See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 329 Pre-match notice for official matches

Early the next morning, Hema packed up his things and rushed to the competition venue. When Sen Luo came to the department, the building was empty, and the equipment and materials lent to him had been cleaned up.

Senluo had already handed in everything he should teach, and the rest was up to him.

In the afternoon, Matsudai Ken took Hanoi and Kazuma to the department of the [World Cuisine Research Association] again.

There was no trace of yesterday's haze on Hema's face at this time. As soon as he entered the door, regardless of whether Seng Luo was there, he shouted into the door: "Sen Luo Sang, I won!"

Sen Luo came to Hema's face: "Unsurprisingly, you won with Hema. By the way, I'm curious, what kind of fried noodle bread did you make in the end?"

When Sen Luo asked, Hema said with some pride: "I got inspiration from Hanoi and made the fried noodle bread into an Osaka Okonomiyaki sandwich."

After listening to Hema’s description, Sen Luo understood: “So, did you work hard on the bread used in the game? Then your opponent should just make fried noodles without paying attention to the details of the bread, so you lost. "

He Ma asked in surprise: "Huh? Sen Luosang is so amazing. You know the result without going to the game."

"I want to know that, whether your fried noodles are sauces or noodles, they are all first-class products I provide, but they are only between S.H. Huo Guang. The key to victory must be whether to provide bread. After processing it, flatten the bread or sandwich with an iron plate and bake it. This will make the original fragrant flavor stronger. It is an idea similar to the Italian Panini. It sounds good. ."

He Ma bowed deeply to Sen Luosang: "This time I can win the victory because of Sen Luosang's blessings. Thank you Sen Luosang."

Sen Luo waved his hands and said, "Well, this is Kinsang's commission after all. If the person I teach loses the game, wouldn't it be my own sign?"

After that, the few people chatted for a while, and then the group said goodbye to Sen Luo and left Yuanyue.

In the next few days, nothing special happened.Sun Luo calmly enjoyed the salty fish life of school fishing during the day and landing games at night.

But the happy time always flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye it has reached the day before the official game.

Today is the day for the briefing before the official game and the draw to determine their opponents.

In the morning, a school worker in a neat suit knocked on the door of Izumoliao, and it was Wu Yacha who opened the door.

"Come on, who is it?"

Seeing Wu Yacha who poked his head out of the door, the staff respectfully said: "Master Wu Yacha, is Senluo here? I was ordered by Yuanyue Shijie to pick Senluo for the official competition. At the briefing."

"Ahhh, it's really hard for you, Sunro's kid is here, I'll call him now."

With that, Wu Yacha retracted his head into the door.

After a while, Wu Yacha took Senluo and returned. Seeing Senluo came out, the staff spread their hands and directed Senluo's sight to a luxury car outside: "Senluo, please get in the car. ."

Looking at the luxurious shuttle bus, Sen Luo asked curiously: "Eh~ Are there so many players in the official competition? There are even shuttle buses."

The staff nodded and said: "Yes, the official game information will not be sent to the dormitory with an envelope as it was during the qualifiers. Instead, you need to take a ride to the official game operation headquarters. We will explain to you personally."

"Oh, that's it, it's grand enough, then you have to work hard, let's go."

After a greeting, Sen Luo didn't talk any more nonsense, and got into the shuttle bus.

At the same time, in a dimly lit room in the official competition operation headquarters, Yuanyue Ten Jies gathered together, and Si Yingshi's weak voice rang.

"The official game is going to be tomorrow. Let's make a final confirmation before the players in the official game come. Eizan-kun, are all the equipment and cooking items in the venue all available?"

Eizan Zhijin also pushed his glasses, took out a report and handed it to Si Yingshi: "Senior Si, don’t worry, this time I scraped a fortune from the sponsor, even the Ai of the Battery Company Miss Lisa also sponsored this competition, with abundant funds, and all the equipment is absolutely the best."

"Well, Ningning is in charge of the ingredients, right? What happened over there?"

