See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 218 [Darkness] Support

Just as Senro and the others acted, one of the bodyguards by Hayami Masaru, Long Min, had personally led the team into the infirmary.

In the infirmary, a few capable fighters and Garuda formed a circle, and the ten ghost snake king Ma and Moji Robinson, who were seriously injured and unconscious, as well as Yamashita, Elena and Zhu Mei and others at Zouliuyuan were in the middle.

Around them, there are several [Guardian] corpses, but there are still dozens of [Guardian] with sharp weapons staring at them.

Long Min, who took the lead, was holding a celestial sword, calmly guarding the exit position of the infirmary, even watching the offensive subordinates get killed one by one, he didn't want anything at all. The meaning of leaving there to join the battle.

Guan Linchun, who was wearing a bandage, grinned helplessly while panting, "We are all wounded. It's really unreasonable to attack us at this time, but it's unfortunate that Miss Jialoulu happened to be here. Great luck in China."

At this time, Garuda showed a strange purple-black color all over his body, with countless blood vessels bursting out of his body, his murderous aura overflowed, and he had clearly entered the state of [liberation].

In fact, most of the corpses lying on the ground are the masterpieces of Garuda.

"Although I am not as good as Sen Luo, I am also very good!"

While talking, Jia Lou Luo broke the neck of a [Guardian], then turned to look at Ying Chu who was aside: "But the number of enemies is really messed up, it will never end, Wang Ma and Ai Linna's brother is still in a coma, Doctor Yingchu, can you do anything?"

Yingchu generally rubbed the bone sword with his hands outstretched, and said with a sullen face: "If I have to do it, I will use a virus weapon [above] expressly forbidden to use it, but if I do that, the island will be turned to death. area."

Guan Linchun and the other wounded were shocked into a cold sweat: "Doesn't that mean that we are dead?"

At this moment, the closed door of the infirmary was knocked, and then a slightly casual girl's voice came from outside the door: "Everyone who is injured, I have delivered the nutritious meal prepared for you by the kitchen. Here, can you please open the door?"

However, there was no echo from the door. After a while, the voice said again: "Is anyone here? I'm going to come in."

Long Min, who was guarding the door, was taken aback when he heard the sound, and thought, "Didn't I leave a lot of subordinates in the corridor outside to block the passage? Why can the food delivery guy knock on the door casually?"

Thinking of this, a chill suddenly emerged from Long Min's heart. He instinctively dodged to the side and left the position in front of the infirmary. The next moment, a chilly samurai sword passed through the door without hindrance. Enter, cut at the place where Long Min just stood, and incidentally cut the door in half.

Immediately afterwards, only two blows were heard, the door of the infirmary collapsed, and Julie and Angel walked in.

Julie said with a smirk: "You guys seem to be doing very happy things, how about adding me."

Seeing the two coming in, Garuda shouted happily: "Julie, Angel, why are you here! It's so timely!"

"Yeah, Jialouluo, Senluo asked us to help you." Angel waved her hand somewhat naturally, responding to Jialouluo's words.

At this time, Long Min on the side screamed angrily because things were a little beyond his expectations: "How did you come here! I have left a lot of subordinates outside, and they cannot let you come here!" "

Hearing Long Min's question, Julie and Angel smiled at each other, and tacitly gave up their position at the door.

Seeing the scene outside the door, Long Min couldn't help but take a breath. The corridor outside the infirmary seemed to be a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Only two figures of a man and a woman were blocked at both ends of the corridor, slaughtering unscrupulously. To his subordinates.

The woman on one side has a beautiful face, her long black hair tied into a double ponytail, and she looks very young. She wears the armor worn only by military generals in the Warring States period on her upper body, but is wearing a very unmatched mini skirt on the lower body.

At this time, the woman was brandishing a three-foot-long big sword in her hand, slashing frantically at the [Guardians] who stood in front of her, and no one could stop her.

While cutting, the woman still laughed wildly: "Ahahaha! Sure enough, things that are alive, it feels cool to cut them off. The chance that Lord Sun Luo can give me this opportunity really makes me feel five. Inside!"

