On the way to the destination, Jackson asked about Alisha.

"Siluo boy, how is my daughter Alisa doing well in R Ben?"

"Mr. Jackson, don't worry, Alisha is a capable and good boy. She is doing well in R, and the branch of the Battery Company is also developing in an orderly manner. Everything is going smoothly. This is all Eliza's credit."

Hearing Sun Luo's answer, Jackson felt relieved and began to explain in detail his goal this time.

"Siluo boy, as you know in advance, the [God’s Salvation Army] has many cult facilities. Because of the risk of stunned by the grass, we only determined the location of Dr. Lakshata this morning. It’s here. The depths of the no-man’s land in Arizona are in the Order 8 dome. There are about 200 members of the Order and the unmanned weapons they made. We will be responsible when we move. To attract firepower, all you need to do is sneak into the facility and rescue the kidnapped Dr. Lakshata."

Sen Luo nodded: "Well, a simple and easy-to-understand combat plan, Mr. Jackson, you can leave it to us with confidence."

Later, Jackson gave some explanations on the details. While talking, the helicopter was already close to the destination. From a distance, you could see a tall building in the style of a Western church standing on the deserted land and the surrounding desert. It seemed so out of place.

Looking at the buildings that are getting closer and closer, Sen Luo couldn't help but vomit: "Eh~ Is that the destination? The church doesn't match the desert at all."

"Desert doesn't go well with the maid, boy."

Along the way, Sun Luo and the soldiers on the same plane have basically become acquainted with each other. At this time, they did not have the grudge at the beginning, so one of them said what was in his heart. However, a murderous sight stared at the next moment. When I got on him, he shivered instinctively in fright.

Sen Luo quickly stopped and said: "After Robertobert, not everyone can understand such romantic things as the Maid in the Battlefield. Action is about to happen soon, don't make things happen."

Robert nodded and looked away.

On the other side, as the helicopter formation continued to approach, the roar of propellers caught the attention of the gatekeepers.

A believer saw the helicopter flying towards them, and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The number of enemies is unknown, and there are multiple helicopters..."

Before he finished speaking, two Hellfire anti-tank missiles were fired from Sunro's gunship. With a long tail, they hit the church door behind him and blew him up with the door. day.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the transport plane behind quickly lowered its height, and ropes hung from the transport plane, and the well-trained Delta troops slid down from the top one by one, charging towards the opened gap in the church.

During this period of time, the M-230 chain artillery on the gunship kept roaring, and 30mm bullets kept tearing apart the followers of the cult who tried to fight back on the outer wall of the church to cover the sudden movements of the Delta Force.

However, due to the previous warning, the soldiers of the Delta Force encountered fierce resistance from a large number of believers as soon as they entered the cult facilities.

"Hateful Mi Di, return my wife and children!"

"Damn it! It's you guys again, you have destroyed my village, are you here to destroy my shelter again!"

"The evil imperial army, I am a soldier of the gods, let me punish you!"

Shouting slogans such as these, wearing white robes with red crosses, and wearing pointed headgear with only two eyes, the believers took a variety of miscellaneous guns and fired frantically in the direction of the door.

Seeing that the effect of the first step of the battle has been achieved, the soldiers of the Delta Force quickly disbanded the battle formation, looking for bunkers separately, and restrained the opponent's firepower.

On the helicopter, Jackson, who received the signal, commanded the helicopter to ascend and said to Sun Luo: "Sen Luo boy, the people below have successfully contained the firepower of the other party, and then it's up to you, I wish you good luck! "

Sun Luo gave Jackson a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Mr. Jackson, don't worry, I promise you will return you a doctor who is alive and kicking before dawn."

After finishing talking, Sun Luo and Roberto didn't wear any armor in Jackson's surprised gaze, they jumped directly from the helicopter, and a flying body landed firmly on the top of the church.

Afterwards, Sen Luo looked for a window, smashed it with a punch, and led Robert to turn over into the facility.

