See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 288 Freedom Rules

"Please be quiet!"

After all the students had calmed down, the voice introduced by Bai Yin Yuxing, vice president of the Student Union, sounded on the radio.

"Before the start of the Tianlan Budo Club, the operating committee of this conference and the president of the Student Union Academy will first explain the rules of the competition."

As the voice on the radio fell, Zhu Mei of Zuoliuyuan generously walked from the sidelines to the central ring.

Taking the microphone handed over by the staff, Zoryuin Zhu Mei said: "As everyone knows, in the early Meiji era, our ancestors of the Zoryuin family were entangled with hundreds of R Benshens for the inheritance of R Budo. The genre of martial arts founded the original Huangying Academy. In the changing times, these accepted genres gradually merged and became different factions, which have been spread throughout the school in the form of extracurricular clubs."

Having said this, Zhu Mei of Zouliu Academy scanned the students in the stands, and then said: “Up to now, there have been over 100 martial arts-related extracurricular clubs in the Huang Ying Academy, and each of the martial arts genres sends their descendants. There are not a few people who enter this school to study. In order to coordinate the management of these clubs, the student union executive department came into being. In other words, the student union executive department with the strength to do this is the strongest group in the school, so this In the next Tianlan Budo Club, the club that won the championship of the school will automatically be recognized as the executive department by our student union, and will have the right to coordinate and manage other clubs in the future."

Hearing the awards proposed by Zhu Mei of Zouliu Academy, those students in the audience who were confident in their skills had already begun gearing up and eager to try.

"The Tianlan Budo Club will be conducted in a team competition with five people from each club. If all five people lose the ability to fight, they will be eliminated. We have already posted the battle schedule on the board outside the venue. Each club chooses Five fighters out! I hope you will bet on your dignity and glory with your own beliefs in this competition, and fight a duel worthy of your heart, above!"

After speaking, Zhu Mei turned and left the ring, leaving behind a group of confused first-year students and energetic senior students.

After listening to the rules stated by Zhu Mei of the Zouliu Academy, Alisha and the others did not understand, so they looked at Sen Luo on the side: "Now, Sen Luo, Zhu Mei hasn't said the specific rules yet, why did she leave? Completely engaged. Do not understand."

Sen Luo also shook his head, and Zao Shen, who had already experienced two Tianlan Budokai sessions, explained: "Actually, the eldest lady from the Zuiliu Academy has already said very clearly, except for the requirement that each club must elect 5 people. Outside of the battle, there are no other restrictions and rules."

"This is really..."

"This is the characteristic of this school. You can use any kind of weapon during the game, and you can attack any key. As long as you are still in the school, you can choose the battle field freely and the way of fighting is free. In addition to not hurting your life, the weapons will be replaced with special ones. Apart from imitations, there are no restrictions."

After listening to Zao Shen’s explanation, Sen Luo and the others who have seen the world did not react much, but the frivolous boy called the scumbag in Zao Shen’s team was startled by surprise: "This ... This is too messy! This is a peaceful R book, we are still high school students, how can we be so messy!"

Wen Qi, who was sitting next to him, hooked his neck: "Scumbag, stop making trouble, what's the fuss about, and it won’t kill you. Even if the fake weapon is really hit, it won’t happen. The dead are just going to die in pain, because your yelling made our grades lower."

While talking, Wen Qi dragged the scumbag towards the outside of the stadium. Seeing someone leaving, everyone else in the stadium started to act, rushing to the sign outside the stadium.

When Sun Luo followed Wen Qi and the others out of the stadium, there was already a crowd of people in front of the sign at the door.

"Tsk, Robert, please go and check the match table to confirm who our opponent is."

"Yes, Master Sunro."

Upon receiving Sen Luo's instruction, Roberto leaped forward, and there was also a wailing from under the feet, stepping on the head of the person in front and moving toward the signboard.

The maid moving fast above the crowd was very conspicuous, and immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Someone who wanted to reach out and pull Roberto into the crowd from above the crowd, but he didn't expect that Robert's shoe was "rubbing". A sharp blade popped out, and as soon as he raised his foot, he broke the man's hand muscles, and the man instantly screamed in pain and helplessly holding his hand.

When he came to the signboard, the bloody shoes stepped on a bad head in the front. Robert quickly took out his phone and took a photo of the match table. Then he quickly returned to the same path and came to the side of Sen Luo. Hand passed over.

"Master Sunro, this is the match list, please have a look."

Sun Luo took the mobile phone, because the number of people here is still increasing, Sun Luo and the others decided to move their positions first.

On the way back to the school building, Julie leaned close to Sen Luo, looking at the match watch on the phone while walking, muttering, and said with some discomfort: "Cut, is it the Kyudo club? It is freedom of fighting. It’s a disappointment to see who is not pleasing to the eye and you can go up and fight to death."

Hearing Julie’s words, the last scumbag of the team trembled: "I said this eldest sister, don’t say such scary words with a calm expression. If you say that, it’s not a game. It's a fight."

Wen Qi punched his head with a punch: "Scumbag, you look at others’ consciousness and then at yourself, don’t you feel ashamed? Looking back on our first game last year, our opponent was also the Kyudo Club. We are much worse than we are now. As soon as we left the stadium, the group of people from the archery club shot at us on the roof. One of our team was stabbed into a hedgehog because of his slow legs and feet. Oh, it’s you. The position in the team now."

Being so scared by Wen Qi, the scumbag shuddered even more: "Seniors, you should be busy first. I suddenly remembered that I still have important affairs at home, so I won't be with him.

With that, the scumbag turned around and wanted to escape, but Wen Qi grabbed his collar by the collar.

"Where do you want to go, scum~male~?"

"I don't want to die yet, please spare me, Wen Qisang!"

"Who will let you drive away alone, if you want to run, you can, I will pull out one of your hair now, believe it or not?"

When the scumbag heard this, his face instantly paled: "Why... how is this!"

Zao Zhenye, who was not far behind Zao Shen, also looked in the direction of Zuo Nan: "Shi Nan, you give up. Even if Wen Qisang let you go, you will never leave without incident. Look around. Right."

The scumbag looked around following Maiya's words, and he found that the eyes of other people around looking at them were very unfriendly, even full of murderous aura.

It's no wonder that Zao Shen and the others, as members of the original executive department, are the biggest obstacle for everyone to get ahead, and Maiya and Senluo who followed them naturally became targets of public criticism.

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