See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 380 Turning Point

Seeing that his last hope was easily knocked down, Qassem shouted loudly: "Alibaba! Stand up! You are definitely not a man who will fall here, stand up!"

Ali Baba fell to the ground, turning sideways with difficulty to look at Qasim who was pressed by another Asura on the ground not far away.

"Sorry...Kasim...I...cough cough cough..."

Before he finished speaking, Alibaba coughed violently.

Seeing that Alibaba was no longer able to fight, Qasim tried to raise his head and looked at Sen Luo in mid-air with difficulty, as if incompetent and furious, he started complaining: "How can it be repaired! Why do monsters like you appear In this world! If you don't show up, we haven't lost until now!"

Eliza on the side glanced at Qassim disdainfully: "That’s just because you got information from the court spies in advance, so it can go so smoothly, right? You can’t even handle a few kilos of yourself. Clearly stupid person! Doing this will only involve people around you in a fight that has no chance of winning. In the end, waiting for them will only be shattered."

Qassim was speechless by Alisha, and could only glared at her silently.

"Oh? You seem to be very unconvinced? If you only snatch Barbad's people, we will not only not shoot, but will applaud, because this is a disguised increase in the demand of this country, we can sell Many things are given to this country, but unfortunately you have to even grab merchants from other countries, and blame you for choosing the wrong opponent. You know, small countries like you that don’t even have a dominance archive point or a permanent dominance. Even the power of the whole country is no match for our city in Cardina. I really don’t know where your courage came from to oppose our big country. Oh, you were disrespectful just now. In this way, you are not only stupid, but also ignorant."

Behind Alisha and the others, Aladdin and Morjana listened to what Eliza said, and asked Jafar on the side: "Brother Jafar, if these captured thieves are handed over to the officials of this country What will happen to them?"

Jafar frowned: "The situation is not optimistic. Just like the lady said, even if it is not to show good to the great power, such thieves will only be waiting for them with the guillotine."

"Yes, as the little brother said, no matter if I kill you or not today, you will only have a dead end. I also have sympathy. So instead of being put in a prison and tortured to death, it’s better to die. I died without pain in my hand. Having said so much, you should be on the road as the leader, and I don’t need to kill the others, but you, I must die today!"

Having said that, Sen Luo raised his hand, and the knowing Roberte pulled the trigger at Qassim's head without hesitation.


Not far away, Ali Baba saw Sun Luo and the others, struggling to crawl towards Qasim, but unfortunately his movements could be described by turtle speed because of physical pain, and he did not rush to rescue him.

Just at the moment, a palm wrapped in golden magic suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed Robert's barrel, and suddenly twisted the barrel into twists. Then Robert's gun was because of the inside. The magic bullet could not be fired, and it exploded with a "bang". At the same time, Robert who was holding the gun was also injured in his arm.

Roberto didn't speak, and immediately took out the reply dish that Sen Luo had given before from the item storage box, and ate it in two bites. After a while, the arm that had been injured just returned to the original.

Roberto looked at Sinbad, who had just shot suddenly, with a bad expression, took out an assault rifle with a bayonet, and aimed at Sinbad's head without saying a word.

On the other side, Midas also jumped to the other side of Sinbad under the instruction of Alyssa, and flanked right and left with Roberto. Holding a stack of gold coins in his hand also locked Sinbad.

Seeing that things were not going well, Masruul and Jafar immediately rushed forward, guarding Sinbad in the middle, and confronted Robert and the others.

At this point, Senluo didn’t rush to take action, and asked, “Mr. Sinbad, which one did you perform again? You said I’m killing innocent people, let me let those little guys go. I agreed, but this guy is the leader and one of the culprits. Wouldn't you let me kill you?"

"This... After listening to the story of Alibaba, I suddenly wanted to stand on their side, so I decided that I would join the group of fog and become their partner. I, the king of Syndria, would join me. , You can make up for what they lack now. As a certificate of fame, I must save these thieves who were caught by you today, including their leader."

"!!!∑(Д) Nani!"

Sinbad speaks surprisingly, not to mention Senro and his party and the thieves, even Jafar and Masrul who were protecting Sinbad turned their heads to look at Sinbad behind him in surprise.

But on the handsome faces of their king, they couldn't see the slightest joking.

Senro, who reacted from the shock, asked, "Mr. Sinbad, are you kidding? You, the king, want to join the band of thieves?"

Sinbad nodded seriously: "You heard me right, I'm serious."

"Then you are going to help them fight together?"


"The opponent is the current king of Barbad? There are even us?"


"(╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻ Your cheating brain circuit is too strange! Let’s not talk about why you, a king of another country, want to join the band of thieves. Didn’t you tell me before to reopen? Trade, did you agree with the king to capture the thieves? Shouldn’t the thieves be the enemy that needs to be defeated?"

Sinbad sighed: "Oh~Cook Yo, why are you so ruthless?"

"0ДQ huh?"

"Surely you know the situation in this country, right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Since you know, don't you mean to help them?"

Sen Luo looked at the black line on Sinbad below: "(;д) Uh, why the suddenness makes me like a big villain... No, I am a villain to them."

Then he said: "You don't have to be troublesome. We also have our own plan. Once our plan is successful, it will definitely be a good change for the people of this kingdom."

Sinbad nodded in agreement: "Since you have your own plan, I can't say more, but I think it through. Although there are some people with ulterior motives in the band of thieves, most of them are forced by life. Poor people, these guys who fight for the common people are more worthy of my help than the big son on the throne, so I want to join them and fight with them."

"Although I don’t like that fool king, neither you nor the band of thieves are obstacles to our plan, and now they are in my hands. Why should I listen to you? Can you save them? Say anyone?"

Facing Sunro’s question, Sinbad said calmly: “If I join the group of fog, they will be the power of King Syndria. Attacking the power of the king will be a felony whether it is the people here or the master. I have every right to issue your wanted warrants in our country. At that time, you will not be able to use any of our archive points. From time to time, our country’s masters who have received rewards will come to disturb you, although you may not lose. Give it to them, but I heard from the masters I know I said, for your masters, our world is a game. Surely such a bad game experience is not what you want, right?"

"(;_) Uh, Mr. Sinbad is even more shameless as a king. He even used the king's authority as a threat."

Seeing Sun Luo hesitated, Sinbad hit the railroad while it was hot: "I know my approach is a bit shameful, but my requirements are not high. As long as you let them go this time, I will not threaten you with the same reason. After that, we will each carry out our own plans according to our abilities. In the end, whoever succeeds will not complain, and you will also have the friendship of our Syndria."

Sen Luo looked helplessly at Alyssa and Roberto below. The three exchanged glances, and then nodded.

"Well, Mr. Sinbad is such a weird person. I really lost it to you. I can agree to your proposal, but are they really willing to let you join? If you don't join, some of what I just said will be useless. Oh."

Sinbad looked at Alibaba: "You must have heard it too. That's the way it is. Do you, the leader, agree with me to join the group of fog?"

Under such circumstances, one is a dead end, and the other is still alive even though the way forward is unknown. Alibaba knows how to choose no matter how stupid it is, so they didn’t even look at Qassim’s expressions of reluctance to the extreme. , And agreed to Sinbad's request.

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