See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 281 Going to the Capital

Early the next morning, Sun Luo brought all the equipment and arrived at the mayor’s residence as scheduled. After that, Yilong took Sun Luo and Siduli together in the dragon cart.

The dragon cart gradually drove out of the gourmet city to the outskirts.

In a vast open space in an oasis in the outskirts, an I-shaped pattern similar to a helipad is depicted very inconsistent with the style.

After getting out of the car, in the puzzled gaze of Sen Luo and Hestia, Yilong put two fingers in his mouth and blew a whistle.

Immediately afterwards, the originally clear sky suddenly became gloomy, and Sen Luo looked up and saw that a behemoth was descending from the sky and swooping over them, and the shadow cast by the wings that covered the sky and the sun shrouded everyone.

It was a small pegasus the size of a hill, with pure white fur, with horns and huge wings. As soon as it fell to the ground, the ground was trampled by his horse's hooves, shaking like an earthquake.

After standing still, Pegasus docilely lowered the huge horse's head to Yilong, who was fond of stroking it with both hands.

Sen Luo pointed at Pegasus and asked, "Master Yilong, what is this?"

Yilong said triumphantly: "It's called [Emperor Pegasus]. It is an old man’s means of transportation. Don’t think it is so docile now. Before the old man took him, this guy destroyed several oases and The ancient legendary class [UBM] of the town."

Sen Luo knew it: "It turns out that it is the same strong man as the [Extreme Tiger Klossa] we met before."

However, after listening to Senluo’s understanding, Yilong waved his hand disdainfully: "The Peerless Tiger? Ah, it is the orb beast you said yesterday. Although it is of the ancient legend level, don’t compare Pecasas with that. On the same level as the guys, such orb beasts were first defeated by the Dragon Emperor, and then sealed into the orb to squeeze the power for hundreds of years. After being released, there is a question mark whether it can have legendary strength, but Pecasas It’s a genuine product that has lived for hundreds of years and has continued to grow stronger [UBM]."

"It turns out that the same level of [UBM] also has advantages and disadvantages? But then again, how strong is a master who can subdue even such a [UBM]? Such [UBM] has quite a bit Wisdom, conquering is much more difficult than conquering."

Senluo’s words made Yilong listen to the beard and feed him: "Haha, it’s not that exaggerated. I’m just an old man who loves to eat and love to be lazy. Sa, today we will take Pecasas to Cardina. The capital, Doraguenomat."

After speaking, Yilong lifted the collars of Senluo and Hestia and jumped up, leading the two on horseback. Siduli followed closely and jumped up together.

Finding that there were two strange little things on his back besides the master and the master's assistant, Pecasas reluctantly shook his hooves on the spot.

Upon seeing this, Yilong quickly pacified Pecasas, and then in the shout of Yilong, Pecasas spread his wings and flew high, accompanied by Hestia's screams, carrying everyone Rushed straight to the sky.

Pecasas stopped in the air to feel it, and after checking the direction, he sprinted forward.


After flying for about two or three hours, Yilong cried out to the drowsy Sen Luo: "Kook kid, open your eyes, we're almost there."

After finishing speaking, Yilong pointed down with his hand and motioned Sen Luo to look down.

Sunlora and Hestia carefully looked down from the edge of Pecasas’ back, and saw that a huge piece of land in the vast desert below was slowly moving along with the rolling sand, with rows of rows on it. In the houses and streets, countless figures are walking around like ants.But for some reason, Sen Luo felt endless pressure from the continent below.

"Master Yilong, what the hell is that!"

Yilong explained with some pride: "That is the capital of [Cardina]. Our capital [Doragnaomat] of Cardina is also a different kind of "Infinite World", which has a blend of multiple cultures. It’s a different kind in China. Because our capital, Doragnomate, is a city built on the back of UBM [Drifting Dragon King Doragnomate] outside the specifications."

"Outside the specifications, what is [UBM]? Isn't [UBM] all classified into super gods, myths, ancient legends, legends, and anecdotes?"

"You are right. Normally, [UBM] is classified as such, but there are always exceptions to everything. There are some [UBM] out of the control of the world for various reasons and cannot be accurately evaluated. Level, so we call this kind of [UBM] as [out-of-spec UBM]. Although they cannot evaluate the level, they at least have the strength above the myth level. Don’t underestimate them."

After listening to Yilong's explanation, Sen Luo understood that it was not a continent that was moving below them, but a super huge dragon king with a total length of tens of kilometers from the tip of the head to the end of the tail.

At the same time, Sen Luo also understood why Yilong did not choose to come here by dragon cart or sand boat. Under the huge pressure of [Drifting Dragon King·Doragnaomat], ordinary monsters could not even get close. ,that.With a tall body like a building, ordinary sand boats can't get ashore.

However, Pecasas, an ancient legendary [UBM], was not afraid of this coercion. Under the command of a dragon, fluttering his wings, he fell unimpeded into the airport of Doragnomat.

After getting off the horse, Senro and the others stood on the observation deck watching Pecasas leave, and looking at the boundless desert of [Cardina] from a place higher than the building, the sense of magnificence was better than before.

At this time, a woman's voice rang from behind everyone: "Mr. Yilong, welcome to Doragnomate again, you are so early."

Everyone turned to look, and a young woman who covered half of her face with a tulle did not know when she took some attendants and stood not far behind them.

Seeing the woman, Yilong smiled and said, "Oh, La Place girl, I would like to trouble you, the speaker, to pick me up in person, this old man, I'm really embarrassed."

From Yilong’s words, Senro knew that the person here was the current [Cardinal] highest authority, Speaker La Plas Vantasma.

Speaker La Place said: "What do you say, as the apex of the strength of this country, this is the right treatment. I, the speaker, must rely on your support."

After the two sides exchanged a few words, La Plas looked at Sen Luo next to Yilong: "Ah, are you the [Master] that Yilong is optimistic about? I heard that you are also recognized as a super professional, sure enough. As expected, it’s amazing."

Sen Luo keenly caught La Place's words, and asked Yilong in a low voice: "Master Yilong, what does Speaker La Place mean by foresight?"

Yilong slapped his forehead: "Oh, people are getting old and they are not useful. Looking at my memory, I forgot to tell you that La Place is our special super professional [Witch]. The incumbents have the ability to see through and predict the future. The sharp increase in the number of [Masters] that began a month ago is something she had predicted long ago."

Although Sunro was puzzled about how an NPC could predict the player’s login time, he still politely bowed to La Place: "It’s nice to meet you, Speaker La Place, I’m Cook Horchmitz, thanks to Mr. Yilong's respect, and being entrusted with a heavy responsibility for this banquet, I will do my best to not let you and Mr. Yilong lose face."

"Ah, what a polite child, I will look forward to the banquet after today's meeting."

La Place smiled like a big sister next door, but everyone who knows her knows how clever this woman who can honour many old fox mayors governed by [Cardina] is so clever. It will be as innocent as it is now revealed, and it will still be against a [master] who does not seem to be strong yet.

Although they were surprised in their hearts, the others didn’t speak their words. They just followed them silently. La Place and Yilong were chatting about something. Under the leadership of La Place, everyone Boarded the dragon cart to the Senate.

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