See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 3 The Unexpected Father

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Komori is 4 years old. He has completely adapted to life in this world. Not long ago, at the request of Grandpa Zeng Wu Huiliyang, Komori started martial arts training for the Wu clan.

Komori did not resist this. In such a world, the freedom to live and the strength is the first condition, not to mention the inheritance of the family business in the future.

With the training of martial arts, Komori gradually discovered his golden finger. He didn't pay attention to it when he was studying before, only when the knowledge accumulated before was working.But after learning martial arts now, Komori found that no matter what moves the elders teach, as long as they practice it in front of him, he can easily master it, and if he sees it twice, the impression will be as firm as a rock and feel at ease.

Komori was very happy to discover this: "This is my golden finger? But it seems that I don't have red-eye disease. Could it be the legendary Gu Jigu?"

During the rehearsal of the elders, Komori got bored, and then began to practice on time. At first, the elders just thought Komori was young and playful, but as the number of times increased, he regarded Komori as a hopeful elder for the future. We were anxious, so they told the patriarch Wu Huiliyang about this matter.

After that, Wu Huiliyang found Komori and asked kindly: "Komori, why don't you learn martial arts with your elders? You know, as a clan, it is an innate mission to carry forward the family, there is no strong You can't do it with strength."

Komori pouted and said, "But grandpa, the moves taught by those uncles and uncles can be seen at a glance. It's really boring."

"Nani? Really? Komori can't lie to Grandpa."

"Really, if you don't believe me, grandpa, you can try it."

"Well, let Grandpa see how much you have mastered."

Having said that, the grandfather and grandson took a posture in the yard.

"Grandpa, I'm going to fuck, please advise!"

In the next match, Komori’s performance far exceeded Wu Hui Liyang’s expectations. Every move and every style was like a master who has worked hard for decades. Even the moves Wu Hui Liyang used during the match have been seen. After doing it again, Komori was able to play a trick, giving Wu Huiliyang a feeling of playing against himself. Although Komori was too young to fight again because of his physical condition and limited physical strength, but this has already given him Wu Hui Liyang was greatly shocked.

Wu Huiliyang realized that a monster of the Wu clan might appear in the future, and he didn't close his eyes all night happily.

The next day, early in the morning, he called Komori into the yard.

Komori asked sleepily, "Grandpa, what's the matter for calling me so early?"

"Xiao Mori Luo, based on your performance yesterday, Grandpa decided to teach you my clan secret skill [Liberation] in advance."


Then, Wu Hui Liyang began to explain the principle of the secret technique [Liberation] to Komori.

"Usually human beings have "yokes" that limit their physical abilities to less than 30%. This is a safety measure taken by the brain to protect the body.Weak ordinary human bodies will collapse because they can’t bear that kind of power. Through years of genetic improvement, the Wu clan has gained a body that can withstand that kind of power, and developed a body that can actively untie the “yoke”. method.This is the secret technique [Liberation]. Once the restrictions on protection are lifted, we can gain power like ghosts and gods."

After that, Wu Huiliyang personally gave Komori a demonstration, and saw that the skin of Wu Huiliyang's whole body appeared black and purple. The aura of the original top master instantly skyrocketed again, standing motionless, just by the burst of momentum The ground around it was sunken.

"How about it, did Komori understand it? Practice hard, this is our foundation..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Huiliyang's eyes widened in shock. He saw that the skin of Komori in front of him was also black and purple. Although it only lasted for a while, Wu Huiliyang could see that Komori Not only did he learn [Liberation], his [Liberation] had obviously reached the same level as himself.

At this time, Komori was lying on the ground panting, and asked with a puzzled look: "Huh? Why is it gone for a while? I obviously followed Grandpa's method completely."

Looking at Komori on the ground, Wu Huiliyang tried to suppress the excitement in his heart, and touched his head and said, "Well, don’t worry about Komori. You are still young after all. With your ability, as long as you grow up, I will soon surpass my grandfather. Komori is so smart, I want to come to my grandfather and there will be nothing to teach you soon."

Sure enough, as expected by Wu Huiliyang, under his personal teaching, Komori learned all the martial arts of the Wu clan in less than a week. Except for combat experience, things that cannot be taught directly, Wu Huili Yang really has nothing to do with him.

A few days later, Wu Huiliyang called Komori and his mother Wu Yacha to the discussion hall alone, and sat at the head, Wu Huiliyang said: "I am looking for you today to ask for your opinions on important matters. , I want to ask, Komori, do you have any dreams in the future?"

"Hi! I want to be a cook."