Compared with this woman, the other man is much quieter. This man is tall, more than two meters at a glance, and his messy hair and a pair of dead fish eyes make him look just like he is. Like a crude wooden man, very unmotivated.

He always held the katana behind his back in his right hand, and only listened to the sound of the samurai sword returning to its sheath. Every time the sound sounded, there must be one or several [Guardians] in front of him. He made a clean break, but the others on the side didn't even see how he shot.

"Disrespect and disrespect, because your weapons have been pointing at me, so I accidentally chopped it up. Although I want to inform you in advance, my [Supersonic Sword Slash] is too fast, so Sorry. If you want to survive, be sure to be 3 meters away from me by accident, otherwise I'm not sure whose body my [Setsuna Maru] will be cut into."

Although the man had a kind smile on his face and said that it was not intentional, his hands did not stop at all. It was obvious that he was enjoying it at this time.

Looking at the two people in the corridor, Long Min cried out in disbelief: "That is... [Ming E] Ji Yi Yangyan, [Mad Sword] Sixteen Nights, these two are world-famous murderers Why do ghosts appear here! Are you [dark] people? Why are you here?"

Julie chuckled: "It was of course that Sun Luo brought them to the island as a staff member. This is a transaction. Do you think that your actions are very secretive and can be foolproof? It's too sweet, and it's more than fried rice cake with Korean spicy sauce. Be sweet, we have already seen through all your actions."

After speaking, Julie licked the corner of her mouth: "But all this has nothing to do with my old lady. I only need to fight happily. I think you should be the boss here. Compared with those old-fashioned mouths, I still prefer physical communication. You have to make me happy."

Julie’s words revealed an undisguised desire to fight. While she was talking, she supported one foot on the ground, while her other foot was bent and raised, her hands reaching into claws slightly forward, posing a specialized leg attack. But there is almost no defensive posture.

Without hesitation, Julie kicked the ground abruptly, a jade foot raised high, and his heel smashed into Long Min's head like a battle axe.

Seeing Julie's attack, Long Min immediately splashed the water from the big knife in his hand and immediately formed a knife net in front of him, forcing Julie's attack back.

At the first match, he felt that Julie’s strength was only between him, so he had the confidence in his heart, and proudly swung his sword and said, "This lady, what if you are [Dark]? I don’t have time. Playing fighting games with you, my attack range is [the empty-handed martial artist stops]."

Julie lowered her head and glanced at the pants that had been cut out just because of carelessness, the corner of her mouth raised, and the fighting spirit on her body became stronger again.

"Uh, do you seem to have a lot of abilities? Let me have fun with me."

With that, Julie's righteous eyes flashed a red light and rushed to Long Min again.

This time, with the help of the prosthetic eye, Julie easily pierced Long Min's knife net and came to him.

I saw that Julie's full and powerful two jade legs turned alternately like windmill blades, and with a sharp wind pressure, they split towards Long Min's body.

"Wear a windmill!"

When Long Min saw this, he was shocked and instinctively backed away. Although he escaped Julie's kicking skills at the very moment, the sharp scythe of the kicking skills still tore the chest of his suit. There was a big gap.

Before he could get over, Julie had already bullied herself again, and her fierce kicking skills rained down on him, leaving him no room to open the knife net.

Just when Julie was fighting with Long Min, Angel was not idle. Seeing Julie entered the battle mode, she also shifted the target to the other [Guardians] in the room.

However, although these [Guardians] have weapons in their hands, their own strength is not very high, and they soon showed a decline under Angel's strange power.

With Angel's participation, the pressure on the fighters surrounded by them was immediately reduced, so they launched an orderly counterattack, and protected the non-combatants to gradually break through the gap opened by Angel.

And the [Guardians] who wanted to chase were all stopped by Angel.

Walking out of the infirmary, the miscellaneous soldiers outside were almost completely swept away by Ji Yiyangyan and Ikuyo. That scene made those in the outer world deeply understand the horror of the inner world.

With the help of two people outside, a group of people split into two teams, and fled towards a safe area in different places.

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