See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 222 Danger and Wangma's Awakening

As the hall was in full swing, the wounded who escaped from the infirmary were divided into two groups, rushing to the safe area that Angel told them.

Guan Linchun and Shi Yuangang were three strong fighters carrying the unconscious Ten Ghost Snake King Ma and Moji Robinson running desperately in the corridor, and Yamashita followed them closely.

Unexpectedly, when running through a room, the door suddenly opened, and a sharp Western sword stabbed out of the door without warning, and pierced the defenseless Guan Linchun and Shi Yuangangsan.

Because they were carrying Ten Ghost Snake King Horse and Moji Robinson, they were inconvenient to defend with their hands. They were pierced from the side by a Western sword, and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Yamashita was taken aback by the sudden situation, he accidentally tripped under his feet and sat down on the ground.

"Oh, oh, I finally found it."

Accompanied by the voice of speaking, a [Guardian] wearing a white suit and keeping a stubborn head calmly walked out of the room while wiping the blood on the Western sword in his hand with a silk scarf.

He introduced himself to the husband Yamashita on the ground: "When we first met, President Yamashita, I am [Guardian] Ranked No. 4 Lan Cheng, you should take Mr. Wang Ma and go quickly, if you take Mr. Wang Ma now Leave, I can give you a way out."

Mr. Yamashita was a little confused: "Wang...Wang Marsang? Why are you so kind to Wang Marsang?"

Ignoring Yamashita, Lan Cheng continued: "The troops I led have already gone to support the infirmary. Now it's a good opportunity. After all, if you don't leave, this arena is about to explode."

Yamashita reacted: "Wait... You wait for me! You said this arena is going to explode? Then why didn't everyone go to take refuge, but they were still fighting here!"

"Huh? You seem to have made a mistake. I wanted to let you go not out of goodwill, but because of the order above to keep [Tiger's Weapons] alive. I just acted on the command line. Other people's life and death. It’s not within my consideration."

After speaking, Lan Cheng flicked the Western Sword in his hand and pierced Guan Linchun's body again.

"Tiger weapon? So... what is that?"

"You don't need to know. Knowing too much is of no benefit to you, and even if you know it, you can't do anything. So take the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse and run quickly. This is your last chance."

At this moment, perhaps because of the shock of the previous landing, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma woke up and slowly stood up from the ground.

Looking at the ten ghosts, snakes, kings and horses slowly standing up from the back of Orchid City, Yamashita said in amazement: "Wang Wang Wang Wang Ma Sang! You are finally awake!"

When Lan Cheng saw the reaction of Mr. Yamashita, he turned around and saw the Queen of Ten Ghosts and Snakes. He couldn't help but licked his lips: "Cut, should I say that the timing is wrong, or should I say that the timing is too accurate?"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma looked at the scene in a daze, and asked, "Yamashita, did something big happen when I took a nap? Did I miss a lot?"

Yamashita seemed to have seen a savior: "Hi, Wang Marsang, these guys in white suits suddenly attacked us while you were asleep, and now the entire arena is occupied by them."

"Well, it looks like you are the enemy."

Ten ghost snake king horse stretched out while talking.

Looking at such a Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, Yamashita suddenly realized that he was happy because the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was awakened just now, and suddenly forgot an important thing. Although the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse has now awakened, but The injuries accumulated before will not disappear. With the current state of the ten ghost snake king horse, it should not be able to fight well.

While Mr. Yamashita was thinking, Lan Cheng was also thinking about his next actions: "Now that the ten ghosts and snakes are awake, he will definitely resist it. It seems that he must be subdued before he can be taken. gone."

Thinking of this, Lan Cheng decided to strike first, he saw that he put his sword in front of his chest, pulled a sword flower, and then stepped his foot. The western sword in his hand pierced the ten ghost snake king horse with lightning speed. Chest.

Seeing this, Yamashita was shocked: "Wang Masang beware of sneak attacks!"

The moment he yelled these words, the corners of the ten ghost snake king horse's mouth raised and smiled: "I can see your movements clearly. The shape of the King Kong·Iron Finger!"

As the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma spoke, he stretched out two fingers and accurately clamped the Western sword stabbed by Lancheng between his fingers.

The attack was blocked, Lan Cheng immediately gave up the next attack, but when he wanted to withdraw the Western Sword, he was surprised to find that no matter how hard he tried, the Western Sword held by the Ten Ghost Snake King's horse at his fingertips remained motionless.

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma snorted contemptuously: "Hurry up and get out of here. With this guy's strength, you can't even count as a warm-up exercise right after getting up."

After finishing speaking, the ten ghost snake king horse exerted force on the fingertips, and only heard a crisp sound, the western sword of Lancheng was folded into two sections by the ten ghost snake king horse.

When Mr. Yamashita saw that the opponent's weapon was destroyed, he breathed a sigh of relief, but Lan Cheng took a step forward with the broken Western sword and attacked the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse again.

However, this seemed to be expected by the Ten Ghosts and Snakes. I saw him step forward while striding in Lancheng. First he included him in the attack range of his fist, and then he made a simple remark. The punch knocked Lancheng away.

Seeing that the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma repelled the enemy lightly, Yamashita realized that in the attack and defense just now, the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma first included the opponent into the attack range of his fist, and also destroyed the attack range of the opponent’s sword. He could not stab himself with a Western sword.

The fighting style of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse is completely different from the previous one, and the sense of instability that he had given to people before has disappeared, leaving only a sense of steady and down-to-earth.

At this time, Lan Cheng, who was hit by the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, stood up from the ground holding his chest, and the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse stared at him and said: "I'll say it again, get off! Otherwise, it won't be as simple as being beaten up next time. Up."

Lan Cheng threw the broken sword in his hand to the ground at will, and said somewhat dissatisfied: "It seems that the above is correct. You do have the qualifications of the [Tiger Weapon], but if you think I have no weapons, If you can’t fight, it’s a big mistake. Since you are going to fight stubbornly, I will defeat you with brute force and then take you away.”

"Ultimate, by God!"

After speaking, Lan Cheng's blood vessels and muscles began to burst, and his skin gradually turned red.

Yamashita opened his mouth in surprise when he saw Lan Cheng's state: "This... Isn't this Wang Marsang's advance loan? Why does he do it too?"

On the side, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma noticed the tattoo on Lan Cheng's suit that was exposed because of the bulging muscles. It was a dark centipede. Although only one end was exposed, the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma clearly had an impression of this tattoo.

So he asked, "There have been visible changes in the body. Are you that guy's subordinate? Are you related to that guy? Why is that guy looking for me? What is [Tiger Artifact]?"

Faced with the question of the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, Lan Cheng didn't give any answer, just squeezed both hands empty, each stretched out a finger, put a mantis fist posture, rushed towards the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma.

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