See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 337 Dark Commission

After a while, the judges all put down the empty bowls in their hands and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh~ Obviously after eating the ramen of Kurokiba-san, but the second bowl is also finished."

"That's right, the ramen of Ming Ming and Kurokiba-san went in completely opposite directions, but they can be so amazingly delicious."

Hearing the judges’ words, Tian Suohui said in a serious tone: “Ramen with strong flavors like rich seafood and fragrant pork bones is not good enough at my current level, because everything from removing the smell to adjusting the taste It requires a high level of skill, but I think that as long as the Aizu soup is used as the base and the scallops and vegetables are highlighted, you can make a rich enough ramen without breaking the balance."

Hearing Tian Suohui’s explanation, Kurokuba Ryo’s complexion gradually became gloomy: "Listening to what you mean, you have known that I can make fragrant ramen, so you made this kind of ramen to meet me. Confrontation, this is really not fun at all, Tian Suohui!"

The judges on the side saw that the two who were fighting were looking at the timid girl in front of them again, because in that weak body, there was a strong heart and an immortality that was burning silently. Fighting spirit.

In their view, the "spiritual power" that the two poured into ramen has become the delicacy of ramen.

Immediately afterwards, the scenes in front of everyone changed. On a disused playground, Tian Suo Hui and Kurokishaba Ryo wore old-fashioned black school uniforms and stood facing each other in a JOJO posture.

I saw Kurokiba Ryo yelling: "I want you to die! French~~style fish soup!!!"

A red humanoid with shrimp claws in both hands and tentacles on his head came out of his body and stood behind him.

In contrast, Tian Suohui waved his hand: "Bring your horse here, my scallop soup has the power to fight against any enemy!"

Then, a white humanoid with shells all over his body appeared behind Tian Suohui.

Under the command of the two, the two humanoid creatures collided violently, and fought each other at a dazzling speed.

"Abby Abby Abby Abby Abby Abby Abby!" (Shrimp)

"Hotajo Tajo Tajo Tajo Tajo Tower!" (Scallops)

But when the battle situation was stalemate, Sen Luo's cell phone suddenly rang.

Sen Luo took out his cell phone impatiently: "Who, call me at this time, the game is just the highlight."

Looking at the number, it turned out to be called by Yi Ying, and Sen Luo immediately stood up from his position, feeling that something had happened suddenly.

Others asked strangely: "What's the matter with Seng Luo, the match is about to be determined, why should we leave now?"

"Sorry, Master Yiying called me suddenly, I'll answer the phone, and you will help me pay attention."

With that, Sen Luo hurriedly ran out of the venue.

Arriving in the woods outside the venue, Sun Luo dialed the phone call just now again: "Moses, is Moses Master Yiying?"

"Siluo, sorry to disturb you, but without further ado, I have a task for you to complete."

When I heard that there was a task, Sen Luo felt 10,000 unhappy: "(;д)Ah...Master Yiying, I have another important game tomorrow afternoon."

On the other side of the phone, after hearing Sun Luo's words, a shadow was not angry, but smiled and said: "This is nothing, don't worry, this task should not be difficult for you. You only need to set off now and finish the task in one night. It’s okay to go back before the afternoon."

Senro knew that he couldn't escape this time, so he resigned himself to his fate and said, "Uh, well, it's rare that you trust me so much. Can I just listen to the content of the mission?"

"No problem, it's like this. Some time ago, a research base in the U.S. was attacked, and the head of the base, Dr. Lakshata, was also kidnapped by the attackers. That base is researching intelligent AI unmanned weapons, which they developed. The unmanned automatic weapon produced is a sought-after item on the battlefield and is also one of the important sources of funds for the United States."

"Humhum, which means that the United States cannot complete the rescue mission on its own for various reasons, so we want us to help rescue that Dr. Lakshata, right? But in this case, Master Diage, who is based in the Americas, was not in the past. Is it faster? Why do you want me to go?"

Yiying's voice hesitated for a moment: "Well, he happened to have something, not just him, others also said something was going on, and the fellow of Fist Demon Cthulhu, he said that he was not interested and hung up my call. "

Sen Luo has a black line: "(=ω=;) Masters, this is definitely because they are afraid of trouble so they don’t want to go."

Thinking like this in his heart, Sen Luo then asked: "Has the identity of the attacker been confirmed?"

"This has been confirmed, and the other party has no intention of hiding it. Judging from the costumes worn by the corpses left behind when they committed the crime, it is a religious group called [God's Salvation Army]."

Sen Luo was a little surprised: "Religious group? A religious group dare to provoke us?"

"No one knows what is thinking in the minds of religious groups, right? This [God’s Salvation Army] is a religious group active in the United States. Its doctrine is [liberate mankind from disputes]. People persecuted by the war have grown rapidly, and they have more than 10,000 believers in just three years."

"Eh~ That's really amazing. To put it bluntly, it's a cult, but what are they doing with Dr. Lakshata?"

"Dr. Lakshata is an authoritative person in the field of intelligent AI. According to the information obtained, [God’s Salvation Army] is preparing to launch a large-scale so-called holy war in the near future in order to clear up disputes, but its real purpose is to destroy the military of other countries. And the center of power, in order to achieve the purpose of allowing the cult to control the country's power. It is estimated to increase their own strength, so they have the idea of ​​unmanned weapons."

Sen Luo was a little unbelievable: "They dare to fight against the country with only 10,000 people? This is too ridiculous, even if it is a small country in the Americas, they probably can't attack it. Moreover, the doctor has been kidnapped some time ago. Why did you let me go until today? What is the satellite positioning of the US for?"

Yi Ying said helplessly: "Well, the positioning is there, but their cult facilities are built in the vast depths of the uninhabited area, and there are so many that it is impossible to determine which facility the doctor was tied to. , And they seem to be guarding the doctor strictly. If the doctor hadn’t found the opportunity to send out a distress signal this morning, there might be no way to find it in the US until now.”

"...Well, I'll take this task."

"Then it's settled. Someone will pick you up from you at 7 o'clock tonight. You can choose an entourage by yourself. When you get to the place, someone will also hand over you. The task is left to you, our proud disciple. Yo."

After speaking, Yiying "click" hung up the phone.

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