"Then, now that we decide to do something, how to fight is the problem, let's make tactics first."

After the three of Sen Luo made up their minds to fight three [UBM], Xiu asked this question.

Everyone calmed down. Generally speaking, in this situation, the opponents are fighting with each other, and Sun Luo and the others are three people working together. If the battle is dragged into a 3:1:1:1 state, the three people will work together to defeat one by one. , Then the situation is most beneficial to Sun Luo.

However, Figaro put forward an element that surprised everyone at this time. That is, because he has been recuperating at home in reality and rarely comes into contact with outsiders, he is extremely bad at communicating with others, and he is very bad at interacting with others. Not to mention, as long as there are other people beside him who are not enemies, he will feel bound, his whole body stiff, and his combat effectiveness plummeted by 80%, which is the so-called social terror.

Xiu tilted his head and smiled and said: "I saw that you were really strong in the battle before, and you are really a strange talent, kuma. Then find a way to separate the three [UBM], kill one by one, and try to win by one. Come on, Kuma! Cook, don't you have any comments?"

Sen Luo glanced at Figaro and nodded: "That's natural, or we can beat [UBM] first."

After receiving the understanding of the two, Figaro was very excited: "I'm so sorry, I can only use my full strength when I fight alone, so I deal with the tigers alone, and I will leave the remaining two to you."

Figaro himself didn’t know why he chose the tiger, but he just followed his instinct. As soon as his voice fell, for fear that he would snatch the prey, Sun Luo went on to say his goal: “I want that crocodile. That was my goal."

After Sen Luo's declaration, Xiu reluctantly made an OK gesture with the furry bear paw: "That's right, the target I want to fight is the wolf, so that everyone's purpose will not be repeated. "

After confirming their respective goals, everyone seriously thought about how to separate the three [UBM].

After a while, there was a sudden flash of inspiration, and he called out, "I thought about it!"

Everyone’s attention was attracted by Xiu, and Xiu looked at Drummod who was aside with scorching eyes: “I remember, the earth dragons are very good at moving soil magic, right? So, right on the top of the mountain A T-shaped hole with a length of 3,000 meters and a height of about 50 meters is dug below. How long will it take to dig out?"

When asked by the repairer, Drummod pondered for a while: "Assuming that everyone is dispatched except for the person and the child being treated, although the soldiers and young people are not enough, it should be completed within an hour."

Hearing Drummod's answer, Sen Luo couldn't help but raised his thumbs in his heart: "The Tulong people are amazing! This efficiency can definitely scare all the demolition offices and construction companies on the planet to pale."

After getting the answer, Xiu walked towards the wall of the assembly hall, took out a paintbrush from the belly pocket of his doll, and began to write and draw on the wall.

I saw that Xiu first drew a large triangle that might be a mountain, and then drew a semicircle at the upward corner. It might represent an enchantment, or it might be because he didn’t have confidence to continue painting. Xiu was directly in the semicircle The three words tiger wolf alligator are written in words.

But because Xiu's painting technique tends to be too soul-painting, everyone sees it in a cloud of mist.

Xiu turned his head to look at the people who wanted to say something but stopped: "I know exactly what you want to say, but now I just want to focus on explaining, so please forgive me."

Suddenly, the black line covered everyone's foreheads: "(ωll) So you know it yourself."

After drawing the outline of the mountain, Xiu drew a circle directly below the barrier, and then explained: "My idea is very simple. First, I dig a hole here, and then I dig a hole larger than the barrier. Let the barrier, along with the [UBM] inside, fall into this dug space."

At this time, Figaro raised a question: "Even if a hole is opened, the barrier will not necessarily fall, what if he is suspended in the air?"

Xiu put the bear's paw off: "Have you seen their battle? When [Wolf Shadow] hits Krosa’s barrier wall, the barrier wall will sway. That is to say, that is not there. The power to maintain a fixed state in space."

Figaro nodded in approval: "What you said is really the message from that image? Xiu does not seem to be an ordinary person."

