See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 252 First Meeting with Mansam

Although the death penalty of this game is only the prohibition of logging in to the game within 24 hours of real time and 10% of possessions and money falling, it is not painful for newcomers who have just entered the game, but in such a real game, it is arched by a group of pigs. Death, this is definitely not something a normal person would want to experience.


Sen Luo snorted softly, Hestia understood it, and immediately opened the barrier, and the two stood in battle.

At this moment, with only a "boom", a huge figure fell from the sky like a missile, and fell between Sun Luo and the wild boar herd. The air wave raised by the huge force engulfed the dust and stopped the wild boar herd. Footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, a thick voice reached Sen Luo's ear through the dust.

"Really, I saw the black smoke here from a distance. I came over because I was curious. This is not a whole pork roasted with spices. It seems that I am very lucky today. I am relieved to be the first one, but such a large group. This food should last for a few days in the camp."

The dust dispersed, revealing the true face of Lushan who came from inside. He was a giant man with a height of nearly 3 meters. The giant man did not have a coat of arms on his hands. He seemed to be an NPC.

He has a super Saiyan-like non-mainstream hairstyle, wears a sleeveless waistcoat, and his solid chest is exposed. The muscles on his exposed arms all show the strength of the master all the time.

He didn't ask Sen Luo for his opinion either. With the unique voice of breaking through the sound barrier, the giant rushed straight into the pigs.In an instant, all the pigs roasted along the way were knocked into the sky.

I saw that the giant man lightly grabbed the fangs of a whole spicy roast pig, and then suddenly it was his turn in the air. Then the giant man used the whole spicy roast pig as a weapon, like a tiger wielding a heavy hammer. The tiger bred the wind, and continued to stir the whole pork roasted around with other spices.

Not long after, the carcasses of the whole roasted pork in Xiangxin had been piled into a hill on the sand dunes. Looking at the giant man sitting on the top of the hill with pork and pouring wine into his mouth, Sen Luo felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. It is pure violence without any impurities, and the law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong.

After quickly gnawing a whole roasted pig with spices, the giant man randomly threw the pig skeleton in his hand to the ground, and looked at the other side of Sen Luo condescendingly.

"Boy, if you are unlucky, this area is the site of Lao Tzu's food robber group. Give all the money and food on your body. If this is the case, I will let you make a living."

Sen Luo was stunned when he heard that, he was almost devoid of everything on his body now, and his entire property was only 5 silver coins plus a roasted whole pig that had just been killed.

So Sen Luo scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "This... that, although I am very grateful to you for saving me in a crisis, I just came here, and I am still penniless. If you If you don't mind, please laugh at the whole roasted pork that I killed."

The giant man used his appraisal eye to observe Sen Luo who was a bit shorter than himself. As a necessary skill for robbers to pick fat sheep, the giant man’s appraisal eye was obviously much higher than Sen Luo, and he saw Sen Luo in an instant. Luo's information.

"Hey, just kidding, you guy is only level 0. You haven't got any job yet. How did you get here, but you can defeat the beast who is stronger than yourself before you get a job. You guys are very good. What about the future. How about, do you want to come to Lao Tzu's bandit group, and keep your favorite and spicy ones?"

Before Senluo had time to speak, a noisy voice came from the other side of the dune.

"Hey~! Boss Mansam, we're here to help, you rushed too fast, let us move around anyway!"

Sen Luo looked at the sound, and saw a group of about twenty or thirty people approaching here. They were all dressed differently, driving something similar to a sailboat in twos and threes, riding wind and waves in the sand sea. Raised smoke all the way.

The giant man known as Mansam waved to the group of people: "Oh~ you guys are too slow. Today is a big harvest. I moved all of them back to Lao Tzu, and there is no one left."

With that said, the giant man also pointed to the whole roasted pig with spicy spices piled into hills beside the mountain.

Obtaining the order of the giant Mansam, his subordinates immediately became enthusiastic: "Oh, it's not a small gain, it's really the boss of Mansam, let's have a banquet tonight! Let's have a barbecue party!"

While talking, they swiftly carried the whole roasted pork.

Looking at the busy men, Mansam didn't care whether Sen Luo agreed, and picked up his collar with his hands like a chicken, and led him to jump on the largest sailing boat.

Slowly let Sen Luo on the deck, Mansam sat down and said, "Boy, I will take you to our camp now. Then you will be one of us, and I will cover you in the future."

Sen Luo asked in a low voice, "Huh? What's my opinion?"

Mansam's eyebrows stretched, his nasal voice dragged the old man: "Huh~? Are you going to refuse Lao Tzu's invitation?"

Then, the mountain-like aura pressed on Sen Luo, making Sen Luo feel a little breathless.