After entering the church, Sun Luo found that the interior and exterior atmosphere of the church was completely different. Although it looked like a quaint church from the outside, it was full of strong modern style, with various winding pipes on the ceiling and walls. The wires everywhere on the ground, and the roar of machinery from some rooms, are simply a combination of laboratory and production lines.

"One of the ways of assassination: hide in the dark, obliterate your breath, and wait for the moment when your opponent reveals a flaw."

While talking, Sunro and Robert hung upside down on the ceiling pipe like sloths, avoiding the eyes and ears of the believers in the facility, while looking for the whereabouts of Dr. Lakshata.

After searching for a while, Sen Luo, who Mao didn't find him, lost his patience a bit: "Damn it, where did Dr. Lakshata go out of business and hide him? It seems we have to catch someone and ask."

After searching for a while, when they passed a room, the sound inside attracted their attention.

The person inside seems to be making a call. The person listening to the content is still a small boss. He only listens to the voice inside saying: "Teaching ancestors, the situation is critical! We are now being attacked by the enemy... Why? I think it might be Lakshata. The location of the doctor has been exposed. Please take Dr. Lakshata to transfer immediately... I also know that now is the critical time of the research... Destroying the enemy?... It may be difficult, this time it is like the United States. The opponent’s firepower is very fierce, and the believers below may not be able to resist it..."

After speaking for a while, the voice fell silent, and Sen Luo knew that the opportunity was coming, and kicked the door open and rushed in.

Seeing someone break in, the people inside looked startled and angry: "Who are you! Do you know where this is!"

Roberto didn't make a sound, but he closed the door again, and then stood at the door to block the only exit of the room.

And Sen Luo approached the person in the room step by step with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Cultist, I am the enemy you mentioned on the phone. If possible, please tell me where the doctor is detained, so that I may spare your life."

But what Sun Luo didn't expect was that this person was also considered hard-spirited. Without a word, he directly drew a pistol at Sun Luo and "snapped" twice.

However, how could such a firearm be Sen Luo's opponent? I saw Sen Luo's figure flashing and leaving an afterimage in place, and two bullets passed through the afterimage and hit the wall behind.

At the same time, Sun Luo came to the person and grabbed the person's wrist and twisted it slightly. In an instant, the black hole's muzzle was aimed at the person's own head. No matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't turn around. , As long as Sen Luo's hand moved lightly, the pistol in his hand would immediately end his life.

Sen Luo smiled unchanged: "How about this gentleman, can you tell me the information now?"

"Wishful thinking! You should kill me quickly! I am a warrior of God who was chosen by God to rescue the world from the war. After death, I will also fall into the arms of God. I will not tell you any information. "

That person's categorical remark made Senluo's mouth twitching: "Cut, this cult's brainwashing of believers is quite thorough. It seems that only that trick can be used."

Sen Luo Yun started to calm down, clenched his fists and slammed into the temple of the man from both sides.

"Death Wave Shocks!!!"

Sen Luo's fists came to an abrupt end less than a centimeter away from the man's temple, and two completely different fluctuations, one yin and one yang, burst out of Sen Luo's fist at the same time, attacking his brain.

Under such an attack, the person’s eyes suddenly lost their brilliance, like a puppet with a broken thread, and paralyzed in his position motionlessly. It was at this moment that Senluo’s eyes reached this person’s. All control permissions.

"Now you tell everything you know!"

Under Sunro’s order, the man replied stupidly: “The doctor is now in the laboratory under this facility with the ancestor. The ancestor needs her to install artificial intelligence for the designed unmanned weapon, which is now the key to programming. It's time."

Sen Luo frowned: "Huh? Where is the entrance underneath?"

"In the atrium of this facility, there is a statue of a cross in the middle. Sitting on the platform of the statue, there is a relief of an angel. Press it down and the entrance to the underground will appear."

Afterwards, Senro asked some detailed questions. Perhaps this person had limited authority and did not gain much. So, Senro, who felt that things were almost done, gave the man his final instructions: "What should you say? Having said that, please judge yourself, after all, the dead are the ones who can keep secrets the best."

"Yes, all follow your instructions."

After speaking, the man pressed the pistol to his temple and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

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