See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 321 Futuristic Curry

"20 points"

"20 points"

"20 points"

"20 points"

"20 points"

Without any hesitation, all the judges gave a full score of 20 points, and there was an uproar in the audience, whether it was teachers or students.

"O(Д)! Nani, it turned out to be a perfect score! How is this possible! There have not been such scores several times since Yuanyue was founded!"

"Is this world-class strength? It's terrible!"


Seeing everyone in a state of affairs, Sen Luo made a fist with his right hand and raised it aloft, posing as a winner.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the field had reached its climax, Kawashima Rei continued the game by hitting the iron while it was hot.

"Oh oh oh! I didn't expect that there would be a full score. This is an unprecedented grand occasion. There are not many players in Group B who have not yet played. The next one to play is... eh? People?"

Just as Rei Kawashima looked around looking for the next player on the stage, a squeaky voice rang behind her.

"Hi~ everyone, please take your time."

Kawashima Rei turned around and looked at it. I don’t know when Alice Nakiri has brought her cooking to the judges, and suddenly an unknown fire surges into her heart: "I ran up without permission before I finished talking. Ignore my host, bastard!"

And Alice Nakiri stretched after serving the dishes, and said softly: "It's all because of Senra's cooking that made the judges take too long. I'm so impatient to wait."

Looking at the strangely shiny dishes in front of them, the judges were surprised.

"This, this, this... what is this!"

"It's a lie, is this really curry?"

Seeing that the judges have been slow to do it, Naakiri Alice put her hands together and said with a cute face: "I have worked very hard to make this. Please try it."

At this time, the audience in the audience also started to discuss.

"That arc-shaped sheet is an ornament, right?"

"Why can't I see the curry soup in this dish?"

"Is that weird green sauce curry?"

"I don't understand, what kind of cuisine is this."

Hearing the comments from the audience, Nagechi Alice's face became puffed up with anger: "Ohhh, what are you talking about? All the things I put on the plate are undoubtedly curry. Oh."

When the five judges heard it, they picked up their knives and forks and brought the dishes on the plate to their mouths. But the next moment, they stared and froze in place, only their mouths chewed symbolically, and they didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing their reaction, the audience suddenly became noisy: "Nani! What's the matter? The judges who were still talking until just now are now frozen!"

In response, Rei Kawashima, who was in charge of the host, stepped forward and asked, "Ahhhhhhhh? Everyone, how does this dish taste like?"

"This is... How do you describe this? Warm things and cold things are intertwined... eh... how should I put it?"

Anton Shingo kept holding his glasses with his hands to hide his embarrassment.

On the other side, Kita Shuji blushed and said intermittently: "This curry sauce... is made into a foamy shape and has a slight temperature... It really melts in the mouth... and this tomato makes it. The mousse... it's cold here..."

Speaking of the last, Kita Shuji himself had no confidence to continue.

Seeing the foodies who have experienced many battles hesitate to say something, some of the capable people understand that it is because the cooking of Alice Nageri has surpassed the comprehension ability of the judges.

Seeing the judges look like this, Alice Nanchei was also a little uncomfortable, so she directly opened her mouth and said: "That mousse is made by adding spices to tomato juice and then solidified with sodium alginate. Something."

Nageri Alice’s words successfully turned the judges’ attention from cooking to her, so she triumphantly continued: “The brown cube is made by mixing frozen crushed foie gras powder and turmeric. Mousse. The white object in the middle is a mashed potato made with six kinds of cheese and potatoes. Of course, this one has also undergone extremely fast freezing, so it will have a taste that melts in the mouth. When the temperature in your mouth becomes cold, please enjoy That crispy green pie crust! I have seasoned this with coriander and other spices to give my tongue a temporary rest."

Speaking of this, Alice Nagiri reached out to the judges: "Thermalsense, this is a way of thinking that uses various [temperature differences] to construct a molecular cuisine of cuisine, and this dish fully condenses this concept. One product."

After listening to Alice Nagiri’s explanation, Rei Kawashima was still half-knowledgeable, so she asked the judges with some doubts, “That... after all... Is this dish delicious?”

Anton Shingo patted the table and replied without hesitation, "It is delicious!"

But the next moment, a reconciled expression appeared on his face: "But... I have no rhetoric to express the deliciousness of this dish 100%."

Hearing Anton Shingo's personal confession, the audience was very surprised: "Nani! Is that delicious food even a top writer indescribable?"

On the side of the judges, Chiba Ori-e was flushed and praised: “With spices as the center, the freely changing temperature and taste make this cuisine shine, and make the field of cuisine itself a whole new look! If you say Mori just now If Chef Luo’s cooking is exhausting curry now and looking forward to the future, then this cooking is curry from the distant future, yes, if you insist, you are [the innovator of the taste world]!"

With the praise of Chiba Ori, 95 points jumped out on the big screen on the panel of judges.

Rei Kawashima exclaimed: "The five judges all gave 19 points! Alice Nakiri, rushed to the second place with a high score!"

And Alice Nakiri seemed dissatisfied with the result, she squeezed her chin and said with a sense of surprise: "Ah, isn't it the same as Senra's full score? It's a bit surprising."

Then, Alice Nakiri looked to the side of Hisaki Nito again: "Secretary, look, I will surpass you and Mori."

Faced with Nageri Alice's mockery, Nito Hisaki didn't know what to do for a while, so she blushed and shouted, "Who... Who is the secretary?!"

At this time, Kawashima Rei looked at the score rankings of the current players on the Da's screen and said: "In this way, your scores are determined. The first place is Wu Senluo, the second is Nagiri Alice, and the third is The first is Nito Hisako, and the fourth is Tacomi. The above four players have scored more than 90 points. Now they will have the right to advance to the official competition. Please applaud for them!"

Suddenly, the thunderous applause in the B venue was permeated with an atmosphere of a tense and inspiring match that ended perfectly in the grand occasion.

At this moment, a very weak voice rang out from the audience: "Ah...I haven't tried my cooking yet..."

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