See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 400 Fall Selection Semifinals

On the day of the semi-final, after the previous reports and publicity of Haruo Niijima and Matsumoto Hayatsuda, the atmosphere in the audience before the game was already very hot.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon and the game was about to begin. Senro left the player preparation room and was about to go to the arena. When he passed a lounge, he saw Dojima Gin and Suwon Dongmi through the open door. There are Gan Hyugako and the other two graduates who are far away, and there are also two faces that Senro saw for the first time.

Out of courtesy, Senro knocked on the door and greeted them: "Dojima-san, Suwon-san, Gansang, haven't you seen me for a while? How are you doing recently?"

Dojima Gin got up and greeted him: "Oh, it's Senra-kun. I haven't seen him for a while. I watched the previous games. Shouldn't it be you?"

While talking, Dojima Ginto led his hand to two people whom Senra hadn't seen: "Come, let me introduce you, they are Kakunozaki Taki and Kakuchi Gardeno, they are all of Tomotsu just like us. Graduates are also experienced people who have been the ten outstanding talents of Yuanyue."

Sen Luo politely greeted the two of them: "Two, when we meet for the first time, my name is Wu Senluo. Please give me your advice."

Kakuchi Yuanguo, who was plump in the upper Wai, replied weakly to Sen Luo, while Kakuzaki Taki, who was next to her, nodded without saltiness, responding to Sen Luo's greeting.

Senro asked curiously, "Dojima-san, what are you graduates who have been the far-yue ten outstanding students together doing together?"

"That's naturally because we are the judges of the semi-finals. Unlike the preliminary rounds, in the semi-finals, due to the higher and higher level of the hands, amateur judges are no longer competent, so there will be no outsiders to serve."

Anyway, it was about to appear in a while, and Dojima Gin did not hide from Senra.

Senro clenched a fist and hammered the palm of his hand: "That's a lot, but I didn't expect that Dojima-san, as the chief chef of Totsuki Resort, would actually serve as a judge in person. The autumn selection period should not be when there are more guests in the resort. Did it mean that Dojima-san was unexpectedly leisurely?"

Dojima Ginha smiled: "This matter is related to the cultivation of younger generations. Even if you are busy, you have to make time to come, isn't it?"

"Ahaha, Dojima-san, you are really a rigid person, but because of this rigidity, how many bosses can't ask for it, how about it? Are you interested in hopping to our battery company, we will do it for you Are you ready for more generous rewards and a broader stage?"

Dojima Ginda waved his hand: "I have refused it many times. In Kojiro's words, I am just a sad chef who has worked for Tomotsu all his life."

Regarding Dojima Gin's joining, Senra said casually and didn't have much hope, so when he refused, Senra did not feel unhappy.

"Then I'm going to play too, Dojima-san, let's see you later."

After speaking, Sun Luo left the lounge and walked in the direction of the player's exit.

At this time, exciting BGM began to sound in the field. Amid the introduction of the host Rei Kawashima, Mori Luo and Koppei Souma came out of their respective players.

When Sen Luo came out, a thunderous cheering sound broke out from the corner of the arena. Sen Luo looked in the direction of the sound, and saw everyone in Izumo Riao and his own members of the [World Culinary Research Society] We are swaying the banner of the book "Siluo! Come on!!!", cheering for themselves.

Sen Luo compared scissor hands to everyone: "(๑ڡ)yEveryone~Thank you for your support, look at it, I will definitely win!"

Compared with Sen Luo's support here, Xingping Chuangzhen, except for a few people in Ji Xing Liao, not many people are optimistic about him. Both the quantity and the quality of the support are far from Sen Luo. Drowned in the abyss of Sun Luo side.

For the start of the first loss, the very nervous Xingping Chuang really didn't care much. He put his kitchen utensils on the cooking table on his own, and then said to Sen Luo with a serious face: "Sun Luo Yo, I didn’t expect that we would have a chance to face off so soon. Look at it. Although I lost you in support, I will definitely beat you in this game!"

"╮(▽)╭Hi, Mr. Chuangzhen’s fighting spirit is really high, but if I remember that’s right, your family opened a dining room? Don’t blame me for not reminding you, the beef stew and The beef stew in the dining room is not the same thing. Don't lose on the starting line before the game."

In the face of Sen Luo’s kind reminder, Xingping Chuangzhen seemed confident: "Thank you for your reminder. That fellow Nakiri said the same thing as you. Please rest assured that I have a countermeasure. Let us do it. See the real chapter."

While talking, Xingping Chuangzhen took the strap from his hand and put it firmly on his head.

Then, the five judges also stepped onto the judges seat amidst the exclamation of the audience. Seeing that the judges in the semi-finals turned out to be former Yuanyue Ten Outstanding Graduates, the atmosphere in the arena rose a lot in an instant.

A clear gong sounded, announcing the official start of the first game of the semi-finals. Looking at the two people in the audience, Kakusaki Taki, as a judge, showed an expression of victory and defeat.

"It's really the same as the newspaper said to make beef stew. One is the chef of a world-class catering company, and the other is the second-in-chief of the public dining room. It is said that the kid with a turban is still transferred to school for less than half a year. Students, this competition is not comparable at all."

Looking at the preconceived Kakusaki Taki, Hyugako pursed her mouth with an unhappy expression, disgusting: "You haven't tasted Kopei Chuangzhen's cooking, how can you decide the result like this without authorization? Ah, what an annoying master. Chef, I can already imagine how painful it is for the employees under your hand to work."

Kadozaki Taki snorted coldly: "No road race, you Thirty Road Cape!"

Pained by Kakuzaki Taki's stabbing, Hyugako waved a small pink fist at her: "Those who have not reached 30 say that they are only in their 20s!"

"Cut, what kind of'saying'? Don't pretend to be cute here, and what I'm talking about is the truth, Yuanguo, you are an expert in [foreign food], you should agree with me too?"

Hearing Kakuzaki Taki threw the question to himself, as a foreign food expert and the chef of a foreign food specialty store [Chunguotei], Kakuchi Yuanguo nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I also think that it is very difficult for Xingping Chuang to really want to win, because this time the theme can be a western food as the main course, and the beef stew that meets this topic is completely different from the beef stew provided in the dining room. For the set restaurant, it’s only after tasting two or three mouthfuls that the food tastes delicious. This is the world's recognized best seasoning method. This is to make the customers who visit every day not get tired of the taste of the food, and relatively high-end cuisine The seasoning of the store must make the customer feel delicious when they taste the first bite of the dish."

Sitting in the middle of the judges’ bench, Dojima Gin also agrees with Kikuji Engo’s statement: “You’re right, that is to say, the test of this competition is whether the chefs of both sides can make a strong personality that is strong enough to be the protagonist. Cooking. So, let's wait and see if Xingping Chuangzhen has overcome such a disadvantage."

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