See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 368 Sun Luo's Magical Cuisine

Seeing that Senro had settled the poor as soon as he came out, Bennettnaxiu and the others also walked out of the alley with confidence.

After coming out, Bennett Nasio said with some sadness: "Mr. Cook, please forgive me for my previous recklessness. Miss Maria is right. Looking at this nobleman’s attitude towards civilians, we can see that this country really It's not working anymore."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, seeing is believing after all."

On the side, Sinbad brought Masrul over and glanced at the poor people who were swallowing food frantically. Sinbad: "This is really an unexpected guest. I wonder if Miss Hestia will come late at night. What is it for here?"

Hestia, who was questioned, did not speak this time, but Sen Luo was unwilling to show weakness and asked back: "I want to ask, Mr. Xin, why are you here? No, it should be said that it is Mr. Sinbad. Is it appropriate?"

In this regard, Sinbad was a little surprised, but there was no need to lie: "What? You know my identity. I thought it was very good to hide. Since I was recognized, there is nothing to hide. I’m Sinbad, King of Syndria, but Mr. Chuang Ti is very special. There are many guard-type tires that dominate our country, but their tires are obviously very different from yours. How do you say, other creatives The fetus all act under the command of the master, and I always feel that you are more autonomous than them."

While talking, Sinbad's eyes swept back and forth between Sen Luo and Hestia with a point.

"Although he is an NPC, he deserves to be a king. Has he been seen through?"

While speaking, Senluo removed the outer shell of Ashura, revealing the true body inside, and gracefully bowed to Sinbad and bowed slightly.

"Introduce myself again, I am the super professional [Cook of God] Cook Hoshimitz to which Cardina belongs. Please give me your advice in the future, Your Majesty."

Sinbad was very surprised: "[God's Cook]? Is Elder Yilong willing to let go of the transfer crystal to someone else?"

"Oh, did Mr. Sinbad and Father Yilong know each other?"

Sinbad shrugged: "Well, as you know, our Sindria is a maritime country. Many ingredients are scarce resources. To eat, people can only rely on imports from other countries. In this matter, food The city is a link that is better than avoiding it anyway, and it would be weird if you don’t know if a powerful man with a reputation like Mr. Yilong is?"

Sen Luo nodded, pretending to be ignorant and said: "That's what I said, but what are you doing? It's not what the king should do to guard the door for the nobles of the fish and meat people?"

"We are also very helpless. Our country has been engaged in maritime trade with this country for a long time, and I know the king of this country very well. In national trade, the previous kings have also taught me a lot. But Since his son became the throne, he has suddenly cut off maritime trade with us. I am here this time to allow him to resume trade with us."

"That's the case, but what does this have to do with you watching the door here?"

Sinbad spread his hands helplessly: "I don't want to, but the new king said that because of the thieves' relationship with us, it is impossible to restore the trade. If you want to reopen the trade, you must solve the domestic thieves. , We are here to wait and see, waiting for the gang of thieves that disturb public order in this country to appear, so that they can be arrested and brought to justice. What about you, why are you here at this time?"

Sun Luo continued to pretend to be stupid: "Is your target also a thieves group? Coincidentally, so are we. Our friend received a mission to defeat the thieves. We came out to collect information, and it happened to see you being killed here. I was surrounded, so I came over to take a look, but this time it seemed to be empty. I have seen with my identification eye that these people are just poor people, and there are no thieves."

While Sun Luo and Sinbad were chatting, the group of poor people had eaten the food that Sun Luo gave them. After eating, the poor people could no longer see the weak and windy appearance before. They were originally yellowish. The skin has already glowed at this time, and the shriveled and thin body has strong muscles like a blown balloon.

Seeing that the poor had finished eating, Sen Luo waved his hand and pointed directly at the aristocratic mansion behind him: "Now you let go and do it! Take back what originally belonged to you, now you have this ability!"

Under Sun Luo's instructions, a group of poor people rushed into the aristocratic mansion with simple weapons and shouted.

In the mansion at this time, because Hardob was stunned by a chicken leg from Sen Luo, the servants and the guards made a mess, but when they saw a group of slums rushing into the mansion, they immediately took up arms to welcome him. Up.

The leading guard yelled: "Bold! You hot chickens from the slums, do you know where this is? This is the residence of the nobleman Halldobu, not where you guys can come in!"

It is a pity that his reprimands aggravated the hatred of the civilians. One of the civilians did not hold back his anger. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the broken stick in his hand and rushed towards the guard.

"Damn it! Noble's running dog! Give me my life!"

Looking at the empty-handed and under-armed poor man who rushed in front of him, the guard laughed and said: "Hey, just you spicy chickens, don't naively think that these broken pieces of wood can hurt us, we All here are fully armed... uh!"

Before he finished speaking, the poor man had already rushed to the guard at a speed that ordinary people could not have.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, the fully armed guard was slammed on his forehead by the poor man with a wooden stick, and he spun upside down and fell into the corner unconscious.

With one hit, the poor man was stunned and looked at his hands in surprise. Obviously he himself was surprised at why there is such a powerful force.

At this time, everyone reacted. After all, the guards still had some combat experience, and immediately drew out their weapons to kill the group of poor people.

Unfortunately, for this group of strengthened invaders, they are destined to be helpless. Under the confrontation of the poor in the summer festival, the guards quickly defeated the battle.

In a short while, there were screams and exclamations in the mansion, and bursts of flames appeared in some places.

Seeing this change, Sinbad asked in surprise: "What the hell is going on with these poor people? Mr. Cook, what did you eat for them?"

"It's nothing. My cooking is not only delicious, but also has various effects. This time, the food for them is to restore HP, STR (strength), END (durability), AGI (agility). There are bonus dishes."

Regarding Sunro’s outspokenness, Sinbad has not yet emerged from the shock for a while. It is no wonder that in this world, cooking is not only for some special people, but for most people, it is just to make the game world better. Really, what is used to eliminate the abnormal state of [hunger] has no other effect except to satisfy the appetite.

But Senluo’s cooking is different. In addition to being delicious, it also comes with a buffing effect like an alchemy potion, and Sinbad can see that the originally weak and poor people now have a layout that far exceeds that of ordinary guards. It is foreseeable that if Senluo’s cooking spreads, it will inevitably cause an uproar in the props industry.

Masrul outside the mansion looked at Senro and the others who were directing the poor to plunder their property, frowning and asked: "Xin, is it really okay to let them behave like this?"

But for this, Sinbad turned his back indifferently, and said with a sad expression: "That's it, we don't need to worry about it. After all, we agreed with Abu Maduo to arrest the band of thieves. Just like the Cook just now. The guys around me said the same, this country is no longer good."

After speaking, Sinbad walked towards another ambush spot they set without looking back, the mansion of the great merchant Algaris.

On the other hand, these poor people in the mansion have been squeezed in the bottom of society for a long time, and their bloodliness has been worn away. Although they hate these nobles and speak cruel words, they still can't bear the courage to kill the nobles. , So after only killing some guards and subordinates, he grabbed the property and food and greased the soles of his feet.

This result is very satisfying. After all, if they kill the owner of the mansion during the robbery, over time, there will be fewer and fewer rich people dealing with Alisha and others. This is definitely not what they want to see. .

As it is now, when a rich man who is used to living a luxurious life wakes up from a coma, he finds that everything he has has been robbed. In order to be able to live his previous life, he will definitely use his power to do his best. The way to earn money, and then trade with Alyssa and others, in this way, while promoting Alyssa's business, it also accumulates a wave of public grievances for the king of this country, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

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