See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 312 Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea (2) Sen Luo's Materials

"Ohhh! Hojo Miyoko, the heir of Hojoro, the long-established store in Yokohama Chinatown, finally puts in spices!"

The words of the host Rei Kawashima drew the attention of Mori and the audience to Miyoko Hojo.

This Miyoko Hojo, the same as when she stayed for training last time, did not wear a chef's clothes, but a bright red high-slit cheongsam, which wrapped the original high-profile figure more unevenly.

I saw Miyoko Hojo holding a large Celestial style kitchen knife, and cut a pineapple in half with a single knife, dug out the flesh inside, "Swish" cut it into small pieces with a few knives, and poured it into Celestial style. Stir fry together with spices in the wok.

Needless to say, there are many iron pots in the Celestial Dynasty. It is definitely not something ordinary girls can play, but Miyoko Hojo is very skillful in shaking the pot. Coupled with her own physique and wrist strength, the pot flies up and down in her hands. It's like a light pan.

During the stir-frying process, Miyoko Hojo's movements were full of martial arts style, turning his wrists, shaking his feet, shouting and fighting, everything was complete, the posture was standard, and she was a kung fu girl.

And with Hojo Miyoko's movements, her plump upper circumference and unique dull hair also swayed constantly, causing the gentlemen in the audience to have nosebleeds and howling wolves.

At the judges' table, the organizer of Kita Cooking Club Kida Shuji said while wiping his nosebleeds: "That is the heir to Hojoro, the old store in Yokohama Chinatown. He can use that heavy Chinese wok so skillfully, it seems In addition to her tempered skills, she also possesses an iron fist and a physique different from ordinary people."

The essay writer Anton Shingo nodded and said: "It is true, and the seasoning used in the cuisine of the celestial dynasty has many similarities with curry. What kind of cuisine will she make? I really look forward to it."

Sitting in the middle of them, Senba Ori-e glanced at Isshiki Hui behind him, and said calmly, "As you said, there are many interesting children here, but the person present is most concerned about Bart. Wu Senluo from the company."

With that said, the judges turned their attention to Senluo's direction.

On the stove in front of Sun Luo, there were 7 pots lined up. At this time, the contents of the pot had already boiled, and Sun Luo finally started to have new actions. The moment he opened the lid, there were 7 different kinds of pots. The scent of mingled with each other into a complex and profound fragrance, which penetrated everyone's nostrils.

Only then did they notice that 7 different soups were being boiled in the pot in front of Sun Luo at the same time.

"Look, that guy is going to use spices... what's the matter with that kind of unusual spices!"

Senluo took out a pile of small glass jars from the box he was carrying and placed them neatly on the cooking table. The glass jars were filled with various spices. At first glance, there are sixty or seventy.

Kita Shuji said in a daze, "Masaka, he won't use so many spices."

No wonder he thinks so, because the more types of spices in curry, the more difficult it is to maintain the balance of taste and aroma. Generally speaking, chefs who can make curry with 30 spices are already rare among chefs. However, the amount of spices that Sun Luo took out was more than double that amount.

What he didn’t know was that Senro mastered the super-advanced skill called [Spice Inequality] in the dark cooking secrets, plus the skills taught by the master spice master he visited while practicing with Cerro Rafman. The manipulation of spices has reached the state of superb.

As if responding to his speculation, Sen Luo controlled the pan with his left hand, and from time to time with his right hand, he squeezed out the spices in the glass jar, mixed them in different proportions and sprinkled them into the pan. The speed was so fast that people could even see the numbers. An afterimage like a hand.

Seeing Sun Luo's movements, someone exclaimed: "It's amazing! He actually performed different operations on both hands at the same time, just like two different consciousnesses are lodged on his hands!"

Sen Luo ignored the voices from outside the venue, heated the spices with sesame oil, and poured them into the seven pots of soup.

Suddenly, those 7 pots of original mellow and rich soup perfectly combined with the flavor of spices, sublimated to a new dimension, and the aroma that radiated suddenly became the master of the smell in this space, overwhelming the field. The taste of everyone else's cooking.

The scent hits the brain directly, making people sink. The scent of people who smelled this scent couldn't help but flow out from the corners of their mouths. Some girls flushed their faces and kept rubbing their legs.

"Ahhhhh! I can't stand it anymore! Just with this fragrance, I feel I can eat 3 bowls of rice."

"I have never smelled such a scent in my life. What is it? I really want to eat it. As long as I can eat one bite, I feel willing to spend as much money."

"Ah, I feel that this smell has captured my body and mind. Just smell it and I feel that C is almost high!"


Amidst the exclamation and praise from all around, Senluo continued his food handling work without anyone else.

I saw that he turned around and opened the chilled storage box he had brought, and grabbed a touch of blue from it into his hand.

It was a lobster, a blue lobster whose whole body color was purer than the blue sky. This lobster was waving two huge claws in awe-inspiring manner. It was obviously still alive, but at this time it was caught by the sun. In his hand, it was a bit less powerful, and a bit more helpless.

Seeing the lobster in Mori Luo's hand, Shuji Kida slapped the table and stood up: "That... That is! It turned out to be the Breton blue dragon! It is only in the clear waters of the Brittany Peninsula. It is said that only one Breton blue dragon can be found in every 100W lobster. Because the quantity is scarce, there is no market, and it has been called a dream lobster for a long time!"

Anton Shingo apparently knew this rare ingredient, and couldn’t help but said with emotion: “Ah! That figure wrapped in a bright carapace that is not inferior to the blue sky is like a beautiful lady in a blue dress. The shrimp meat hidden under the dress has a slender and sweet taste and a soft and soft taste. As early as the Middle Ages, it has conquered the taste buds of European kings and has become one of the most advanced tributes, and its value is even higher. Gold coins and gems."

Senba Orie's heart was a little shaken at this time: "My sister and I have eaten curry all over the world, but I have never heard of such a high-class curry before it is formed. There are restaurants around the world with lobster curry on the menu. There are countless, but I have never seen a Breton blue dragon before, and he seems to be a whole one by one person. It is indeed a Batry company that can obtain so many rare ingredients. It is really too tricky! "

In the audience, Alisha smiled triumphantly with her hands on hips: "Hahaha, see it, with the strength and financial resources of my Battery Company, preparing such ingredients is no effort at all!"

Other people around also clapped in cooperation.

While talking, Senro in the field took out a section of the strange mechanical iron claw with a strange metallic luster from the box he brought, and put it in his hand. This was the development of Elissa used by Senro during the stay training. Multifunctional manipulator.

The sharp claws made up of 5 sharp blades moved freely under the control of Sun Luo, like real fingers, and surprised the audience. It is not so much kitchenware, but more like some kind of martial arts movie. Unique weapon.

Sun Luo grabbed the lobster with his mechanical hand, his fingers and blades moved in tandem, but for an instant, after a few clicks, the Bretonian blue dragons separated their shells and flesh under the action of Sun Luo's iron claws, revealing them. Pure white shrimp meat.

"Nani! The lobster was processed in an instant!"

"It didn't hurt any shrimp, what a superb knife skill."

"He can control that side kitchen utensils as easily as his hands and feet! It's amazing!"


Ignoring the surprised judges and audience, Sen Luo took off the robot and started other cooking processes.

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