See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 326: Mori VS Matsushiro Ken, A Different Way of Welcome

The Li family brothers and Matsushiro Ken and his party walked for a long time and walked for a long time, and finally entered Yuanyue, and then walked in it for a long time. After many inquiries, they finally came to the [World Culinary Research Society] where Sen Luo is located. Department room.

What appeared in front of everyone was a huge palace-like building. Looking at the luxury and magnificence that was different from ordinary school buildings in front of them, the three of them couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

Hanoi spoke in a Kansai dialect and said: "A club office is so grand. Is this the background of the most advanced cooking school in the legendary R Ben? This is too exaggerated. Is it the emperor who cooks in this? "

Li Yin turned his head and smiled and said, "You can say that. After all, the people who cook in it are like the emperor of food."

Pushing the door in, I saw the neat rows of cooking tables almost full of students who were trying to improve their cooking skills. The scene was spectacular.

The dishes in their hands are also different, Japanese, Western, Chinese, and all kinds of dishes. Hema and Hanoi are amazed.

"Emmmm, there seems to be a strange figure in the crowd"

Hema and Hanoi noticed that there was a strange figure walking among these students, and they talked about these things from time to time.

Obviously this figure walked like a stroll in a courtyard, but whenever Hema and Hanoi thought they had caught this figure with their eyes, this figure would disappear for a moment, and then appeared next to another student, making it elusive.

Li Yin smiled slightly: "That's the person you want to meet today."

"Boss Wu, a guest is looking for you!"

Hearing Li Yin's yelling, Sen Luo turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

Seeing that besides Li Yin, there was another man with explosive head standing there. Senluo stepped on the cooking table beside him without saying a word. The whole person flew up, and Li Dafei kicked him and Li. Matsushiro Ken of Yin together.

Seeing the sudden attack of Sen Luo, Matsuyo Ken tightened his arm muscles, and his two forearms were erected in front of his chest to steadily block Sen Luo's flying kick.

Sen Luo turned back and landed steadily. He turned his body, clenched fists with both hands and turned his arms up, putting on a posture of Fanziquan, and attacked Matsudai Ken again.

"Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula!"

In the continuous "pop" sound like a whip and Senro's strange shouts, countless shadows instantly enveloped Matsuyo Ken and the three Kuma people hiding behind him.

Compared to the three people who were scared and screamed with their heads, Matsushiro Ken was much calmer. He saw that he drew circles with his hands, and constantly stroked in front of him, or scratched, slapped, held, or hit. Perfectly resolve all the offensives of Sun Luo.

Then, while Matsushiro Ken brushed away Senra's final punch, he slammed his kick like a cannonball. After pushing Senra back, Matsuyo Ken's legs flashed, and he made a splash. A series of kicks counterattacked Sun Luo.

"Ah da da da da da!"

Mori's footwork changed, and an instant clone technique brought out several afterimages. While avoiding the attack of Matsushiro Ken, he quietly surrounded Matsushiro Kenji.

Afterwards, several Senluo put on different postures and used various martial arts moves to attack Matsushiro Ken at the same time.

Faced with such an attack, Ken Matsushiro spotted one of them, kicked the ground with a flying kick.

The two touched and separated. At the same time, only the Senra who played against Matsuyo Ken stayed, and flew past Matsuyo Ken's body, and all the remaining shadows disappeared at the same time.

After Matsuyo Ken landed, the two stood against each other. The brief encounter just now really scared all those living in the peaceful world.

"Oh? It's Jiansang. He looks pretty good. It looks like he's been mixed up all these years."

"Sin Luo is the one. I haven't seen him for many years. This skill is really getting more and more enchanting."

While talking, there was a big slit in the black tights on the chest of Ken Matsushiro, but it did not hurt a trace of flesh, while Senro turned around unscathed and looked at Ken Matsushiro. The two are judged against each other.

"Speaking of which, how many years have we not seen each other?"

