After sending the novice travel expenses, [Alice] picked up a book with the same catalogue from the tea table and gave it to Senluo: "Next is the choice of a complete set of novice equipment, which one do you want? After choosing it, tell me Let’s take a look. By the way, it’s just a different style and performance."

The catalog shows a wide range of armors, Japanese, Western, and Celestial. There are even traditional costumes similar to Asan, Arabian and African indigenous people, and when you look back, Sen Luo found that there are similar planets. Science fiction movie style clothing like Wars.

After hesitating for a while, Sen Luo finally chose an ancient Celestial style chef's uniform embroidered with a bright golden dragon pattern, coupled with a towering chef hat, which seemed a bit out of tune with the slightly Western style around.

[Alice] chuckled lightly: "Ah, it's really an unexpected match, but I don't know why, I feel it fits you very well."

"Haha, didn't you say that the newbie equipment has similar performance, so just pick the one I like."

"That's right, then we have to choose weapons. [Master] initially has two weapon equipment slots, so you can choose two weapons."

Following the words of [Alice], the catalogue flipped over on its own and entered a new chapter. It listed wooden knives, modeled swords with sharpened blades, skinning knives, short bows, slingshots, wooden staffs, and many other things. arms.

In order to match his own advantages, Senluo chose a pair of fist gloves with sharp teeth and a dagger that looked more like a kitchen knife from these defective novice weapons.

"Okay, now I'm going to put on your equipment-hey!"

After selecting the equipment, [Alice] made a playful cry that I don’t know if it was a enthusiasm, and Sen Luo’s posture changed instantly, and the clothes had been switched to the outfit Sen Luo just selected. , The dagger is worn on the waist.What's more obvious is that Sun Luo's physical appearance has also been replaced with a virtual shape he just designed.

[Alice] clapped her hands and praised without hesitation: "It is as expected, it fits perfectly."

Senluo scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly: "Hey, I am ashamed not to be worthy, ashamed not to be worthy."

"Then the next step is to transplant the wound."

[Alice] Raised her voice slightly, and looked a little excited.

Sen Luo also put on a look very much looking forward to: "Oh oh oh! Is it finally going to start the highlight!"

[Creation of tires], this is the biggest feature of "Infinite World". It can match the brainwaves, personality, and thoughts of each player, and produce the true meaning of OnlyOne that belongs to that player in ever-changing ways, far beyond props and equipment The category will be the player's best partner in the game.

Before Senluo thought that even if the game developed by Nian Tian is just an ordinary MMO, not a sneaky VRMMO with such a sophisticated workmanship, as long as the [Tire Creation] system is present, it should be enough to take the world by storm.

[Alice] asked: "Excuse me, would you like to explain [Creation Tire] in detail?"

Senluo felt that listening to the description of the AI ​​that manages the game would definitely not suffer, so he nodded: "It's a rare opportunity, I beg you."

"Okay, dear [Master], all players will get a created tire at the beginning of the game. In the initial 0th form, all the created tires look exactly the same, but after the first form, [create tires] ] Will cooperate with the holder to produce completely different changes."

Sen Luo couldn't help but nodded, thinking: "For gamers, sure enough, they will still be attracted by the unique element of OnlyOne."

According to [Alice]'s introduction, although tire creation is ever-changing, there are still different types. Basic types can be roughly divided into:

TYPE: Armed <Arms>, can become the equipment item type of weapons or armors that players can equip with [Tire creation].

TYPE: Guardian <Guardner>, a monster type that can guard the player and fight side by side with the player.

TYPE: "Chariot", a vehicle type that allows players to ride up and ride in all directions [Tire creation].

TYPE: Castle <Castle>, a building type that allows players to live in and protect the player from damage from the outside world.

TYPE: Domain <Territory>, which allows players to open the barrier and use special abilities within a certain range.

"Oh! Are there so many kinds?" Sen Luo is full of excitement and anticipation now about what his fetus will become.

"Yes, that's right. Incidentally, in addition to these most basic types, [Creation Tire] may also become a high-level species after upgrading, there are also rare species, and the unique [Creation Tire] Exists, so good luck, and hope that your tires can become these types."

After listening to [Alice]'s commentary, Sen Luo suddenly thought of a question: "There are so many categories, but in this case, it feels that someone will continue to rebrush in order to obtain the rare species [Creation Tire]."

[Alice] smiled and shook her head: "This is impossible, this game cannot be recreated."


"Even if someone buys another hardware and intends to play again, he can only log in to the game as the character he played for the first time, and the [Creation Tire] is still the same, because we register with the user’s brain wave data. There is always only one brain, unless that player changes his head, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen."

"Emmmm, register the brain waves... There is such a black technology in Nian Tian Tian? Or is it the masterpiece of which big chaebol?"

Just as Sun Luo was murmured, his [fetus creation] had been transplanted, and when Sun Luo found out, an egg-shaped gem with a light blue light had been embedded in the back of his left hand.

[Alice] introduced: "This is [Creation of a fetus]. Although it is attached to your left hand in the 0th form, it will be separated from your hand after hatching into the first form. In [Creation of a fetus] After detaching, the place where the egg of [Creation Tire] initially attaches will become a heraldic-like tattoo, which is like a certificate of the player’s presence in this world and the only way to distinguish between NPC and player."

"Wait, no matter how you say it, the player and the NPC can still be distinguished."

"Other games may be, but this game is different. Every NPC you meet has the ability to think and act that is not inferior to humans, and also have different personalities. It is better for you to treat them like yourself It’s better to have peers to communicate."

Sen Luo looked at the [Creation Tire] in his hand: "That's it, your game is really amazing. Is it like I’m incubating an egg? This feeling is really subtle. By the way, it’s still an egg. Is it destroyed?"

[Alice] replied in the affirmative: "No, all the damage suffered by the 0th form [Tire Creation] will be automatically transferred to the player."

"Uh, that's the case. It means that even if the player dies, the tire will be safe."

"Yes, that's it, but after the first form of incubation, [Creation Tire] will be injured or destroyed, but as long as it takes some time, it will also repair itself. The repair time is based on [Creation Tire]. The difference will also make a big difference."

"That's it, please give me some advice in the future, my partner."

The current [Creation Tire] certainly couldn't answer Sun Luo's words, but Sun Luo vaguely felt that it flickered as if responding to him.

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