The next day, Senluo and Hestia came to Jienai canteen again. Last night, because Senluo showed her craftsmanship, Grandma Jienai seemed to value Senra very much.

In the following days, Sun Luo became the assistant of Setna’s mother-in-law. Under the accumulation of a large amount of high-level ingredients, Sun Luo’s [Chef], [Butcher] and other lower-level occupations quickly rose to full level, and Gourmet City took up his first senior occupation [Senior Chef].

Hestia, who was his [Creating a Fetus], had already evolved to the second stage when he was in the Mansam camp. After coming here, he also took the light of the sun and evolved to the fourth stage.

Because of the relationship of Setsuno's mother-in-law, Jiro who frequented him occasionally gave Senra's acupuncture points and food hunting skills. Senra's strength can be said to improve quickly.

As the summer vacation passed day by day, Sunro and Alyssa devoted all their time to "Infinite World" except for work and necessary exercise.

Those who have the ability to visit Jienai’s mother-in-law’s shop are either rich or expensive. They are all bigwigs. With Sen Luo’s appearance in the shop and the delicious dishes he made, his name is in the upper circle of [Cardina] Gradually spread.

Everyone soon knew that there was a cooking technique that was not inferior to her mother-in-law’s [master] in the restaurant of Gourmet Metropolitan Jianai’s mother-in-law. He can make many things that have never been seen here, and the deliciousness is so delicate Alien cuisine.

For this reason, the business of the originally hard-to-find Jienai canteen has become more and more popular.

Early this morning, the Jie Nai canteen did not open. Sen Luo came to the basement of Jie Nai’s canteen as usual and processed the ingredients under the guidance of Mother Jie Nai. There were bursts of knocks.

Mother-in-law Jenai walked upstairs while wondering who would come to her at this time.After opening the door, Yilong's assistant Xiduli was standing at the door.

Seeing Grandma Jienai opened the door, Siduli respectfully greeted her: "Good morning Jienai mother-in-law."

Granny Setuno smiled and said, "Oh, it's Siduli, what's the matter for coming to me so early?"

"Hi, I came by the order of Mayor Yilong. Is Mr. Cook here?"

Granny Setuno nodded, and then shouted into the room: "Hey~ Cook! Someone is looking for you."

After a while, Sen Luo, wearing a chef's uniform, walked out of the basement.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, miss siduli, may i have anything to do?"

Seeing Sunro, Siduli said the purpose of her trip: "Mr. Cook, I am on the order of Mayor Ichiryu to invite you to the mayor's residence."

"Is there anything going on, Mr. Yilong?"

"The mayor didn't say anything, only that it was a good thing, let you go."


While thinking, Sun Luo took off the chef's uniform and followed Siduli to the dragon cart.

When I came to the mayor’s residence, I saw Alu and other children working hard under the guidance of Mansam.

Following Siduli into the magnificent mansion, Sen Luo saw a huge sink at the front entrance, and inside it was a golden glow...Arowana can't help but become interested: "It's worthy of the mayor's mansion, it has such amazing ingredients."

Surprisingly, Siduli suddenly turned her head and said, "This is the energy dragon fish. There are only four in this world, which are very precious. Also, Mr. Cook, this is for viewing~rewarding~use~, please remember it."

Seeing Siduli's somewhat sullen smile, Sen Luo felt endless resentment for some reason.

"Hi! I see."

Hearing Sen Luo Kanding's answer, Siduli returned to her kind smile again: "I'm glad you can understand, let me go, the mayor is already waiting for you in the study."

When he came to the study, Siduli knocked on the door: "Mayor, Mr. Cook is here."

A slightly tired voice came from inside: "Come in."

Pushing the door in, Sen Luo saw Yilong's figure buried by various documents.

"Oh, kid Cook, you're here, come here, Siduli, thanks for your hard work. Go ahead, just have me here."

"Yes, Mayor, please feel free to call me if you need it."

After speaking, Siduli leaned slightly and left the study.

Sen Luo asked straightforwardly: "Father Yilong, what are you looking for me?"

Yilong did not immediately answer Sen Luo's question, but took a dictionary-like book from the shelf and handed it to Sen Luo.

Sen Luo took the book suspiciously and asked, "This is?"

"This is a magical tool called the occupational diagnosis catalogue. As long as you read it in your hand, you can tell the user what occupation is most suitable for you. As long as it meets the employment requirements, it will be displayed on it. When hesitating to find a job, follow This one must be right."

"Oh! Is there such a convenient item? But I have already taken a job, is it too late to give me this?"

Yilong shook his head: "Don't be in a hurry to say it's useless, first look at it."

Sen Luo looked through the catalog in a puzzled manner. In addition to the occupations of the cooking system where Sen Luo worked, there were also [Warrior] [Knight] [Fighter] [Monk] [Gladiator] and other combat professions. A career suitable for employment.

Turning to the last page, Sen Luo was stunned.

Shown on the last page is a non-combat super class named [God Cooker].

Senro immediately thought that this might be the compensation given by [Alice], and he couldn't help feeling a little excited: "Master Yilong, whoever you have said that you can find employment will show you what is going on? Why am I? It doesn’t take long to come here, and you can be a super professional."

Yilong sighed, "Is it true? Take a look at the employment conditions above."

Sun Luo obediently looked at the employment conditions on the catalog

1. The total level of customers who approve of their own cooking is more than 50,000.

2. At least 10 legendary ingredients have been used in the cooking career so far.

3. Have used myth-level ingredients at least once.

4. Recognition of talents.

5. Those who meet the above conditions can touch the employment crystal to find a job.

Seeing Sen Luo finished reading, Ichiryu continued: "The inauguration of a non-combat type super professional is easier than a combat type. In the shop of Setuno-chan, the above three conditions are not required to complete with your abilities. The key difficulty is the fourth one."


"Yes, it is talent. All professions with gods in their names are independent of other profession systems. In addition to the regular employment conditions, they also need to be recognized by the world in that aspect of talent and appear in history. Some of the super-professional owners of the past [God] system are naturally qualified for employment, and some rely on acquired efforts. However, no one knows how to get recognition because there are more challenges to the [God] system. Professionals have spent their entire lives on something, but still have no qualifications to find employment."

"Then how did you know that I have the ability to find employment?"

"In this world, non-combat professions who want to engage in production must first learn through blueprint props, and even if there are blueprints, if you don't have the corresponding talents, you can't make decent things. You kid has never been in touch. A recipe, but you can make dishes that far exceed the taste of the recipe. Don’t you think it’s strange?"

"Uh, what you say is true."

"So, I just thought about it, maybe this is a manifestation of talent. I tried it today and it turned out to be as I expected."

While talking, Yilong turned around and pushed aside the bookshelf on the wall, revealing a hidden compartment behind him, then took out a small and small treasure box from it and handed it to Sen Luo.

Opening the treasure chest, Sun Luo saw a blue crystal lying quietly in it.

"This is the inaugural crystal left by the late [God’s Cook] Master Froze. You only need to touch it to start the job. Boy Cook, I hope you can inherit Froze after your inauguration. The adult’s will, with cooking to bring everyone more happiness."

From Yilong’s words, Risenro heard extremely deep expectations and values, so he responded to Yilong’s words sternly: "Don’t worry, Lord Yilong, since I have chosen a career in the cooking system, I will definitely do it. Do my best to do it well."

After finishing speaking, Sen Luo pressed his hand on the crystal, and then, a dazzling brilliance burst out from the crystal, enveloping Sen Luo, and after a while, the light dissipated, and it was in Sen Luo’s professional menu. There is an additional profession called [God Cooker].

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