "Ah, you are already awake. You obviously suffered such a serious injury. Seeing how you care, are there any friends in the game right now?"

Guan Linchun laughed: "That's natural, but the wrestler is very strong. But it's time to meet that guy for the first time. It seems that I missed a lot of wonderful internal uses."

Yingchu continued: "Then Guan Linjun, your friend looks very unfavorable now. Although you don't know the strength of your opponent and the martial arts genre you belong to, you can see that by looking at the tall figure and the direction of the muscles. It’s the strength and endurance of the individual that are far greater than the first time I saw you."

Hearing what Yingchu said, Guan Linchun said as if recalling something: "I met Chu Jian in a boxing match. The match against him was the first time I was fallen by a guy who was much smaller than me. On the ground, so for that guy, physique or anything is not a problem at all. When that guy is in perfect shape, no one can guess what that guy will do."

Sure enough, as Guan Linchun said, after the referee announced the start of the game, Chu Jianquan took the lead to rush towards Haru. In the eyes of some people with common sense of fighting, this is undoubtedly a suicidal behavior for Chu Jianquan, who is at a disadvantage in physique.

Facing the first sight spring coming from the charge, Haru didn't act rashly, but set up his posture and raised his fist, intending to wait and wait.

But just when Chu Jianquan was about to approach him, Chu Jianquan suddenly stopped the charge with a sudden brake, and then turned around and ran swiftly and irregularly around Haru.

In the process of running, Chu Jianquan still acted provocatively on Haru from time to time. He looked very depressed.

In his feeling, wanting to run back and forth like this would only consume his physical strength unilaterally, but Haru also thought that before the game, Sen Luo told him that Chu Jianquan is a very powerful fighter. So Haru felt that he would not work so hard to make these meaningless moves.

After observing for a while, Haru finally couldn't help it, so while guarding against the first sight, he raised his fist and wanted him to rush over.

Relying on his height and body length, as well as his natural strength and speed, Haru approached the first sight in the run in an instant, and his fist hit his head from top to bottom.

Unexpectedly, Chu Jianquan seemed to have eyes behind his back. Suddenly, he dexterously leaned to the side and avoided Haru’s fist. Then, he took advantage of the power and speed of Haru’s forward thrust and pointed a finger at his one. Only eyes poked over.

Because of inertia, Haru couldn’t stop his movements at all, and was poked by Chu Jianquan’s fingers. Although Haru quickly closed his eyes at a critical moment to avoid the fate of being blinded, he could not avoid eye congestion. The result of redness.

However, Haru's fist, who was avoided by Chu Jianquan, went unabated, brushing Chu Jianquan's body, and hit the ground next to him.

In an instant, there was a shaking sound like the mountain, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the ground at the foot of the first sight spring was blasted into countless pieces by Haru's punch, and the rest of the mighty generals suddenly saw the spring shaking ass. Sat on the ground.

With one blow, Haru was not as discouraged as before. He retracted his fist and rubbed his red eyes, and laughed: "Hahaha, it's a shame that you can escape this trick, the man said That's right, the strong people gathered here."

After speaking, Haru laughed and waved his fists, and continued to hit the spring of Chu Jian on the ground.

Seeing Haru attacking again, recalling the power of Haru's punch just now, Chu Jianquan trembled all over his body, and then the film scrambled to get up from the ground and ran quickly again.

In this way, Haru began to chase Chujianquan like a hunting beast, and started to fight fiercely, but although Haru caught up with Chujianquan several times, whenever he launched an attack, Chujianquan always Can be very predictable to avoid him one step ahead.

And every time Chu Jianquan dodges, there will be a loud noise and a piece of broken ground behind him, and Chu Jianquan will know that this must be Haru's masterpiece without even thinking about it.

Seeing Haru, who was like a god of destruction, the Gurkha mercenaries who came to the audience to watch the game burst into tears: "That momentum, that power, absolutely right! Buddha bless, our strongest God of War He's back again, this time is definitely not the same as before. This time he has completely got rid of the poisonous curse, and he has truly returned!"

At the same time, there is another person in his heart that is Haru's nominal adoptive father Akio Kono.

After all, he brought Haru out of the poor valley. When he saw Haru successfully restored to its original shape and played for Ten Kings Communications, he recognized Haru at a glance, and he was very surprised.

"Is this guy Haruo so strong? If he knew he was so strong, he wouldn't corrupt him, then the chairman's throne would not be easy to come by? It's not worth the gain, no, it can't be cheaper. Takada guy, let Haruo Take it back."

Thinking of this, Akio Kono couldn't sit still anymore, got up and ran to the contestant channel on the side of Ten Kings Communications, never thought that he had driven away Haruo Kono himself before.

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