See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 402 Xingping Chuangzhen Special Edition Beef Stew

Looking at the town of Xingheiba in the audience, Kakusaki Taki relentlessly hit: "I don't think it is necessarily. Xinghei Chuangzhen chose oxtail for beef, which is really refreshing. You can see that he has worked hard. , But beef stew is more than just beef. Side dishes are also very important."

Kikujiyuan Guo nodded when he heard it: "Takisan is right. From the current situation, Xingping Chuang's beef stew is just a simplified version that needs to be filtered. If there is no good match for it, The dishes, only sauces and beef dishes will be very monotonous. It is impossible to beat Sen Luojun’s colorful fried seafood platter."

At this moment, Xingping Chuangzhen took out a huge incubator from the prepared ingredients and slammed it on the cooking table with a "bang".

Xinghei Sakushin looked at Kakusaki Taki on the bench with a smile: "You are Kakusaki Taki-senpai, aren't you? I seemed to have heard that you were not optimistic about me, but even if you have any dissatisfaction, please taste Let’s talk about it after I finish cooking."

Under the puzzled eyes of the judges, various parts of beef were taken out of the incubator by Xingping Chuangzhen.

Kakuzaki Taki said in surprise: "That's... beef tongue, tripe, beef cheek, beef tenderloin... it turned out to be all kinds of beef! What do you want to do?"

"Hey, fellow judges, I will lead you to the [Meat’s Amusement Park] next!"

After that, Xingping Chuangzhen ignored the confused judges and began to deal with all kinds of meat on the cooking table.

I saw that he first boiled the beef tongue in water until the outside became hard, then peeled it, then mixed it with warm butter and refreshing olive oil to fry the tongue to brown the surface.

The beef cheek was marinated by him in red wine with celery and bay leaves, sprinkled with salt and black pepper to taste, and then fried in a pan.

At this time, Xingping Chuangzhen seemed to have thought of something suddenly, without a word of explanation, and rushed out of the arena as he talked to himself. Just when the audience thought that he was fleeing because of fear of not fighting, he was holding a charcoal stove. Ran back in a hurry.

"Oh oh oh, fortunately, because I want to grill squid whiskers, so I put the charcoal stove in the lounge, which happens to be used this time.

After that, Xingping Chuangzhen took out a few pieces of beef diaphragm meat and grilled them on the charcoal stove.

Looking at the dazzling variety of operations by Xingping Chuangzhen, the audience and the judges were already confused.

"That's a charcoal stove? Do you need a charcoal stove for beef stew?"

"With so many parts of beef, he won't use all of them, right?"

"Masaka, if you use them all, won't the taste be messy?"


In the audience's constant distress and doubts, time passed by minute by minute, and the cooking of both sides has come to an end.

As a thick and fragrant mist diffused from Xingping Chuangzhen's pot, Xingping Chuangzhen took the lead in completing his work and took his cooking to the judges' seat.

"This is my dish [Fortunately Stewed Beef Stew · Autumn Selection Special Edition], Sa! Please taste it!"

Looking at Kopei Souji's cuisine, who gathered all kinds of beef parts in a plate, Kakuzaki Taki frowned, "What is this? Meat, meat, meat, meat or meat besides meat, should you guys? Are you kidding me? How can there be such a beef stew? I have never heard of this kind of meat stew..."

"What are you talking about? Kadozaki Taki-senpai, this is a real beef stew, but except for the oxtail, all other meats are side dishes."

"Nani? There is such a thing!"

Kakuzaki-taki, whose speech was interrupted just now, didn’t even bother to be angry. She scooped up a spoonful of beef stew with a spoon and leaned forward: “Indeed, the stew is in place. The other parts have different aromas. The fusion in the plate makes the aroma of the dishes particularly attractive."

Dojima silver clapped his hands and took the lead and said, "Okay, let's stop here for the wait and see, and then it's time for tasting."

Under the leadership of Dojima Gin, the judges scooped up a spoonful of beef stew, put it to their mouths, "whoop" twice, and then delivered it to their mouths.

At the moment of the beef entrance, everyone could not help closing their eyes.

"This... This is so delicious!!!"

When the judges opened their eyes intoxicated, they found that they did not know when they had been sitting on the roller coaster in the amusement park.

The roller coaster was galloping from left to right on the track, and from time to time there were unexpected giant loops. Everyone sat on it and screamed in excitement, enjoying this exciting and pleasant time.

Hyugako smiled happily: "The beef cheeks, chewy tripe, and crisp beef tongue that melt away in your mouth with one bite are so colorful, it's a playground for meat!"

Suwon Dongmi on the side was also intoxicated and delivered the meat bit by bit: "Yes, especially the beef diaphragm meat grilled over charcoal fire is so delicious. Usually the diaphragm meat is cut. Eat it in thin slices, and Xingping Chuangzhen deliberately sliced ​​thick slices this time, and left a cross knife on it, so that the meat is full of the delicacy of the soup, and the soup mixed with the gravy is scattered in the mouth. It's amazing to open up."

Although Kadozaki Taki doesn't want to admit it, the taste of this dish seems to have conquered her body: "Senior Suwon is right, the meat grilled with charcoal fire is elastic, and it brings rich and multi-layered texture to the taste when chewing. Even if they are added to the stew, they will not reduce their deliciousness."

Dojima Ginji carefully looked at the dish of Kohei Sojin in front of him, and he couldn't help but admired: "The dish of Kohei-kun looks like a piece of chaos at first glance, but it's a fine dish. Every part of this dish is actually a tightly integrated whole after precise calculation and matching. This is undoubtedly an excellent dish."

In a short while, a dish full of beef entered the stomachs of the judges. Kikujiyuanguo leaned on the chair and patted his stomach with a sigh of relief: "Hoh~ I didn’t expect a simple beef stew would also work. It's really a very original dish that has such a variety of flavors and textures, but how did you come up with such a combination?"

Xingping Chuang really smiled: "Ah, in fact, this dish of mine has a prototype, but I only thought of it this morning."

The judges asked in a puzzled manner: "Xingping-kun, what kind of cuisine is the prototype you are talking about?"

Xinghei Chuang really showed a signature smirk: "It's Chikuzen cooking. The Chikuzen cooking in a regular Japanese cooking pavilion is very particular. Am I right, Hyugako-senpai?"

Hyugako smiled and nodded: "That's natural. In the material pavilion, the ingredients will be separated one by one before cooking, and then the ingredients will be cooked at the most appropriate time. Finally, all the vegetables will be poured on the soup. This will lead to the best luster and flavor of the ingredients themselves."

Hearing Hyugako’s introduction, the audience suddenly realized that the members of Ji Xing Liao who came to cheer for Xingping Chuangzhen were even more happily shouting: "Chikuzen cooking is also a popular dish. It is Xingping’s specialty. The two completely different dishes are associated with each other, Xingping is really amazing!"

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