See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 388 Alibaba's Helplessness

Seeing Sen Luo and the others going away, the poor people in the group of fog breathed a long sigh of relief, and some even collapsed directly to the ground.

"Huh~ finally gone."

"Yeah, we are saved!"

Upon seeing this, Alibaba felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He gave up on his fist and hammered the wall beside him: "How can it be repaired! What should I do next? How useless I am, not only to help If you are not busy with everyone, you can't even eliminate everyone's anxiety. If Mr. Sinbad or Qasim, you should be able to command everyone better."

Not far away, Sinbad saw Alibaba’s every move and every move. He walked slowly to Alibaba’s side and comforted: "It’s okay. Didn’t I say that, no matter what kind of I will find a way to solve the problem. The reinforcements from Syndria are coming soon. What you have to do now is to make sure that everyone can leave at any time, so let’s go and treat the injuries first."

As soon as the voice fell, a member of the fog group suddenly ran over in a panic: "No way! No way, the leader! The kingdom's army is coming!"

"What! Go right now. All the active guys must gather together. Let's go out and see.

After receiving Alibaba's order, some lightly injured thieves gathered soon after handling the injuries and followed Alibaba to the outside of the base camp.

As soon as he came out, Ali Baba saw a very luxurious carriage parked outside the base camp of the Fog, and in front of the carriage stood a figure that faintly existed in his own memory.

"Balkak? You are General Balckak! Why are you here?"

The visitor was General Barcak of Barbad, and he was also a swordsman who taught Alibaba's court swordsmanship when he was a child.

While talking, Alibaba ran towards Balcak, and when Alibaba appeared, Balcak saluted him respectfully: "The third prince, you have really grown up a lot, and at that time I was in my hands. The young people who are learning palace swordsmanship are like two different people. The reason why I came here today is to protect one person. He wants to see you anyway."

After finishing speaking, Balcak knocked on the door of the carriage: "My lord Vice Wang, this is safe. Prince Ali Baba has come, you can come out."

While talking, Alibaba's second brother Sabumato cautiously pushed open the door and walked out of the carriage tremblingly.

"Ah...Alibaba, hello... It's so amazing, I'm such a base as the leader of thieves. This... is completely impossible for me, just like now, there are With so many people I don’t know, I can’t stop trembling.”

Barcack on the side explained: "The third prince, the deputy king has something to tell you no matter what. This is also an enemy formation for us. Please understand that you came here angrily despite the danger to your life. The mood of the vice king."

Alibaba looked at Sabu Maduo confusedly: "Brother Sabu Maduo, why on earth are you here?"

Before Sabumato could answer, Sinbad’s voice rang out again: "Yeah, isn’t this Sabu Maduo? It’s so timid that you have the courage to appear in the public. Like Abu Maduo asked you to come."

It turned out that Sinbad and the others were treating the wounded. After receiving the notice, he immediately handed over the work to others, and rushed over with Morjana and the others.

Seeing that Sinbad was also there, Sab Maduo sighed with relief: "Great, uncle Sinbad, you are here, I will run another family in the province, uncle, Alibaba, I won’t be here today. For other reasons, I hope you can organize Brother Abuma."

"Stop Abu Maduo? What the hell is going on? Come and listen in detail."

Under Sinbad’s question, Sabumato revealed the inside story of the country, whether it was Abu Maduo’s use of the country’s rights as a guarantee to borrow paper money from Eliza, or he was about to take the national’s human rights as a guarantee. Everything was told to Sinbad and Alibaba.

After hearing what Abu Maduo had done, everyone was shocked. Sinbad frowned, "So that's what happened, Sab Maduo, you should be the inside of the Mist in the palace? No wonder you can know this. What a confidential matter. However, it is necessary to use the human rights of the citizens as a guarantee. What is the difference between selling the citizens to other countries as slaves! What is the fellow Abu Maduo thinking?"

Sabumato squatted on the ground with a trembling as if drained of energy. He didn't dare to look directly at the crowd and said: "Because my brother's life is still rich, so he still spends money like before. In addition to money, they can’t see anything else. The nobles and officials in this country also do the same. In order to protect their wealthy lives, they obey my brother's words. Please, you must stop my brother!"

Morjana, who had been a slave by the side, hated Abu Maduo's decision the most. She strode to the front of Sab Maduo and reaffirmed: "Vice King, you want us to stop him before coming here. Right?"

Sabumato was taken aback by his actions: "Yes... it's true."

After getting an accurate answer, Morjana cast a fiery look at Alibaba, pressing his shoulder firmly and said: "Go ahead! Mr. Alibaba, we must stop this stupid plan!"

Morjana's words immediately resonated with the others in the group of fog, but seeing that Alibaba had not yet agreed, everyone shouted Alibaba's name together, trying to persuade him to respond to Sabu Maduo's request.

But even so, the indecisive Alibaba still couldn't make up his mind, so he looked at Sinbad as if asking for help. Sinbad thoughtfully pondered for a while, and finally seemed to have made some decision in his heart and said. "I know everything, Sabumato, you can trust us to handle the matter with confidence. I will put pressure on Abu Maduo through Syndria and other small countries around the country, at least to prevent the people from Human rights as a guarantor for such a stupid plan."

Seeing that Sinbad had already expressed his opinion, Alibaba and Sabumato were relieved in different senses, and Sabumato reminded him: "If this is the case, then you must act quickly, otherwise the signing ceremony When it arrives, everything is too late."

Sinbad was also taken aback when he heard this: "What! There is a signing ceremony?"

Sabumaduo nodded: "Yes, in order to implement the matter as soon as possible and borrow more banknotes from the economic adviser, my brother has scheduled the signing ceremony for 3 days, and please ask Alibaba, Uncle Sinbad, To stop my brother! After all, I am also a timid trash and can't do anything."

Seeing Sabmaduo weeping like a complaint, Balkak reminded him: "Vice King, the time is almost up, if you don't go back, the king will be suspicious."

At the urging of Balkak, Sabumaduo stepped back into the carriage. Before leaving, Balkak also solemnly saluted Alibaba, saying with earnestness: "The third prince, the fate of this country Entrusted to you!"

"Hmm... I know..."

In the face of everyone's entrustment and expectations, Alibaba was very embarrassed, but finally agreed.

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