See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 290 Victory and the second coming in succession

"Hey, I finally got closer."

Coming to the roof to stand firm, Senluo's eyes flashed with a brilliant light. Then, Senluo's figure flashed and disappeared in front of the five members of the Kyudo Club.

Shiina Kyoko secretly said that she was not good, and jumped back to avoid it. The next moment, Mori had appeared where she had just stood.

Sen Luo, who appeared in shape, swung his hands into a knife-like hand at the other four sisters.

"Ren Yuequan · Feiyan spiral hand!"

Just after hearing a few consecutive "clicks", the bows in the girls' hands broke into several knots.

"Bad boys need to be well trained, but since you are friends of my acquaintances, I won't be too embarrassed today, you just lie down for me!"

"Ma's Secret Skills, Wrapping Clothes!"

Sen Luo waved his hand, and the four sisters felt a strong wind hitting their faces, and could not help closing their eyes. Then, the strong wind swept across her body, but the expected pain did not come.

"Just waving with bare hands is so powerful, so strong!"

"Where did he attack? Why didn't he feel pain!"

"What...what's going on, I can't move anymore."

"Yeah!!! Clothes, why are my clothes missing!"

The four sisters who opened their eyes found that they did not know when their bow uniforms had been stripped off by Sen Luo and turned them into props to restrain themselves, and tied them up in various shameful poses.


Because all kinds of things that can be seen and not seen under the Kyudo suit were suddenly exposed to the eyes of everyone, the four sisters screamed because of shyness.

Shiina Kyoko, who had escaped a catastrophe, silently mourned for his companion for 3 seconds, then quickly opened her bow and arrows, looked at Senra vigilantly, and said: "It turned out to be a martial art that only attacks clothes. It seems that Senrasan is not just The cooking is delicious and I am very proficient in these weird things."

"It's no surprise, right, martial arts and clothing are inextricably related. For example, there are many ways to capture opponents' clothes in Tian Dynasty martial arts, and the earliest judo of R Ben is created on the premise of grabbing clothes and subduing the enemy. Although this move was created by his younger brother according to Master Carbine Yue, it is the essence of those living fists, but it is just right to use here."

After finishing speaking, Senro stepped hard on the ground, and instantly got closer to Shiina Kyoko.

"Do you think that as long as you get close, the bow is useless? Don't underestimate me!"

Facing the sudden arrival of Mori, Kyoko Shiina did not back down anymore, and the strong bow in his hand swung towards Mori like a big sword, and the sharp bowstring was like a sharp guillotine and went straight to Mori's neck.

Mori's dexterous short body escaped Shiina Kyoko's unexpected assault.

"You are too underestimating the enemy. What I use is not a game-style archery, but [Archery]. There are natural moves when dealing with close hands, so even if I get close, I will not easily admit defeat."

While speaking, Kyoko Shiina bent the bow and took the arrow, and at almost zero distance, the arrow aimed at Mori's head.

The arrow dropped out and shot Morira's face, but Kyoko Shiina didn’t expect that Mori’s reflexes were surprisingly good. In a critical moment, Mori’s head suddenly fell to the side, and the arrow was rubbing at Mori’s. The cheek flew over, leaving a faint red mark on Sen Luo's face.

And when Kyoko Shiina shot an arrow in the air and there was no arrow in his hand, Sen Luo brought out a bunch of afterimages and quickly walked around behind her.

"Although I feel a little sorry for Yamato, but please leave here honestly! Ma's secret skills·Bound clothes!"

Following Senra's actions, Shiina Kyoko followed in the footsteps of his four companions.

Sun Luo won the first battle, leaving behind a struggling beautiful body. Sun Luo jumped straight from the roof, just as it was when he went up. With the help of the window sill on the outer wall, he fell to the ground unscathed.

Sen Luo and the others were fighting like wolves that signaled a fight. Soon, battles like this were unfolding everywhere on campus.

Sun Luo led everyone back to the department of the World Comprehensive Martial Arts Department, but before entering the door, Sun Luo found that his opponent in the second game had already come to the door.

