A few months have passed since the encounter in the restaurant last time, and the journey of Komori Rao's journey has changed from two masters and apprentices to four masters and apprentices.With the decoration of two flowers, the long-distance journey of the two men also added some color.Under Komori's lead (from) line (middle) and bridge (stalk), the relationship between Carbine Moon and Liang Shiniang is developing towards a good side.

Along the way, Xiao Mori Luo, in addition to learning Celestial Boxing with Carbine Moon, has another course in taekwondo with Liang Shiniang, and there is also a Julie who is thinking about fighting with Xiao Mori all day long.

On this day, Komori and the others came to Sichuan in the middle of Shu, which is known as the land of abundance. In addition to a few sects in the middle of Shu, there is another place that Komori particularly wants to visit, that is, the state-owned restaurant-Juxialou.

After traveling for a period of time, Komori discovered that there were 4 state-owned restaurants in Datian Dynasty. They were Longzhen Restaurant of the Tang Family of Magic Capital, Yangquan Restaurant of the Zhou Family of Guangdong, and Yushan Fang of the Lan Family of Jingcheng. The chrysanthemum of the Liu family in Sichuan went downstairs.

Xiaomori Luo has seen records in the ancient books of the Liulin Temple. The ancestors of these four restaurants had joined a group of culinary masters in the Qing Dynasty to fight against the dark cooking world that almost came to dominate this land.And after a lot of hard work, he successfully defeated the dark cooking world.

(The following Tai Chi cooking world has surpassed martial arts cooking and reached the realm of Xiu Xian cooking, so I don’t want to write. After all, using legendary kitchen utensils to make cooking so that soldiers will become immortal army after eating, and then rule the celestial dynasty. Things are too much.)

After they defeated the dark cooking world, in order not to cut off the inheritance, they compiled their own cooking skills and the techniques they obtained from the dark cooking world into a book, and handed them to the leader of the time-Liu Maoxing.

(The word in the middle of Liu Maoxing read mao for the third time, not the second for ang. When it was broadcast in China, the translation of Spicy Chicken was wrong, and it turned out to be a crooked country for children.)

But sometimes it’s not a good thing to leave too much to the younger generation. Just like the descendants of these four, since they have the signature of the state-owned restaurant, even if they don’t practice their cooking every day, the guests will be in an endless stream of celebrities, so they One generation of culinary skills is not as good as one generation. Until now, these descendants are still gnawing on the bones left by their ancestors, let alone learning the tricks of the dark cooking world that requires a lot of blood and sweat. I can't do it all.

Komori has already visited the other three restaurants. To be honest, the cooking tastes there can only be said to be generally delicious, and there is no sense of surprise. The reason why Komori insists on going downstairs is actually for the secrets.As for the secret books that have been handed down, they are still sleeping in the ashes in the library of Liu's house. It is really a jewel in dust, which makes people regret.

Before coming to Sichuan, Komori had arranged a meeting with the current head of the Liu family through a certain political axe official who had surrendered to the [darkness].

(Some people may say that it is too exaggerated to let officials act on orders, but it is also exaggerated in the comics, and even some high-ranking officials and politicians themselves belong to the [Dark] masters.)

When I came to Ju downstairs, it was noon. The hall in the building was full of people and filled with joy. The hall was full of birthday characters. An actor was performing the Sichuan opera face-changing on the stage. An old man in a red Tang suit sits on the main table, accepting the orders of the guests.

After inquiring, I learned that the senior official who had helped Xiaomori today wrapped Ju downstairs to give his father a banquet for his 80th birthday. It is said that the senior official’s mother died early because his father raised him since he was a child. He respects him most. It was his father, so this time the birthday banquet was very large, and the people invited were either rich or expensive.

Walking into Ju and downstairs, Komori reported the name of the senior official to the waiter, and the waiter ran in. After a while, the senior official greeted him personally.

"Welcome, I'm sorry, let the four of you wait for a long time, it really makes me shine with the four of them, come, come here, please, I have already prepared a private room here."

With that, the high-ranking official led Komori and the others to the private room on the second floor.

Walking into the private room, I saw that the round table in the middle was ready for exquisite dishes. The senior officials greeted Komori and the others to take their seats. After sitting down, Komori and the senior official became polite: "Secretary Gao, you are too polite. Now, why didn’t the old man say in advance on his birthday, we didn’t prepare anything, how embarrassed.”

"What the Lord Senluo said, I don't rely on the support from [Darkness] in my daily position when I have my position today. It's already a great honor for you to come today."

"That's really embarrassing. By the way, how are things going on with you?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Sun Luo, I've said everything. When Chef Liu is busy with the birthday banquet dishes, he will come. You have just arrived here and haven't had lunch. I will prepare a little wine here, and I will help you all. Let’s eat something casually. I still have guests below me, so please forgive me for my failure."

