See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 342 Unmanned Weapon

After Takahashi Chaoyuan pressed the switch, the glass wall dividing the underground space slowly rose upwards. On the other side of the wall, there were two iron bumps that looked like giant centipedes without feet, and a large group of black hounds. The same, a mechanical beast with a cannon on its back.

As the glass wall rises, these originally motionless guys trembled together, and then stood up and glowed with scarlet light from the surveillance probe-like eyes on their heads.

The red light swept across Robert's suitcase, and also swept across the shuriken against Dr. Laxata in Takahashi's hand.

"Weapons are found and the people threatened by them will be wiped out immediately."

The cold mechanical sound fell, and the mechanical centipede suddenly stretched its curled body, and shot a steel cable with spikes at the front from its head. Only for a moment, the steel cable pierced Takahashi Chaoyuan’s head, and then the mechanical centipede head The body revolved, threw the corpse on the steel cable, and smashed it on one wall.

Takahashi Chaoyuan's body slowly collapsed to the ground, his crazy expression still clearly on his face before his death, and he did not understand why the weapons made according to his own requirements would attack him first.

After solving the Takahashi super source, the mechanical centipede did not stop.

"The danger is eliminated and the people are protected."

The mechanical centipede quickly came to Dr. Lakshata's side, and a folding sharp blade that looked like a centipede foot protruded from the abdomen, and suddenly cut the shuriken that fell on the ground into two pieces.

Then, the mechanical centipede retracted its blade, twisted its body to circulate upward, and used its body to form a 360-degree defensive wall with no dead ends, which surrounded Dr. Lakshata to protect it.

"If a weapon is found, immediately annihilate the user of the weapon."

The other mechanical centipede ejected a centipede-like blade from between its bodies, turning into a real centipede and rushing towards Roberto.

As for the other mechanical hounds, some of them were attracted by the gunfire on the ground and rushed into the passage leading to the ground. The rest had already locked the guns on their backs to Robert's position and fired mercilessly. .

Although Sun Luo deliberately prevented the mechanical hounds from escaping underground, these mechanical hunting dogs had a clear division of labor unexpectedly. When other mechanical hounds broke through, they even left a few actions to contain Sun Luo, facing the exit covered by guns. Sen Luo had no choice but to give up his plan to pursue.

Roberto relied on his excellent skills to constantly shuttle through the rain of bullets, and cleverly used the mechanical centipede that was fighting with him to withstand the bullets shot by some mechanical hounds.

But what makes Robert a bit depressed is that although these machines are far less dexterous than the masters, the armor is thick and deadly. The ordinary firearms she brings can not cause harm to these guys, whether they are assault rifles or desert eagles. , Even their own weapons are the same.

On the other side, seeing that Robert was unable to fight for a long time, Sen Luo on the side was not tentative, waving his fists and seriously dealing with the mechanical hound in front of him.

I saw that he knocked over a mechanical hound, and then smashed the gun barrel on the other back with a backhand punch. In an instant, the flaming machine gun exploded violently because of the deformation of the muzzle.

Then, when he kicked [Spartan Kick] on the third mechanical hound, there was a violent explosion on the mechanical hound. If it weren’t for Sun Luo’s feet to shrink quickly, he could not tell his legs. Will be blown off.

At this time, Dr. Lakshata’s voice came from the defense wall of the mechanical centipede: "You have to be careful. In order to increase the defensive function, these unmanned weapons are equipped with reactive armor. Just now your attack touched the reactive armor. That armor exploded."

After listening to Dr. Lakshata's words, some fearful Sen Luo looked at the mechanical hound vigilantly. Sure enough, as the doctor said, after the explosion, although the mechanical hound became slimmer, it still moved freely. Signs of half damage.

While fighting with the group of mechanical hounds, Sun Luo asked, "Dr. Lakshata, what are these things, do you know their weaknesses? Also, why does that mechanical centipede protect you? Please give me one. Explanation!"

Dr. Lakshata's voice came out again: "Actually, these are completely self-disciplined anti-terror weapons designed by me. When I learned that they had become murder weapons in the hands of cultists, I was also very shocked."

Sen Luo took a surprised look at the direction of Dr. Lakshata: "Nani, these guys are for anti-terrorism?"

"Yes, these artificial intelligences that I designed can accurately distinguish between the enemy and ourselves through the information transmitted by the head probe, and can also identify terrorists and ordinary people holding weapons, and then sense hostility based on brain waves, and identify dangerous elements. Annihilate, and at the same time protect the people like I am now waiting for rescue, but this time I haven’t had time to input these weapons to distinguish between the enemy and the program. The one named Takahashi pressed the start switch, so these weapons are only basic. The discrimination function is running, and the criterion for judging the enemy is whether we have weapons. Because of this, Takahashi, who threatened me with weapons in hand, died. If their functions are functioning normally, if you don’t take the initiative to attack, they won’t. Attack you."

After listening to Dr. Lakshata's introduction, Sen Luo suddenly flashed in his mind, and then drew a shuriken, "swish" at the probe on the head of a mechanical hound.

The shuriken smashed the probe easily. In an instant, an electric current ran through the whole body of the mechanical hound, and then the mechanical hound stopped motionless.

Looking at the mechanical hound that had stopped moving, Sen Luo snapped his fingers: "Bingo! As expected!"

Dr. Lakshata, who saw this scene through the gap, asked in surprise, "Boy, what did you do? How easily stopped the mechanical runaway?"

"I'm guessing too. Didn't you say that they only have the most basic programs operating now? They use probes to collect data to distinguish between enemy and self. If this is the case, I will destroy the eyes that they use to distinguish between enemy and self. Weapons that defy the eyes will definitely harm ordinary people if they attack randomly. For the sake of safety, in general, intelligent machines will start a forced stop procedure in this situation. The result is not beyond my expectation. You are not sloppy in terms of safety. "

Dr. Lakshata sighed as if accepting his fate: "Oh~ What a terrible little devil, he can see the flaws in the weapon I designed at a glance. It seems that my research results still have a lot of room for improvement. "

Senro ignored Dr. Laxchata, but looked at Roberto not far away: "Robert, you have seen it too. Hit them in the eyes. This is for you. I will go up and support him. The Delta Force, otherwise, with their equipment today, they are not at all an opponent of these automatic weapons."

After speaking, Sen Luo began to clear the automatic weapons in the way while walking towards the exit of the underground space.

Robert, who received the order, quickly launched an offensive. With a corresponding method, Roberto was no longer the same as before.

In this case, Roberto with a gun was more efficient than Sen Luo. After a while, a large number of automatic weapons that stopped moving because of a headshot appeared in the underground space.

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