See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 392 Alibaba's Sophistry

"Hmm~ Although this kid is not strong, he is very clever. He actually abolished the monarchy at this time and proposed a republic, Maria, what are you going to do next?"

Regarding Sun Luo's jokes, Alyssa glanced at him with an angry look: "What can I do with this? This is a transaction between countries. How can he change the system to fool the past, as long as I don't Let go, what can he do."

At this moment, a new voice resounded outside the hall: "Yeah, yeah, is this your answer, Alibaba?"

Everyone looked at the door, and saw Sinbad walking into the hall with a few people in ethnic costumes they had never seen before.

Ali Baba cried out in surprise: "Ah! It's Mr. Sinbad! Who are the people behind you?"

When he came to Alibaba, Sinbad said with a smile: "Although you are discussing national affairs, please forgive me for being rude. They are all diplomats of the countries in the Seven Seas Alliance led by Syndria."

Alibaba asked with some confusion: "Seven Seas Alliance? Why do diplomats from those countries come to Barbad at this time?"

Sinbad chuckled: "Of course I called you to become the new king of Barbad. I think it is the best way to save this country and make you a king, but you want to be with me. A completely different thing."

Alibaba lowered his head in shame: "I'm sorry, I just made my own claim without telling you anything, but this is my answer."

Sinbad waved his hand: "Ah, it's okay. I went out to pick up people this morning. When I came back, I found that you were gone. I was still wondering where you went. I didn't expect you to do much better than I thought. what."

Aside, Alisha finally couldn't listen anymore: "Although you have a good atmosphere now, please wait a moment, the country is reborn? The republic? What are you really doing? There are many countries in the world we dominate, although The form is different, but the republican country will eventually have a dominator, and Alibaba, don’t forget that the various rights in this country have been transferred to our cardinal as a guarantee, but you can’t just use your tongue. It's changed."

Alibaba’s face is a bit ugly: “Of course I know that this country has nothing, so even if you change your physique, you can’t solve any problems. Therefore, I hope you can write off the transfer of those rights as if it never happened. !"

Alisha was taken aback: "(O_o)?? Huh? What are you talking about stupid?"

Ali Baba plucked up the courage and said: "The Barbadian kingdom you mentioned has been destroyed today! It is a non-existent country, and a new country will be formed in the future. Therefore, it is concluded with Cardina. The contract should not be inherited either."

This is not just Alisha, even Sen Luo and their faces are gloomy. Roberto even directly drew his gun and loaded it, but he was still crushed by Sen Luo.

Senluo looked at Alibaba: "Boy, you mean you want to pay the bill? Who do you tell this far-fetched and boring myth? The contract officially concluded between countries uses a contract of props. It is protected by the power of rules (system) and has a coercive effect. It does not end when you say it ends. I think you also understand this and want us to take the initiative to abandon those treaties, right?"

Alibaba nodded unwillingly: "I know this reason is far-fetched, but it is also true that no one will sign a contract with you tomorrow, so can the matter of abandoning all treaties be put on hold and go back and ask your Speaker to reconsider it? "

Alyssa snorted coldly: "Cut, it's really a boring slow-down strategy. Since it's all here, I think you should also see it. Our goal in Cardina is to win this country without blood, and we can only succeed. A step away, in this case, as long as you are not a fool, no one will agree to abandon the treaty, right? Or do you want to fight with our Cardinal army? Or let this country be destroyed by the power of the contract? Under natural disasters?"

Alibaba squeezed out the power of the whole body and shouted to Alyssa: "I know all this! But please tell your speaker, please let us go!"

Alisha was also angry: "I have never seen such a brazen person!"

Alibaba went on to say: "Of course I will not let you give up the benefits that you have obtained in vain. We can compensate your country's losses through trade and other means. I guarantee that the benefits can match the benefits you had when you won our country unharmed. The benefits received."

"Haha~ Your trading rights are also in our hands. Do you mean to compensate us with our things? Too shameless?"

"We, Barbard, are the hub of the port trade in this area. Compared with everyone's death, the power of war and props has turned this place into a barren place. I think in Cardina, where interests are the most important, the Speaker and everyone Members of Congress will definitely choose to rely on grace in exchange for more profits."

Alibaba made the final struggle, wanting to bet whether Alyssa is so strong, if not, maybe things will turn for the better.

But Alyssa will not let him do what he wants. Alyssa vetoed Alibaba's request: "Huh, are you threatening me? I will tell you clearly now that your request will never be rejected." The people and the members of the council agreed that Cardina’s army has also been assembled on the border. If Barbad wants to go wrong, don’t blame me for letting them go straight in. The fish die and the net breaks? It depends on what kind of fish and what kind of nets. Do you think a small country like yours can stop the military of the world's largest country?"

Alibaba lowered his head helplessly. Just when he was a little unreasonable, Sinbad on the side said: "Miss, if you really want to send troops to attack Barbad, you must consider the consequences, because Barbad will He will join our Seven Seas Alliance. Not invading or being invaded is the policy of our alliance. I think your Speaker, you shouldn't ignore our strength, right?"

Alyssa sneered: "Mr. Sinbad, your business is really everywhere. As you said, although your country’s combat effectiveness is mostly concentrated on naval warfare, land warfare is not strong, but everyone is With many dominating powers, Speaker Laplace will certainly not underestimate you, but that is when Barbard really joined the Seven Seas Alliance. Don’t forget, the Speaker is a witch who has the power to predict the future. If you tell a lie, you will be seen through it all at once."

When Alibaba heard Sinbad’s words, he seemed to have grasped the straw, and immediately replied: "Of course it is true. This is our appointment before. We, Barbad, had a relationship with Sindria in my father’s time. Deep friendship."

Alyssa sighed deeply: "Oh~ you have said this, I will believe you for the time being. Today I will withdraw. I will ask you to take out Barbad and join the Seven Seas in the future. The evidence comes, but don’t be happy too early. I will explain to the speaker about this matter. As long as the contract is in hand, I believe we will win in the end. And Mr. Sinbad, don’t be too proud, I Here is a good card to use against you. I believe you will never make the same decision as you did today. Then we will lose company first."

After speaking, Alyssa and Sen Luo left the chamber together.

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