See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 300 Crush! Senluo 1V5 (below)

"Okay, next one!"

Facing Sun Luo's cry, the three people in the audience looked at me, and I looked at you, and hesitated for a while.

In the end, the leader of the First Kendo Division, Jin Bei Liuchuan gritted his teeth, drew out his wooden knife, and stepped onto the ring.

"The next one is me!"

"Oh? Did you use the guy this time?"

With that, Sen Luo looked at Fujiwara Chika off the court: "Chihwa Sang, can you lend me two wooden knives?"

Fujiwara Chika gave Senra a thumbs up: "No problem, you wait a minute."

Fujiwara Qianhua looked at the staff on the side, the staff knew, and immediately went to take two wooden knives and threw them at Mori on the ring.

Senluo was about to reach out to pick it up, but the opposite Jin Bei Liuchuan had already rushed over: "There is a flaw! This is what you said, there are no rules in actual combat! Look at my natural flow of mind, three spurs!"

Facing the sudden attack, Senluo dodged, and at the moment of dodge the attack, he kept approaching the two wooden knives flying in the air.

After avoiding the first two stabs, Sen Luo grabbed two wooden knives and swept away the third stab.

However, Jinbei Ruchuan did not stop, and several knives attacked Sen Luo one after another, but unfortunately they were blocked by the two knives in Sen Luo's hand.

Immediately afterwards, Senluo's eyes widened, and he looked at Jinbei Liuchuan: "Next, it's my turn! Two days of Yamaliu·Devil Slash!"

I saw Sen Luo splitting vertically, cutting horizontally, picking up, and cutting diagonally. Numerous slashes instantly enveloped Jinbei Liuchuan.

Jinbei Liuchuan, who was shrouded in a net of swords, flicked left and right, and cried out in horror: "What is the matter with this slash, why is it so coherent and flawless, don't you need to change your breath?"

Sen Luo didn't pause in his hands, and said, "Huh, [Tang Zhu] [Ross] [Adverse Wind] [Dragon Nest] [Biyi] [Hua Orange] [Qingbo]... I have ninety-nine or eighty-one types of Yama flow in two days. The continuous attack of slashing and connecting routines and piecing these routines together into one is this murderous ghost. The hell ghost is endless to the death. How long can you last?"

Under Senluo's slash, Jinbei Liuchuan's wounds grew more and more. Not long after, his kendo uniform turned into rags and flew all over the sky.

Afterwards, Senluo held both swords high, and slashed all together: "Big Slash Realm·Ginkgo Tiger Fall Slash!"

Two wounds with deep visible bones appeared on Jin Bei Liuchuan's body as X. Except for Alyssa and the others, everyone who watched the battle hadn't seen it with their own eyes. They couldn't imagine that such a wound was actually a wooden knife in Sen Luo's hand. Luo's eyes couldn't help showing a little awe.

After Jinbei Liuchuan was carried down by the medical staff, Zhuli Dan, the leader of the team, couldn't sit still, and flicked the nunchaku in his hand and stepped onto the ring: "I will be the next one! Don't put me in front of you. A few guys conflated, I'm much better than them."

Sen Luo did not speak, but silently threw the wooden knife in his hand, assumed a Jeet Kune Do posture, hooked the hook into the pig, and the unique shout of Jeet Kune Do came out of his mouth.

Seeing that Senluo didn't seem to intend to use nunchakus like him, Zhuli Bo was yelling, the nunchakus in his hands danced so that the shadows of the nunchakus were flying and airtight.

Unexpectedly, Senluo came to him in a flash, cutting off his way, and then Senluo swept his fist and directly hit his palm.

With a "pop", the nunchaku in his hand flew away.

Before he could respond, Senluo stepped on his knee to stop his next move. At the same time, a trembling "crack" sounded into everyone's ears. Pig The leg that Li Dan was kicked by Sun Luo twisted into a strange shape.

"Da! Da! Da! Da! Me!"

Sen Luo played with his hands like a spinning wheel, and a series of five punches hit the pig's chest.

With the last punch, Sen Luo's fist was close to Zhu Li Dan's chest.

"I am!!!"

As he shouted and beat, the powerful inch fist hit the pig in the state of almost zero distance. This punch penetrated the internal organs, and the force coming out of the body shook the pig in the tights. Pigli Bomb was also knocked out by Sun Luo, hitting the spring fence on the edge of the ring, and bounced back, and suddenly fell on Sun Luo's feet.

Senluo stepped on the pig’s body and said with a smile: "This is what you said is much stronger than the predecessor? That's really sorry. The least I can distinguish is in meters, 1 cm and 2 cm I can’t feel the difference."

While talking, Sen Luo flew and kicked the pig in the ring, and looked at the last person in the unified fighting club, the main leader of the cage boxing club, Difeng Yan: "Senior, you are the only one, or hurry up on stage. come on."

Hearing Sun Luo's words, Difeng Yan's body shuddered instinctively, and he waved his hand quickly, saying that he didn't dare: "No, no, no... I... I'll let it go. I see no chance of winning, I Abstaining...I abstaining..."

After finishing speaking, Difeng Yan picked up the seriously injured pigli bullet on the ground and ran towards the runners' passage in a hurry.

Seeing the bleak ending of the unified fighting department, the audience booed.

"Too embarrassing, all qualified fighting department!"

"Just like you, you still get the TOP10 in grade 3!"

"That's right, being beaten like this by a first-year chef, you are the bottom 10!"

Facing the ridicule of the students, Earth Wind Yan weakly cried out: "You know that you can talk cold words there. You have the ability to do it yourself!"

But his own voice was instantly drowned in the waves of curses, without making a splash.

He carried the pig on his shoulder, and said in a muddled voice: "It's terrible, I don't feel like fighting with people at all."

After finishing speaking, Zhuli Warhead fainted completely.

Looking at the two men disappearing in the contestant's channel, Sen Luo raised his hands in a triumphant posture, and then slowly walked off the ring step by step.

After the first semi-final, Chika Fujiwara stepped onto the ring again, and only listened to her introduction: "The first fierce semi-final is over, let us have both sides playing like a game! Red side, first Four Karate club! Lan Fang, soft sword club!"

Following the introduction of Chika Fujiwara, Makoto Kato, the leader of the fourth karate club, led Moriran and the other three members out of the contestant passage with their heads upright. On the contrary, they only walked out from the exit of the soft sword club. Biaowen Seven and Kanno Kagesei, known as the scumbag.

As he walked, Biao Wenqi asked with a serious expression: "Scumbag, how about them?"

Kedasa Kanno, who was walking behind Pyomoto Seven, said with a trembling, "Also... It's still the same, and there is no sign of three of them coming to school."

Opposite Makoto Kato saw that there were only two players in the soft sword club, and his face was covered with the word #: "Hey! Form seven, what do you mean! Why are there only two people playing? Because we are girls, do you look down on us!"

Form Seven reluctantly said: "Don't get excited, Zhenqinjiang, we also have our own reasons here, please forgive me."

Kato Makoto said with enthusiasm: "Who is Makoto sauce, don't call it so affectionate, we are not familiar, don't expect us to be merciful because you are few."

With that, Makoto Kato exchanged eyes with Morilan on the side, signaling her to be the first to play.

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