Matsushiro Ken also turned around, looking at his tight-fitting waistcoat with a pity: "It has been six or seven years since Mr. Li Yuan in Port X said goodbye."

Senluo laughed. "Haha, I miss you a little bit. At the beginning, you assassinated and learned martial arts well with Father Li Yuan. One day you suddenly said that you want to become a baker, and hurriedly left after saying hello. I was very angry and said that I almost had the triad send someone to get you."

Matsushiro Ken was also a little helpless: "I also had a lasting problem, but the Senro was already very powerful at that time. When you were in Port X, the underworld that died in your hands also had a three-digit number. As soon as I played against it today, I found that you were even better."

"Well, people always want to improve, but you, after being a baker in the past few years, your murderous aura is almost polished off. There is almost no improvement in your skills and skills. Kung fu and craftsmanship are the right way. what."

"Wow, do you think that everyone is as enchanting as you? I was already very hard learning to make bread at that time."

Senluo's face straightened: "Getting to the bottom of it, you are not here just to tell me the old times, let's talk about what you have, I will try to help you once if I can help you based on the previous relationship."

Hearing Sen Luo asked about the purpose of his party's trip, Matsudai Ken hadn't spoken yet. Hema and Hanoi, who heard the horrible conversation between the two just now, suddenly turned and rushed out the door.

Hanoi: "≡┏|*´Д|┛I suddenly remembered that the gas at home is not turned off, so I will withdraw first."

He Ma: "Σ(°Д°;) I remembered that my grandpa was sick, I was going to see him, and I also withdrew."

But before they ran a few steps, they were pulled back one by one by Ken Matsushiro.

Carrying the Hema and Hanoi collars, Matsushiro Master held the two in mid-air and stretched out in front of Senluo: "These two people are guys in my shop. Hey, you two can't say hello!"

Hearing Matsudai Ken's order, he didn't dare to speak with Ma and Hanoi, but he kept nodding to Sen Luo.

Sen Luo waved his hand and motioned them to stop: "It's okay, the courtesy is in place, I don't need to be so rigid here."

Matsushiro Ken introduced to the two men in his hands: "This is Wu Sen Luosang, the world’s top chef, and the young master of the famous assassination clan [Wu clan] in the world. I used to be in Port X. An expert I met while studying art."

After listening to Matsudai Ken's introduction, the two people in Hanoi trembled more severely.

"(ŎдŎ;) Why are all terrible sights in my mind, no! Let me go back!"

Takeshi Matsushiro put the two on the ground, and then said, "Mori Sang, this time I came to you for nothing else..."

Halfway through the conversation, Sen Luo nodded: "I understand, Jiansang, as long as I say a word, our Wu family will pick up your business at half price. Let's say, who is killing this time?"

"No, this is not an assassination. I hope you can teach these two boys a lesson."

Sen Luo hammered the palm of his hand: "That's a lot. It's simple. As the saying goes, you must learn to fight. First, you two. Let's start with the most basic horse stance. A good horse stance can strengthen the kidney and waist. It can strengthen the muscles and invigorate the air. It can also stabilize the bottom plate, improve balance, and improve the body's reaction ability. Now follow me, put your hands around your waist, spread your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and bend your knees and squat like a horse. ."

While talking, Sen Luo made a basic horse-step stake, but he was only halfway through his words, and Matsuyo Ken interrupted him again: "We will learn martial arts again next time."

"(>Sa <) This is not that, it is not, then what are you guys doing here!"

"Of course it's cooking! Ingredients~reason~"

Hanoi on the side was afraid for a while: "Is this guy okay?"

But when he looked at the Hema next to him, he found that he was shaking and crying, but his body squatted involuntarily under the pressure of Sun Luo.

"(=ω=;) You don't have to cry and do it like this."

It was strange to hear that Ken Matsushiro came to find himself for cooking. "Eh, aren't you bakers? Why do you still cook? Is it because you want to sell salted bread with vegetables? Like hot dogs?"

"It's not all like this."

Then, Takeshi Matsushiro explained his own affairs in detail with Mori.

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