"I have already negotiated with the supplier and the Four Heavens Farmers in Agriculture and Forestry. All general ingredients will be delivered to the venue early tomorrow morning to ensure freshness."

"Miss Erina, are all the guests that should be invited?"

"All the invitations have been sent out without any omissions. Please rest assured, Senior Secretary."

"That's good, Isshiki-san, is the drawing done?"

"Hey, it's already done. Ji Zhiguo and Gentian-senpai and I drew it together. We will wait for the players to tell them the result."

Hearing that all the things he had arranged had been done in an orderly manner, Si Yingshi patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh~ At last there is nothing wrong with it, now I'm finally relieved."

Gentiana Kobayashi slapped him on the back: "Si, you are the first seat, cheer me up!"

"But gentian..."

Before the words were finished, the voice of the staff came from outside the room: "Ten Masters, all the contestants for the official competition have arrived. Please give instructions on how to arrange it next."

Si Yingshi swallowed back what he was about to say, cheered up and said, "Well, let them in."

The door of the room opened, and the eight people selected for the official competition walked in together.

As soon as he entered the door, Senluo greeted Si Yingshi and Kobayashi Gentiana with a carefree voice: "Yo, Sisang, Gentiansang, long time no see, Sisang still looks trembling, you are number one. Xi, show some courage."

"(*ΦωΦ*) Yo, Sen Luo, long time no see!" Kobayashi Gentiana responded to Sen Luo like an old acquaintance.

Si Yingshi sighed: "Oh~ Sen Luo, what you said is blunt, but when I think that if something goes wrong in the game, I will lose face in front of the VIPs from all over the country. I'm so worried and worried."

The other top ten members who were in charge of various matters on the side looked helpless: "Si Sang, don't worry, according to your requirements, we are responsible for at least three times a day, and there will be no mistakes."

Si Yingshi still nodded his head uneasy: "I hope so, I asked you to come today not for anything else, but to tell you the grouping and topics of the official competition decided by the lottery, Isshiki-kun, I will leave it to you next. Up."

Isshiki Hui responded with a smile, "Hi, Senior Secretary."

Then he opened his eyes rarely, and looked at the eight people in the room: "Next I will announce the division of the game."

"In the first scene, Kohei Sakuma VS Nakiri Alice, the topic of cooking is [Bento].

"In the second game, Ryo Kurokuba vs. Tian Sorui, the topic of the cooking is [Ramen]."

"In the third game, Hayama Ryo VS Nito Hisako, the cooking topic is [Burger]."

"In the fourth game, Wu Senluo VS Meizu 486, the topic of cooking is [Dessert]."

"The above results are determined by our top ten, so don't worry about cheating and shady."

While talking, Isshiki Hui sent detailed information to each player.

Looking at the information in hand, did Senluo leave: "Si Sang, is there no specified range for this dessert?"

"Yes, as long as it is dessert."

"Yeah yah yah, you really gave me a problem. Although it is a dessert in a word, there are countless desserts from all over the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that the combinations are unlimited, like me. Choosing a person with a difficult disease is really hard to decide."

Si Yingshi said haha, "Well, even though you say so, I believe that no matter which country you make, Sen Luosang will definitely be the best, right?"

"Oh? Are you so confident in me? Thank you so much."

With that said, Sen Luo looked at the tall and burly Meizu 486: "When making desserts, the ingredients are very demanding and require extremely delicate techniques. In this respect, is it somewhat disadvantageous for a burly man like you? what?"

Unexpectedly, the corner of Mizuo 486's mouth raised, and he said with a smile: "Hey, are the chefs of the Battery company just judging people by their appearance? It's not a coincidence. The delicate technical work is what I do best. [Meticulous] My belief as a cook."

Senluo smiled: "Ah~ like this, that's really looking forward to the match with you. Although the outcome is already doomed, please cheer."

After speaking, Sen Luo waved to everyone in the room as a farewell, and then the first one walked out of the room.

With the beginning of Senluo, the others also started to leave the room with their own cautious thoughts.

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