On the other side, perhaps the movement in the kitchen just now alarmed the other [Guardian] team around him. As soon as Sun Luo got out of the kitchen, he ran into another [Guardian] team before he walked far.

These [Guardians] immediately surrounded him when they discovered Senluo, and the head of them shouted at Senluo in a commanding tone: "Stop! You look suspicious in your costume, what kind of person is your fellow! We can still spare your life if you are not obedient. If you are not obedient, then we will kill you!"

Facing the leader's question, Sen Luo snorted disdainfully: "Yoyo! You guys, please take your life and leave the way for me. If not, this place will be stained with blood and blood!"

After listening to Sen Luo's words, those [Guardians] were stunned in place, instead of leaving, they held their weapons and surrounded Sen Luo in the middle.

The leader of the team exclaimed angrily: "You guys are saying something stupid, are you teasing us? It seems that you are going to fight back, everyone, go, kill him, President Hayami has an order , The rebels are killed!"

Seeing a group of low- and middle-level talents rushing over, Sen Luo helplessly shook his head: "Oh ~ wait for Xiao Xiao, this is the way to die!"

Sen Luo took a naginata from his back, dragged the sharp blade to the ground, and brought out sparks. With a violent wave from bottom to top, the blade that pierced the cold light had already turned to speak in an instant. The human neck.

The next moment, in the horrified gazes of others, the leader who rushed forward was slashed to the head. The big head shot up into the sky, and the broken part of the neck of the headless corpse below suddenly surged like a fountain, and the sprayed blood rained Zi dyed the white suits of other [Guardians] around him.

At the moment when the blood rain came, the other [Guardians] stopped in unison, with expressions of horror and horror all over their faces. Some people who rushed slowly even instinctively started to turn around and fled back.

But apparently Senluo didn't intend to let them go. The moment those people stopped, Senluo's naginata in his hand spun like a windmill.

"Wu Sha·Huitian Zhanwu!"

Immediately afterwards, Sen Luo's sword appeared like a full moon, and the blade instantly passed the waists of the [Guardians] who surrounded him.

At the same time, Sen Luo's figure flashed and he had already come outside the [Guardians]'s encirclement. Without even looking at them, he continued to walk forward.

Those [Guardians] looked at Sen Luo who had gone far, hesitated for a moment, and ran away in the opposite direction as if fleeing for their lives, thinking: "Who is this weird guy? He is so capable. He took his head off as soon as he met him, and he must return to the report, let the strong take his hands, and get rid of him as soon as possible."

Thinking about it, the running [Guardian] suddenly discovered that the strange thing with two legs passed under him and ran forward quickly.

"Wait, why is that thing so familiar? It seems to be my leg?"

As the last thought in everyone's heart flashed, the upper body of the group of [Guardians] crashed to the ground, and after a few steps, the lower body fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Ahhhhh!!! My waist! My legs!!!"

Ignoring the wailing of fear faintly coming from behind, Sen Luo continued to move towards the hall with his sword.

As Sun Luo set off to the top floor, the two parties had already handed over in the reception hall on the top floor.

I saw some [Guardians] formed a simple line of defense in a circle, guarding the operators in the banquet hall. Outside the defense line, there were [Guardians] in white suits standing on top of them. Offensive.

Although the bodyguards that Katahara Miedang brought were the top masters in the [Guardians], but with the manpower originally deployed in the lobby, there were only more than 20 people.

Even if Hayami Katsumasa’s [Guardians] are generally weak in strength, but facing opponents 10 times their own, [Guardians] must fight while protecting the operators present. It can be said that it is very difficult to persist. Fortunately There are Wu Huiliyang and Wu Yacha to help, otherwise they might not be able to sustain it for a moment.

But this is the case. After fighting for a while, the scars on the [Guardians] gradually increased. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the defense was broken.

However, even under such circumstances, Katahara Mitsudo who was guarded in the middle still looked calm and calm, which made Hayami Katsumasa murmur in his heart.

Just as Hayami was puzzled, the dome on the ceiling of the reception hall suddenly shattered, and countless pieces of crystal glass fell into the crowd.

When everyone looked up, they saw a huge troop transport helicopter hovering above them at some unknown time. Dozens of figures jumped down from the helicopter, shattering the dome, and invading like a strange soldier from the sky. In the hall.

Although these people dress differently, they all have black eyes and white pupils.After they landed, they quickly gathered together, like a sharp knife, pierced into the circle of [Guardian], and opened a way for the operators surrounded by them.

After all the operators were out of the encirclement, they and [Guardians] re-formed a defensive net, protecting the operators behind them.

One of them looked at Wu Huiliyang and said, "Patriarch, you have been waiting for a long time. The 50 elite troops of the Wu clan have now arrived."

Wu Huiliyang nodded: "Well, it's hard work, the old man gives you permission, everyone launches [Liberation] to let those laymen experience the horror of our Wu clan!"

Upon hearing Wu Huiliyang's order, the 50 Wu clan members instantly entered the [Liberation] state and rushed towards the [Guardians].

Seeing the incoming reinforcements, Katahara Mietang laughed loudly: "Haha, Hayami Yo, are you shocked? In this way, our victory or defeat is hard to say."

Hearing Katahara Katsudo’s words, Hayami Katsumasa sneered at this: "Katahara Katsudo, are you confused? Have you forgotten? Your [guardians] scattered in the arena only have 250 Many people, and I have distributed more than 1,000 [Guardians] in and out of the arena. Even if you now have fighters to help you, you have added a 50-person Wu clan, but you still have the strength There is a huge gap. When you split the 500-person [Guardian], the outcome is already set."

Seeing the constantly compressed line of defense, Katahara Mietang stroked his beard: "Oh, the combat power is still slightly insufficient."

"It's too late for you to understand it now, [Guardians]! Give me a step up offensive, they can't hold it anymore, as long as you take them down, the whole club will be our world!"

Under the command of Hayami Katsumasa, the [Guardian] attack became more and more fierce.

The facts are also just as Hayami Katsumasa said, with the participation of the Wu clan, the battle situation has turned around for a while, but after all, [Liberation] cannot increase durability. After [Guardian] paid the price of dozens of corpses, Wu The clan also began to show damage.

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