"Ah, Secretary Gao, don't hesitate. Go ahead."

After Secretary Gao exited the box, Xiaomori and the others began to taste the dishes on the table. There was no golden fried rice, no Thanglong dumplings, and no panda mapo, but some fish-flavored pork shreds and mapo tofu. , Twice-cooked pork, Kung Pao chicken, boiled cabbage and other famous Sichuan dishes.Although the same color, fragrance, and taste, but there is nothing amazing, always let Komori feel that something is missing in his heart.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Carbine Moon and Liang Shiniang put down their chopsticks, and Julie couldn't help but yelled, "Cut, what a century-old shop, the things made are far worse than Sun Luo."

It turned out that in order to stop the things like those in the restaurant before, everyone's three meals a day were changed to Komori Luo, and then the mouths of the three were raised by Komori Luo.

Komori on the side smiled: "Julie, don't say that. The banquet cooking is originally a big pot of mixed cooking, and the taste is not as good as the dishes carved by the small chef in the private room. Just treat it as filling your stomach. Today we It’s not here for dinner."

After another period of time, Secretary Gao led a greasy middle-aged man with a chef’s top hat into the room. Secretary Gao introduced: "Sir Luo, this is the current helm of the Liu family who you want to meet. Mr. Liu Zixing."

"Hello, hello, Mr. Liu, you must have known my intention this time from Secretary Gao. I don't know when you will take me to borrow the library."

Komori smiled and greeted Liu Zixing in standard Chinese dialect, and stretched out his hand to shake hands with him, but in the end he called out Komori's surprise.

Then Liu Zixing didn't even look at Komori, and slapped Komori's hand with a slap.

"This kid, I'm really sorry, I refuse your request."

Xiaomori Luo's face darkened, and he looked at Secretary Gao who was aside.

Secretary Gao's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Liu, didn't we say that before, why are you going back again?"

Liu Zixing looked at Secretary Gao nonchalantly and said: "Secretary Gao, after all, it is something passed down from my ancestors of the Liu family. How can it be easily handed over to foreigners? If it is a world-famous chef, I might also help. I’m busy promoting the development of the culinary industry, but what qualifications does he have for such a hairy boy? Secretary Gao, you have also been deceived. Just such a foreign child can understand Chinese cuisine? I’m afraid that he can’t even shake the pot. Right."

After hearing this, the two masters frowned, and Julie jumped out first, kicked a chair into pieces of wood, and said to Liu Zixing: "You greasy uncle is kind to say it again! "

Liu Zixing was taken aback by this sudden scene. He pretended to be calm and said, "Hmph, no matter who you are, little girl, I would advise you not to make trouble. This is a state-owned restaurant, and none of the great friends I know Little, believe it or not, just a phone call can keep you from getting out of this restaurant."

"Huh? You have a seed right now..."

Julie wanted to say something, but Komori stopped her: "Calm down Julie, we are not here to make trouble. Today is a happy event for others, and the rules of the Chinese dynasty should not be bloody."

Then Komori looked at Liu Zixing again: "Liu Zixing, Master Liu, right? Do you think this is good? Since you think I am not qualified to look at your secrets, then I will have a cooking session in front of the guests downstairs. How about the art showdown. If you lose, hand over the secrets of the collection. If I lose, I offer items or money of the same value, what about."

Liu Zixing still looks like he is invincible: "Only you? I tell you, I have conquered more tongues than you have ever seen."

"Don't talk nonsense, just say that you can't agree, or you are afraid of my child under ten?"

"Hmph, I will be afraid of you? Bibibi, Bibibi, you have the final say, I still don't believe it, don't cry if you lose."

"Okay, that being the case, today is the eighty birthday of Secretary Gao's old man, and he will eat his noodles for his birthday in the celestial dynasty, so that you don't want to fall back on your account, and I won't bully you. How about we compare Sichuan snacks to bear noodles?"

"Hehe, I'm still a kid, and compare Sichuan cuisine to a Sichuan chef. Just wait to lose."

With that, Liu Zixing strode out of the private room.

As soon as Liu Zixing left, Julie couldn't wait to ask: "Sen Luo, why do you want to compare with him, just rush over and slaughter them, and then grab the cheats, why not?"

"Well, it is indeed possible to collect martial arts secrets, but this is something in the culinary world after all. It would be great to be able to solve it with culinary methods. Or do you have no confidence in me?"

"Ah, Sen Luo, I didn't mean that..."

"Haha, that's it, don't you like spicy food? You will be counted as the judges later."

After speaking, Komori walked out of the private room with a smile.

Secretary Gao was frightened and sweaty. He knew the horror of [Darkness]. He was really worried that these people in the room would slaughter the entire restaurant clean when they got angry.Secretary Gao breathed a sigh of relief until Xiaomori walked out of the private room.

After calming down, he ran out of the private room as if fleeing, and went to arrange matters related to the duel.

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