"Excuse me! The fencing club came to ask for advice!"

Looking at the five sisters holding Western swords in front of him and the two leading acquaintances, Sen Luo was speechless.

"(ω;) Chrissy, Sylvia, are you after Kyoko? Why do I feel the organizers' full malice from the group."

The two of them didn’t pay much attention to Sunro’s words. As aristocrats, they greeted him very politely: "Although the vision of winning you is completely in your mind, as your opponent in the second game, Your Excellency Sunro , Please advise!"

"Um, please advise, well, it's not a problem to stand and talk at the door, so let's sit in first."

While talking, Sen Luo opened the door of the department and led everyone in.

When he came to the department room and sat cross-legged on the cleaned floor that was as bright as new, Sen Luo asked the two straightforwardly: "Since you guys are here for the game, then how do you compare? Just draw it down."

Silvia and the others are also not polite: "We have already known the power of Senro, and we are not interested in winning this game, but the opportunity is rare. Please also Senro can give me some advice on my sister's swordsmanship. As for everyone in the other fencing clubs, in order to avoid unnecessary damage, this time just came to observe."

After all, he is a squatter of a sacred sacred sect. People have said so, and Sen Luo is embarrassed to refuse: "Well, you guys wait a moment."

After speaking, Senluo got up and walked into the dressing room on the side. After a while, Senluo put on a judo suit and walked out of it.

Standing in front of the two people again, Senluo took a posture: "Okay, let's start."

Looking at Sun Luo's dress, Silvia saw Sun Luo's plan: "Your Excellency Sun Luo, are you planning to use judo?"

"Yes, you can see it, what happened to judo?"

"With all due respect, although Judo was created to deal with people holding swords in an empty-handed state, the ancient battlefields of R were mostly horizontal swords. Will there be some confrontation with the Western swords that are mainly straight? Suffer."

Sen Luo smiled slightly: "It's a very interesting hypothesis, so let's verify it. Don't worry, let's try our best to change it. I'm very strong."

Silvia didn't say much, and together with Kris on the side, raised the sword in one hand, turned sideways, and assumed a fencing posture that is common in Western swords.

The two moved lightly and moved closer to Sen Luo, bringing him into their attack range.

Facing the approach of the two, Sen Luo seemed to be waiting for them to take action, without any movement.

At the moment when they reached the attack distance, the two Western swords with cold light flashed into a dense net of swords and shrouded towards Senluo in a storm.

But Sen Luo dexterously walked through the rain of swords, and kept moving closer to the two of them. However, the Western swords of Silvia and Chris couldn’t keep up with it. Every time, they were only a little too close to stab. Zhong Sen Luo, but this is just a little bit, like an insurmountable gap between them and Sen Luo.

Silvia was surprised: "This... how is this possible, I have stretched out my hand to extend my thrust, but I can't pierce it at all."

Looking closely, Silvia and Kris found the clues. Senro seemed to be moving forward, but every time he was about to be stabbed, he would fall backward in a very strange posture. Avoiding the spurs of the two people, but because the central axis of the body itself is not offset, the avoidance movement is small, so at first glance, there is no clue.

"Remember, no matter how to strengthen the stab, once the sword in his hand is pierced, the hand must be retracted before the next attack can be carried out. This is the theorem and the flaw. Just grasp you. With the rhythm of the sword, it is easy to get close to you."

While they were talking, Senluo had already come to the two of them and sealed the distance between them. Then Senluo put both hands on their shoulders, flipped his wrists, and slammed them to the ground.

As she slowly got up from the ground, Silvia said with some admiration: "As expected, Your Excellency Senro, although I know that I can't beat you, I didn't expect the gap to be so big. It seems that my practice is far from enough. It."

"Well, your talents are still very good. If you can work harder on the speed of arm extension and the variation of spurs next time, it should become even better than it is now."

Afterwards, Sen Luo gave further guidance to the two men's swordsmanship, until the sunset went down, everyone packed their things and put them back in Izumoliao.

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