"Σ(°Д°;) um, the chef who was caught off guard, why did Komori suddenly want to be a chef?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will inherit the family business, but don't mothers and other ethnic groups have side businesses besides their main business? Cooking is just a matter of interest."

After listening to Komori’s explanation, Wu Hyeriyang breathed a sigh of relief: “I’m relieved, but as you know, Komori, your talent is too bad, you have mastered all the skills of our Wu clan a few days ago. , I have nothing to teach you. In the past few years, haven't you always wanted to know who your father is? After careful consideration, I decided to take you to see him. His place can give you a broader stage."

"It sounds like a great deal, so what kind of person is my dad?"

"Before I say that, Grandpa will test you first. Do you know who is the strongest martial artist in the world?"

"Fan Ma Yujiro, known as the strongest creature on the ground?"

"What you say is correct, but it's not all right. Fan Ma Yongjiro is indeed very powerful, but this is the side of the world that is known to everyone. There are still several people in our world who can share his beauty. "

"And in this world, the martial artists in the inner world are divided into two rival factions, the living fist and the murder fist. They basically do not participate in any world-wide competitions and activities. There are very few people who know them except for the leaders of various countries. Few, the living boxing represents the light. The leader is a dojo called Liangshanpo. Although there are not many experts gathered in it, they are all top experts, especially their leader, the Fenglin Temple Hayato known as "Invincible Superman" He is also a figure standing at the top of this world martial artist."

When Komori heard it, he complained: "MMP, even the strongest disciple in history has come out. The elders can blast the missiles with bare hands without being injured."

On the surface, Xiao Mori Luo asked innocently in order not to reveal the flaws: "Listening to Grandpa, then we should be on the other side. The killer doesn't seem to be related to a living person."

"Rako Komori is really smart, there is light, there is darkness, and the representative of Murder Fist is the organization named [Dark]. This organization has forces all over the world, and all countries will be involved in them in secret. Darkness itself is divided into empty-handed groups and In the weapon group, there are the so-called [One Shadow Nine Punches] and [Bahuang Crime Breaking Blade], a total of 18 top talents sit in the center, and there are countless other talents."

"As far as the number of people is concerned, isn't our side a sure chance to win? Why can the living boxer fight against us?"

"Well, on the one hand, the living fighters are more united and have a combined attack technique, which can magnify their strength infinitely. However, the dark masters think that their martial arts genre is the strongest, and no one accepts anyone. There is no cooperation at all. On the other hand, Living Human Boxing is the same as the darkness, and the officials of various countries have close ties. It is always difficult to have a country caught in the middle."

"But after all, what does this have to do with my dad?"

"Don't worry, Komori, this is what I'm going to say next. Your father is a shadow in the [Dark] Karate group [One Shadow and Nine Punches]."

"⊙ω⊙The super amazing fact is here! Why is he my father? I haven't seen him for so many years."

"This is also no way. He estimates that he may not know your existence until now."

"Eh~ what's the situation?"

"Since the beginning of the Asuka era, the Wu clan, which we have been born for martial arts, sometimes twists with the daughters of famous martial artists, and sometimes obtains the "seeds" of outstanding martial artists from outside. Such genetic improvement and technology have been absorbed so far. It lasted for 1,300 years. As a result, our Wu clan has been continuously improved from generation to generation and has become a race with specialized combat capabilities, and the system of constantly absorbing combat technology from the outside is also constantly evolving.This time, Yasha did a great job, and brought to our clan a genius like yours that has not been met in a thousand years. You will have to open up more branches and leaves to carry forward our clan."

"Where is it? You passed the award. Mr. Yikage is indeed a very outstanding character. If he had just suffered the pain of losing his wife before and had a mental flaw, I might not be able to succeed."

Komori said inwardly: "Grandpa Yo, your proud family history has been complained by the teacher next door, Saitama, that is similar to the improvement of corn varieties."

After thinking about it, Komori still didn’t say this sentence. He then asked: “After a long time, how do I feel that I am the bastard after a night of Q? Then mother, why can you get close to that one shadow? Isn’t he a big shot? ?"

"Ah, baby, haven't mom told you before? Mom is a big man, your mother, I am one of the Bahuang Guilin Blades, isn't my mother very good at Naginata? There was also such a woman in the Bahuang Guilin Blade before. She didn't have much skill, but she held her position, so I found an opportunity to cut her over in front of other members, and grab her place."

"That's it, mom is mighty!"

Even though he said so, Komori said inwardly: "Sure enough, the squinting eyes are all monsters, Baconai Luo Ji, who is far away in hell, will mourn for you for 3 seconds."

In this way, Komori's future whereabouts was decided. Seeing that Komori did not reject him, Wu Huiliyang began to contact the people in [Darkness].

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