Seeing the judges stunned one by one, Sen Luo gave a light cough, drawing their attention back to reality.

Nagiri Senzaemon asked eagerly, "Mori-kun, I have never seen such delicate almond tofu. How exactly is this made?"

Sen Luo said with a smile: "Well, this is the secret technique of the Celestial [Liolin Temple]. If you insist on saying it, the key is to [revolve], but I can’t tell you the specific method, and even if you say it, you can follow it. There may not be many in the world."

Nageri Senzaemon widened his eyes and said, "Nani! Is this technique actually from the mysterious [Rinrinji]? No wonder, but what surprised me more is that Mori-kun, you are so young. I have the qualification to enter [Liolin Temple] to learn secret techniques."

"Hey, when I was young, it was due to chance, so I was fortunate to learn a little... Sa, everyone is about to wait and see, so hurry up and try it. You don't need to eat this separately, just eat the two desserts together."

Under Sen Luo's urging, everyone picked up the container in front of him. Suzuki Soonko looked at the almond tofu in the bowl that looked like a work of art, and said with some regret: "Oh~ such a beautiful dish, how can you let me eat it? But even though I think so in my heart, my body cannot resist the appeal of this dish for some reason.

While talking, Suzuki Yuanzi and the other judges followed Sunro's instructions, picked up the spoon and cut the fruit carvings in the almond tofu together and sent them to the mouth. In an instant, a lightning flashed in their minds, followed by delicious The volcano spewed out of their hearts, and the five people suddenly raised their heads, and shouted to the sky: "Too ~ beautiful ~ taste ~! Happy ~ feeling ~!" (BGM: Great Wall)

Nageri Senzaemon was surprised and said, "Obviously a lot of other things have been added, but what is the overwhelming aroma of almonds, and the crumbly and refreshing feeling of almond tofu in the mouth. It’s the same almond tofu, but it’s so different in taste from the Meizuo 486! And obviously only one type of almond is used, but it’s not inferior to the Meizu 486 in terms of flavor. Why is that?"

"That's because the amount of almonds used when I beat the almond milk has doubled than usual. The almonds are broken up in the usual way, boiled, and then concentrated and filtered. This way, I can maximize While exerting the aroma of almonds while suppressing the unique slightly bitter taste of nuts, I chose Hantian instead of gelatin as a coagulant to match it, because the almond tofu solidified in Hantian does not have the soft Q taste and texture of gelatin. The long lasting rhyme on the tip of the tongue, but the better is the firm texture, refreshing and fragile, as the base of my cooking, it is easier to shape.​

Listening to Sen Luo's explanation, the judges nodded clearly, and Naoe Yamato took another bite of almond tofu, and said with emotion: "That's it, but it's not just that the almond tofu is delicious. The ice powder on it. It's also the best."

Shinomiya Kaguya happily said with her cheeks in her hands, "That's right, this taste is like biting through a stream of clear water. The Yubari melon and crystal pear have been cut into extremely thin pieces. The thin slices, so the moment the tongue touches it, it will automatically shatter and disintegrate. Only the top-grade and elegant sweetness blooms on the tip of the tongue along with the cool and slippery ice powder. This feeling is really indescribable!"

Suzuki Yuanzi even screamed in disregard of the image: "Ah! The pleasure of this soft ice powder and refreshing almond tofu sliding into your throat, as well as the sweetness of the fruit and the slightly chewy crunch of white fungus. The taste and enjoyment are integrated, it is like a prince riding a white horse and taking me to the summer plateau. The refreshing and comfortable breeze on the plateau caresses the mouth, and it is almost impossible to extricate yourself from it!"

Seeing the intoxicated judges on the judges' bench, Mizuo 486 said in a somewhat inconsistent way: "I didn't expect you to be able to hold on to this point, but so far we are only evenly divided, and my dessert is also ok. I changed the flavor of the sauce on the way, so in terms of the overall deliciousness, it should be my dessert that is better."

After hearing the words of Meizuo 486, the corner of Sunluo's mouth slightly raised: "Whether it is almond tofu or ice powder, syrup is an indispensable flavoring, I am naturally prepared."

With that said, Sen Luo opened the lower deck of the dining car with the surprised eyes of Misaku 486, and took out the small bowls.

After a while, three more small bowls appeared in front of each judge. In them, three different ingredients were placed, two of which were sauces, and the other was a mixture of raisins and various nuts.

Looking at the ingredients in the bowl, the judges asked suspiciously: "Sen Luojun, are these all dessert ingredients?"

Sen Luo nodded and introduced: "Of course, the two sauces are sweet-scented osmanthus and Kyoto black honey, and the other is crushed nuts. When it comes to ice powder, the first thing that comes to mind is brown sugar water. Kyoto's black honey can be said to be the upper individual of brown sugar water. It has a sweetness that is unmatched by ordinary brown sugar water. This sugar sweet-scented osmanthus and almond tofu is also a royal match in the sky, and this nut crushed..."

Before he could finish the introduction, Meizuo 486 cried out in surprise: "Bakanah! When did you prepare these ingredients? After my investigation, you shouldn't have time to prepare these things!"

"Ah, you said these ingredients. These are the stocks in my box. For convenience, I always have various spices and condiments in my toolbox. These are some of them. It seems that they are mine. Well prepared, Mizuo 486."

Faced with Sen Luo's retort, Mizuo 486 was speechless for a while.

Sen Luo continued: "You can add these ingredients during the eating according to your own preferences, so that you can change the taste in the middle, and you won't feel tired before eating."

The judges couldn't wait to put ingredients in the almond tofu according to Sun Luo's words, first, then two, three.

After tasting them one by one, the judges' eyes widened in surprise.

"This... this is more than just changing the taste, this is simply raising the taste of the dessert to a higher dimension!"

"Because of the addition of different ingredients, whether it is sweetness, fragrance, or taste, it has become more colorful. Depending on the proportion of the ingredients, there can even be unlimited changes. It is really wonderful!"

"Also, despite the addition of so many changes, the taste of this dessert can always be integrated. It is a beautiful blend! Every bite has a new feeling and you can feel a different taste. Now My mouth seems to be like a world of bliss, it's really amazing!"

While the judges were full of praise for Sun Luo's cooking, the almond tofu in the bowl was rapidly decreasing.

The moment the empty bowl was put down, the entire set of kimonos of Nakiri Senzaemon burst open. Not only him, but also the coats of several other judges were caught off guard and burst into pieces. It was frightened. A girl screamed instantly.But at this time they couldn't even straighten their waists because of Sen Luo's cooking, so they had to lie on the table and try to hide their shyness.

The staff on the side were obviously familiar with such scenes, and soon sent replacement kimonos and bathrobes for everyone to put on.

Seeing this, the audience was in an uproar.

"Oh, oh! This time it was not just the commander, but even the other judges were also ripped apart!"

"Yeah, and this time it is still a rare full-body fracture... No! This turned out to be the upper level ability of the skirt fracture, the skirt fracture and conduction! It is a rare sight!"

"It's really worthy of being the chef of Battery Company. That's amazing! Now he is sure to win!"

Seeing that the judges have finished the tasting, Kawashima Rei stepped onto the stage again: "Sa! The dishes of both sides have been tasted, so please vote for the one they think is more delicious." !"

The judges picked up the pen and ink prepared for them on the table, and the result was not unexpected. All five of them wrote Sen Luo's name, and the words Sen Luo 5-0 appeared on the big screen of the venue.

Nagiri Senzaemon stood up and announced: "The winner is already divided! The fourth round of the autumn selection round, the winner is ~ Wu Senra!"

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