See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 362: Arriving in Barbad

In the shade, the person gratefully ate the food Sun Luo took out, and said gratefully: "Thank you so much, not only lending me clothes, but also giving me such delicious food. My name is Xin, as just now. Said, I was accidentally ransacked by thieves on the way to Barbad."

"Uncle, you are true, too. You can get drunk in the desert. It's because of the stupid thieves at that time. If you change to someone else, you might get wiped your neck directly in your sleep." Sen Luo While talking, he took out another dish from the item storage box and handed it to the man. At the same time, he was amazed by the man's good fortune, because in the desert, it is basic common sense to kill first and then overtake.

The man named Xin took the food and smiled awkwardly: "Haha, I'm really ashamed. I didn't expect it to be so dangerous in the desert. But looking at you like this, do you come across the desert?"

Aladdin on the side nodded: "Yes, we crossed the deserts of various colors, then boarded the sand boat, and walked over after reaching the border of Cardina. These big brothers and sisters also met on the road."

"That's really good, the sense of exaltation when encountering all kinds of unknown knowledge and things in an unknown land, the confidence and experience generated by blazing a path forward with your own hands, and the trust that you can build with your companions. , Adventure is great, this is a man’s romance!"

Xin's emotions made everyone quite agree, and the atmosphere of chatting with the sky did not have the embarrassment at the beginning.

After chatting for a while, a breeze blew across everyone's faces, and the sensitive nose of Morjana Qiong moved slightly, and then moved in the direction of the wind: "It smells like sea tide."

Xin said while eating Sunro's cuisine, "You should be able to see Barbad when you walk through this oasis. Barbad is at the end of this oasis."

Hearing this, Aladdin and Morjana couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and rushed towards the end of the oasis.

When Sun Luo and the others followed the two over a small hill and walked out of the oasis, a prosperous city-state built by the sea appeared in front of everyone, like an ancient BO silk port city.

Later, Xin, who followed him, looked at everyone’s reaction and introduced with a smile: “The city in front of you now is the city-state Barbad. Don’t think that there is only one city in this country, but at the same time he commands dozens of large and small coastal areas. The island, in the west of this country is Ereponia, the country of machinery, to the east is the commercial city of Cardina, to the northwest it borders Alta, the country of knights, and to the south is also close to the Seven Seas Lord Syndria. The royal family here is called the Sharja family. They have inherited the inaugural crystal of the special super professional named [God of Wealth] from generation to generation. Under their leadership, Barbad, as a center of transnational trade, has been very important since ancient times. prosperity."

While listening to Xin's introduction, the group walked into Barbad's city under Xin's leadership.

Everyone walked along the canal in the city towards the center of the city. Along the way, everyone saw a large number of tropical fruits sold in the stalls in the city market, fresh fish caught from the sea, pearls, corals and other precious objects, merchants Our enthusiastic shouts rang through the sky, desperately greeting the customers who came and went, everything is exactly as Xin said, the prosperous level of Barbad, not inferior to the commercial city of Cortana in Cardina.

However, this familiar scene reminded Bennett Nasio, who was at the back of the team, of the little girl from Cortana before.

He muttered with a voice that only he and Sen Luo around him could hear: "This city is also so prosperous. I just don't know how much shadow is hidden behind the glamour of the surface?"

Hearing this, Persephone grabbed Bennettnaxiu's clothes tightly, and Senro patted him on the shoulder in a reassuring manner.

Feeling the warmth of everyone, Bennett Nasio recovered a lot: "Thank you Mr. Cook, it doesn't matter to me."

At this moment, Sun Luo discovered some strange things in this country. For example, although the merchants yelled desperately and enthusiastically solicited customers, after the deal was concluded, Sun Luo still saw the right from the depths of their smiles. The future is extremely disturbed.

What's more, what people here use to trade is not the universal currency called Bailey in this game world, nor is it hard currency gold and silver coins, but a colorful paper currency.

This kind of banknote Senro is very familiar. It is only circulated within the range of Cardina. The parliament issued a banknote named [Mira] to facilitate transactions by domestic merchants.

What makes Sunro puzzled is that this is Barbad, how can Cardina's banknotes occupy the mainstream payment method for transactions here.

The same thing that felt strange was Xin, who was leading the way. He looked at the merchants who were immersed in the paper money along the way. His brows were frowned, and he never relaxed for a moment. Although he concealed it well, he still didn’t. Escape from Sen Luo's eyes, Sen Luo looked at him curiously, feeling that his identity might not be as simple as an adventurer.

When everyone walked past a pier on a canal, a row of bright red characters on one brick wall attracted everyone's attention.

Senluo and Hestia looked at the big characters on the wall and looked at Xin playfully: "Abolish Wang Zheng? It seems to Mr. Xin that the royal family here is not as popular as you said in the country."

"Oh~ it was not like this before. The former king was an inauguration of the super professional [God of Wealth]. Under his leadership, the Barbadians lived and worked in peace and prosperity. But just a few months ago, the previous king of this country He died of illness and his eldest son became the new king. It seems that after the new king succeeded to the throne, something went wrong in this country."

Xin sighed, shook his head and continued to lead everyone forward.

After walking for a while, the group arrived at the largest and most luxurious hotel in the center of the city.

Xin smiled and said: "Although there is a trouble in this city, there will be no problems here. This is the most advanced hotel in this country that I often use. As a reward for your help, I will cover all your accommodation expenses. , You can live as long as you want."

As soon as Aladdin heard this, he immediately cheered, but what Xin did not expect was that Hestia waved his hand and declined his kindness: "I didn't expect Mr. Xin to stay in this hotel too. I had an appointment with a friend. First, I also met at this hotel. As for the accommodation fee, Mr. Xin doesn’t have to be like that. If you go out to rely on friends, we help you out of our own will. Then, let’s not pass this and look forward to seeing you again in the future."

After speaking, Hestia, Sunro and others walked into the hotel first.

At this moment, in the lobby of the hotel, a weird figure wearing a maid's costume but with the head of a hound caught Sun Luo's attention.

She was sitting in the middle of the hall with a standing sign in her hand, because she had a coat of arms in her hand and she was the master. Behind her, there was a beautiful one-eyed boy wearing military uniform and short red hair.

The two of them just sat in the middle of the hall holding a sign, not caring about the gaze of the guests and the waiter.

And the standing card also says [Welcome!Lord Cook].

Sen Luo suddenly felt a large group of alpacas ran over: "...what the hell! Could it be Roberto?...Knowing the name of my game and wearing a maid costume, it looks like It's her, but it takes some courage to come forward and talk to her like this."

After hesitating for a while, Sen Luo still mustered up the courage and walked over, ignoring the sight of the people around him.

Leaning in front of the maid Gootou, Sen Luo asked in a low voice, "Ah...Are you Robertobert?"

Looking at the unusually tall Asura in front of her, the maid cautiously approached him, her eyes lit up, and she whispered, "Is it Master Senro? I've been waiting here for a long time, and Alyssa is here now. In the room upstairs, there are many people here, so please move."

Senro did not object, nodded, and then looked back at Xin and Aladdin at the door, and called Bennett Nasio to follow Roberts upstairs.

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