Xiu continued: "Then, as long as they fall, things are simple. You can't see outside things in the black hemisphere barrier. If you want to know the reason for the fall, Krosa must unlock the barrier. If you don't unlock it, It doesn’t matter, if that’s the case, use earth to bury the barrier alive together with the [UBM] inside."

After that, Xiu drew three tunnel-like long strip patterns on the circle under the top of the mountain, distributed in a T-shape. At the end of the three tunnels, Xiu drew three more rectangular spaces.

"After the barrier is unlocked, Fei Jiazai, you drag Klossa, and I will go straight to Fiuru. Cook is in charge of Gallarog, and it is enough to induce them into the cavity opposite the tunnel. "

Senluo asked with some doubts: "I know something about Nagara Rog. That race is very gluttonous. As long as I use food to seduce it, it will get hooked 80% of the time, but will Fiuru be induced smoothly?"

"Yes, not to mention Klossa for the time being. There are two reasons why Fiuru was induced by me. First, compared with Klossa who has lived in beads for hundreds of years, Fiuru is still young. Plus, if it's the same as I thought, then Fiuru won't ignore me."

The words Xiu explained were a bit vague, but there was no hesitation. This made everyone wonder if something had happened between Xiu and Fiuru, otherwise, how could he even know Fiuru’s age? So clear.

However, since Xiu didn’t want to say anything, everyone wouldn’t ask too much. After allocating the task, everyone moved quickly. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the project, Senluo also used skills to make a lot of MPs and answers for the Tulong people. SP cookies let them take them with them.

Knowing that the seriously injured relatives in the village have hope for a lifetime, the remaining Tulong people have a high fighting spirit, and they have become more and more swift in their work.


Time passed by, and in the black enchantment on the top of the mountain, three [UBM] continued their battle.

Fiuru was originally a wolf king of a low-level monster family named [Tirwolf] who lived in the north of the [Alta Kingdom] capital.

However, due to the sudden increase of [Masters], as a low-level monster in the leveling point, [Till Wolf] has become the first choice for [Masters] to level up. Although there is no wild monster that refreshes the spectacular sight of a dozen swords in an instant. Scene, but their ethnic group still suffered a devastating blow.

Under the desperate cover of the pack of wolves, the wolf king Fei Ulu managed to escape from the army of masters upgraded from monster spawning [Nozhi Forest].

Of course, the wolf king as a game monster naturally does not understand that even if his race is slaughtered, it will still refresh the situation after a certain period of time.

The wolf king, Fiuru, who has lost his race, is full of hatred for his weak self. Its regret and loneliness are favored by the game management AI responsible for managing [UBM], and it is upgraded to a new [UBM].

Fiulu, who has become [UBM], is still very lonely. Because of his own strength, he is squeezed out by other monsters in the original living area. When he yearns for companions, he is attracted by the mysterious existence and comes to this mountain and meets the seal. With the Orb of Klossa who is also [UBM].

Fiuru, who thought it was his companion, attacked and smashed the orb and released Klossa in it. However, when Klossa came out, Fiuru realized that such an existence could not be his partner. However, K Lothar is a closely matched existence with himself, and has the power to fight and kill each other. Between the killings with the same type of existence, Fiuru can eliminate his loneliness 120%.

This is why Fiuru fights.

Krosa, who was released, was anxious to want an opponent to vent his grievances that had been sealed for hundreds of years, so the two fought each other.

Galarog, who appeared later, just followed his appetite and came here under the guidance of a mysterious existence.

Because in the game, the level of [UBM] is not static, [UBM] wants to evolve and upgrade, it must defeat and absorb other resources of [UBM], so Gallarog just treats these two powerful guys as It’s nothing more than the food for his own upgrade.

In this way, for their own purposes, the three [UBM] fought for a week. If they were replaced by ordinary monsters, they would have been exhausted and exhausted, but all of them were [UBM], possessing extraordinary power and life. Value, the existence at the top of this game's ecosystem, let alone a week, can continue to fight even if the time is doubled.

However, this battle will also come to an end today.

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