See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 323: The Eight Promoted

After eating Tian Suohui's dishes, the judges leaned back on the chairs with unsatisfactory interest, patted their full belly, and stretched their hands to the side of the scorer.

"18 points"

"18 points"

"18 points"

"18 points"

Seeing the scores constantly appearing in front of the judges' stage, Wangdai Quemaru exposed the side of the soil buns.

"Nani? Xiaohui's cooking is only ten cents. Will these people eat it!"

He Lu Jicheng patted him on the shoulder and calmly said: "President, calm down, as I said just now, it is a total of 5 people for 100 points. You need to look at the total score."

"Is Σ(дlll) like this? Cough cough cough, of course I know, I am not in a hurry."

As the words "19 points" jumped out from the front of the stage at the end of Senba Ori, Tian Suohui's total score was also displayed on the big screen behind the judges.

Seeing the score, Rei Kawashima couldn't help screaming: "9...91 points! Player Tian Suohui 91 points! Ranked fourth! Congratulations on your standing out and passing the qualifiers!"

With the appearance of this result, there was also a burst of exclamation in the audience outside the field.

"Oh! What a surprise! Is the strength of that crane's tail so powerful!"

"Miyoko Hojo and Tacmi Aldini were eliminated in the qualifiers! This time it's really an upset!"

While Wang Dai Ren Wan, who came to cheer for Tian Suohui, and others waved the banner and shouted vigorously: "Yo Xi! Xiaohui! You did it!!!"

Tian Suohui ran to meet them, and plunged into the arms of Grandpa Wangdairenmaru, leaving tears of excitement.

Miyoko Hojo on the side looked at the happy appearance of Tian Suohui and the fishermen, and had deep doubts about his previous behavior in the world.

In the past, Miyoko Hojo believed that to make men not underestimate themselves, they could only shut them up with strength and iron fist, but now she envied the atmosphere created by Tian Suohui from the bottom of her heart.

On the other side, watching Tian Suohui's performance by one point on the rankings, surpassing his own, Takumi clenched his fists and lowered his head unwillingly.

"Obviously, before the qualifiers, I had an appointment with Xingping to fight again in the official match, but I didn't expect that I didn't even break through the qualifiers.

His younger brother Isami patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Brother, it's really a pity this time, we will have to work harder in the future, and we will definitely win next time."

Takmi nodded with a sense of loss: "Well, Isami, I know, don't worry about me, I'm just a little unwilling."

At this time, Kawashima Rei on the stage announced: "Unexpectedly, there will be an incredible dark horse in the B venue. Now I announce that all the players in the B group qualifiers for the official competition have been determined. Among the chefs who stand out are contestants Wu Senra, Alice Nagiri, Hisako Nito, and contestants Tansuo. The above four will advance to the official competition! Please congratulate them with a warm applause!"

Then, under the leadership of the judges and teachers, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Feeling the applause from the surroundings, Mori walked towards Tian Suohui and Wangdai Kaimaru: "President Wangdai, I haven't seen each other for some time. How is the company situation recently?"

Seeing Sen Luo coming, Wang Dai Ren Maru hurriedly nodded and bowed to greet him: "Sin Luo Sang, thanks to you and Miss Alisha, we have not only kept our home and the sea, but the company’s performance is also better than before. Thank you so much."

"You are too far-fetched to say that. Since you have joined our Battery Company, then we are our own people. We will never let our own people suffer. After all, you are more profitable, and the company gets the benefits too. The more."

While talking, Sen Luo looked at Tian Suohui: "Tian Suo-sang, as I expected, you did it."

Tian Suohui said with some embarrassment: "These are all thanks to Senra-kun’s previous advice. If there is no such dipping dish, my cooking may not have so many points. I can only be promoted by Senra-kun. Credit."

Sen Luo shook his head: "Don't be arrogant, you are not inferior to others, this is the result of normal exertion of your own original strength."

At this moment, Yoshino Yuuhime's voice came not far away: "Hey~ Xiaohui!"

Sen Luo turned his head to look at Yuuhime Yoshino and Granny Wen Xu who rushed here, and patted Tian Suohui on the shoulder: "Look, your friends are here, go and share your joy with them. ."

After that, Sen Luo bid farewell to Wang Dai to visit Maru and the others, and returned to Alisha and the others.

Seeing Sun Luo, everyone surrounded with excitement.

"Sen Luo, congratulations for breaking through the preliminaries!"

"You really are the strongest, that curry is absolutely delicious when I smell the aroma, a layman."

"Yes, that's right, I strongly request that I return to Izumoliao and give us a copy!"

Looking at the noisy people, Sen Luo happily smiled: "Thank you everyone for coming and cheering for me. After we go back today, let's start the banquet!"

Looking at the time, Senluo suggested: "It's still early, and Venue A doesn't seem to be over. Let's take a look and take a look?"

The others were very idle at first, so naturally they didn't have any opinions, so the big troops drove towards the A meeting place noisily.

Along the way, the names of the various dishes that everyone wanted to eat tonight kept echoing in Senluo's ears, making Senluo a little big.

Coming to the A venue, it seemed that the situation of the game just now was very fierce, and the audience outside the stadium showed a warm atmosphere as if they were watching a fighting game.

In the field, the judges were trying out Koping Chuangzhen's cuisine.

In the rankings on the big screen, Ye Shanliang now holds the top spot with a score of 94 points. Below him is Kurokiba Ryo, who is only one point behind him.Below, Itake Tsuki and Marui Zenji, who tied for third with 88 points.

Looking at this score, Sen Luo couldn't help but sigh: "Eh~ Those friends of Xingping Chuang Zhenji Xingliao are quite capable."

At this moment, the judges who had eaten Yuping Chuangzhen’s cuisine began to take out a scoring device to give him a score. In the end, a score of 93 points jumped out of the leaderboard and was tied with Kurokibaba Ryo. The second position.

Suddenly, cries of surprise sounded everywhere in the venue, which could not be subdued for a long time.

Continue to look down, perhaps because the cooking of the previous two contestants was too good, a few more contestants came on stage after Mr. Yuping Chuangzhen, but the judges' ratings of their cooking were not very satisfactory.

Just when everyone thought that the last place in Group A would be voted by the judges between Itake Tsuki and Marui Zenji, a tall boy with thick lips with dirty braids walked up with his own cooking. The judges seat.

The judges who had eaten his dishes were full of praise. They gave a high score of 90 points all at once, surpassing the 88 points of Jun Ibuzaki and Zenji Marui, and won the fourth place for promotion.

At this point, all eight chefs who have advanced to the official autumn selection competition have arrived.

Group A: Ye Shanliang, Xingping Chuangzhen, Kurokiba Ryo, and Meizu 486.

Group B: Mori Ra, Alice Nakiri, Hisako Nito, and Tian Suohui.

The above 8 players will play a one-on-one official match between Moon and Day in 2 weeks.

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