So Sun Luo's head shook into a rattle: "No, no, there is absolutely no such thing, in fact, I am a cook, it will be very helpful to you."

But Mansam snorted: "Don't lie, how can you be a chef? I can see clearly that you have defeated monsters stronger than you, but you have not upgraded or gained experience, then Explain that you do not have any occupations, because only after you find a occupation can you gain experience and upgrade normally."

Sen Luo slammed his palm: "That's more~ it's such a thing, I was still weird just now, thank you for your explanation, Mansamsan."

Mansam was a little surprised: "Huh? You don't even know this? Which poor country did you come from? These are common sense in this world. Also, you just said that I was handsome?" (Handsome in Japanese (Pronounced Hansam, similar to Mansam)

Senluo was a little helpless at Mansam's escape, raised his palm and waved his hand: "(ω;) No, I didn't, you heard it wrong."

At this moment, Mansam rolled his eyes to the coat of arms on the back of Sun Luo's hand, took Sun Luo's hand, and drew him in front of him.

"This coat of arms, boy, are you the legendary [Master] from another world?"

Senro was taken aback by Mansam's actions: "Uh, yeah, I just arrived in the world today. By the way, Mansamsan, do you know [Master]?"

"Cut, are you underestimating me? Although [Master] is rare, it is not nonexistent. As early as hundreds of years ago, [Master] came to this world."

According to Mansam, tens of thousands of years ago, there were countless countries, large and small, on this continent, magic and technology developed rapidly, and civilization was extremely prosperous.

However, one day, a god from another world descended on this world, and the people of ancient civilization wanted to expel this god from this world, so they attacked the god.

As a result, their arrogance and rudeness angered the gods, and the angry gods descended 13 avatars from the sky, destroying the ancient civilizations in this world.

Those avatars have different shapes and abilities, but they are all extremely powerful. In front of the invincible avatars, the ancient civilization's proud magic and technological weapons are all vulnerable.

Today, there are still many relics left by ancient civilizations on this vast continent. Some of them are buried under yellow sand, some are buried in the sea, and even more are turned into mazes made by gods. For adventurers to explore treasure hunting.

After the destruction of the ancient civilization, the world has entered a long dark age. In the era of scarce resources, the survivors left by the ancient civilization continued to fight for the only resources.

Such disputes continued until the appearance of a man named Acacia, and finally had a turn for the better. This Acacia was the holder of the super professional [Food God], and he came up with a kind called [GOD] The ingredients that quell the world war.

I don't know if the effect of [GOD] or something else. Since then, more and more things can be used as food on this continent, which have sprung up all over the continent like bamboo shoots after a rain.

People re-established their own country on the mainland. Since then, people live in harmony, and the world has entered the age of food.

But this beauty was broken again hundreds of years ago. At that time, two great characters appeared in the world at the same time. They obtained special super careers [Overlord] and [Dragon Emperor], with their extraordinary powers. Anyone who stands up is a strong man who can suppress an era, but destiny arranges them to meet in the same era.

The so-called Wen has no first and Wu has no second. When the two strong meet, they will always want to compete. The two have played several duels, and they are not divided.

So the two changed their methods, with the goal of unifying the world, they each formed their own countries, and started to expand around them based on this, igniting war for the mainland again.

Just when the people on the mainland were living in dire straits, a group of brave men who claimed to be the [Masters] appeared.

According to historical records, [Masters] came from another world and were immortal. Even if they die, they only return to their original world. As long as 8 days have passed, they will reappear intact.

[Masters] They taught the people of the time advanced knowledge and led them to resist tyranny.After experiencing a long war, [Master] and the people of this world defeated [Dragon Emperor] and sealed [Overlord].

After the defeat, [Dragon Emperor] retreated and returned to his country, handed over the throne to his children, and began to recuperate. This was the predecessor of [Huanglong Empire].

But [Overlord] has no successor. After he was sealed, his country was torn apart and became the current Western countries.

Listening to Mansam’s statement, Sunro felt that those [masters] should be so-called game testers, or test players, instilling various advanced knowledge for the NPCs here, and it should not be all to help them, more It may be to make the impression of [Master] deeply rooted in people's hearts, so as to avoid unnatural situations when a large number of players log in.

Moreover, because the degree of freedom in this game world is extremely high, that knowledge can also effectively prevent players from relying on things that this game world does not have to quickly earn money and grow themselves.

Thinking of this, Senro stood up, summoned Hestia from the coat of arms, smiled and said to Mansam: "Uncle Mansam, thank you for telling me so much, although it's a bit late , But please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cook Horchmitz. As you can see, my name is [Master]. This is my [Creator] Hestia. Without you today, I might I’m going to die in the pig’s mouth. Thank you so much. I would like to ask for your advice in the future."

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