Hearing the result announced by the referee, Haru turned and rushed towards his own player channel, leaving a bewildered look in the field, Chu Jianquan, did not realize that he had picked it up because of this decision. Took a life.

In the passage, Takada Kiyosuke, the president of Ten Kings Communications, pointed at Senra angrily, almost poking his finger in his face.

"Sen Luojun! What have you done? What do you mean! Why does he continue to fight? Isn't this already about to win... Uuuuuu!!!"

Suddenly his voice stopped abruptly, and a sharp blade with canine teeth stuck into his mouth. Robert next to him pressed him against the wall and said with a shame: "Old man, don't make a mistake. Now, Master Sunro’s words are absolute. There is no room for you to question. If you don’t want to disappear from this world, the only thing you can do is obey obediently."

At this moment, Haru rushed over and pressed Sen Luo's shoulder with his only hand that he could only move: "Master Sen Luo, why should I stop the game? Can I continue fighting?"

Sen Luo said with a smile: "You think you can continue fighting now. That's because the massive secretion of adrenaline shields your pain senses. I know how much damage I caused you yesterday. If you continue to fight, I am afraid Your body will leave the root of the disease that cannot be cured."

As he said, Senluo stretched out his hand and put it on Haru’s hand and twisted it lightly. Suddenly, Haru felt that the bones of his whole body were about to fall apart. A piercing pain instantly spread throughout Haru's body. Kneeled down in front of Sen Luo.

"How? Feel it? You have now recovered your intent to fight. The purpose of letting you play this time has been achieved, so let's take care of the injury first. After you recover, there will be time to fight."

Haru was helpless, so he nodded unwillingly.

Mori looked at Takada Kiyosuke, who was specially controlled by Robert, and said casually: "Mr. Takata, that's what happened. According to the contract, we won't take any money this time. Please don't take it to heart."

After speaking, Senro led Haru and Robert to the infirmary, leaving Kiyosuke Takada collapsed in the corner alone and helplessly.

As we walked, Akio Kono, the president of Sticky Heaven, suddenly appeared and stopped everyone.

"Jun Haru! It's great that you can get back to normal! It was father who was wrong before, Sa, go home with me!"

Kono Akio gave Haru a big hug as soon as he came up, but left Senro and the others aside.

His move made Senluo and Roberto on the scene uncomfortable, but Haru himself, who was hugged by him, was unmoved.

Roberto looked at Akio Kono with the same eyes as X Xiang, and said in disgust, "Hey, there must be a limit to the thick skin of the chestnut head over there. At the beginning, you wanted to drive Haru away. Now you What face is there for him to go back with you."

Robert's words made Kono Akio's face hot, but for the future of the company, he gritted his teeth and said to Haru who did not respond at all: "Haru, don’t forget, I took you from that poor ravine. Brought out from here, why, now that your wings are hard, will you kick me away?"

Hearing what Akio Kono said, the simple-minded Haru finally got a little moved. He felt that his mind was corroded by the luxurious life. Although there were elements that Akio Kono deliberately did, it was because of his inability to practice. Arrived home, so he didn't have much resentment towards Akio Kono.

On the contrary, as Kono Akio said, if he hadn't brought him to R Ben, he would probably never leave the Himalayas for the rest of his life. He could see the wider world and rely on Kono Akio's leadership.

But on the other hand, Sen Luo helped him remove the poison, helped him recover, and was kind to him. All of a sudden, Haru was caught in a dilemma.

Senro saw the embarrassment of Haru now, so he took the initiative to say: "Mr. Kono, it is impossible for Haru to go back with you. After all, you gave up first. He is now a member of Battery Company. But. In order not to embarrass Haru, I have a proposal."

Akio Kono was taken aback: "Proposal? What proposal?"

"Your company is in the game industry, and our company is in the catering industry. There is no direct conflict of interest between the two. So I propose that Haru still acts as a fighter for our battery company, but in your company When there is a need, we can send Haru to you for free. I think Haru will be very happy if I have more opportunities to fight. What do you think?"

Sun Luo directly expressed his thoughts straightforwardly, and upon hearing this solution, Haru cast a grateful look at Sun Luo.

On the other hand, Akio Kono tilted his head and weighed the pros and cons.In fact, he himself knew that his previous actions were too irrational. For a talent like Haru, no matter who he gets, he cannot easily let go, not to mention that he has now got rid of what he planted. Bondage.

Kono Akio thought about it, and the solution proposed by Senro was already the best choice. He didn't have to pay anything to get a powerful boost when he wanted to use it. This is a business that makes no money.

"Well, your proposal is very good. I will accept it. Don't regret it. I'll go back and ask someone to prepare the contract. Then you will sign it."

Although he agreed with Senra's proposal, Kono Akio decided to keep the written evidence for insurance.

Mori and others had no objection to this. After agreeing on the details, Mori and his party, who had bid farewell to Akio Kono, proceeded to the infirmary.

When he came to the infirmary and pushed the door in, Senluo saw the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, who had narrowly beaten Wu Lei'an before, lying unconscious on the bed wearing a breathing mask, while Yamashita was sitting on the side of his bed in extreme depression, with his head down. I don't know what I am thinking.

Sen Luo stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "Mr. Yamashita, what's the matter with you? If it is Wang Marsang, please don't worry, he should not be life-threatening."

Yamashita turned his head and saw that it was Senluo. He sighed and said, "It's Senluo-kun, it’s nothing. I just hate my weakness. Wang Masang, who is not much older than my son, I can do so desperately for me, but I can't do anything when I look at it..."

While speaking, Yamashita’s expression suddenly became serious: "Mori-kun, thank you for your concern, but I have made up my mind. Now I have the ability to repay debts, and my son is safe. For me, there is nothing to seek in this knockout round. I never want to see Wang Marsang hurt all over my business, so I decided to announce my Yamashita’s abstention in the next game."

Upon hearing this, the other fighters in the infirmary all jumped up.

"Shanxiachan, you have to cheer up."

"Wang Marsang will definitely not be a problem."

"The so-called fighters are very strong."


Fighters, you and I persuaded Yamashita, but this time Yamashita was unexpectedly determined.

"Thank you for your concern, but my heart is determined..."

Before he finished speaking, Senluo jumped in first: "Well, Mr. Yamashita, please calm down first. I think this matter will wait for Wang Marsang to wake up and ask his wishes before he decides. Later, if you decide things alone now, Wang Marsang will wake up but will be angry."

When Mori said so, Yamashita's original determination was shaken.Because after all, the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma had spared his life for his own affairs, and it would be a bit unreasonable to settle the matter by himself.

"That's fine, Wang Marsang, you have to wake up quickly."

After speaking, Yamashita looked at the ten ghosts and snakes on the bed, and fell silent again.

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