"Then next, please let the judges decide on the outcome! The first round of the semi-finals of the autumn trial, please start voting!"

Seeing that all the dishes of the contestants on both sides have been tested, the host Rei Kawashima pushed the game forward.

After the judges on the judges' bench received instructions, they wiped their mouths with napkins with unsatisfactory thoughts, picked up a brush prepared for them, and seriously wrote down on the paper which they thought was more delicious.

"Sa, who will win, please show the results of your vote!"

The five judges raised their answers together. Seeing the names displayed by the judges, Xing Ping Chuang really lowered his head unwillingly.

Seeing the result, the host Rei Kawashima couldn't help but become louder: "Unanimous!!! The winner is Wu Senluo. Congratulations on your first ticket to the finals!!!"

As soon as the result came out, the audience suddenly burst into applause and shouts, but Xingping Chuangzhen on the stage looked up at the judges' bench.

"Dojima-san, could you please tell me, what is the difference in cooking between me and Senra?"

In the face of Mr. Kohei’s real question, Dojima Gin did not conceal: “Xinhei-kun, your beef stew is already very delicious, and the idea of ​​the cooking is also very novel. It can be said that the whole cuisine is excellent.”

"Then why did I still lose?"

Dojima Ginjima paused, and then said, "But Kohei-kun, Morira-kun’s cooking is superior to yours in all aspects, both in appearance and taste. It is not your weak strength but Mori-kun. The strength is too strong."

Kakuzaki Taki on the side added: “Although you and Senra-kun choose the same way, you use different parts of beef to apply different cooking methods to make the taste colorful, but have you forgotten that your cooking and Sen Luojun is different. After all, your cuisine is beef stew instead of beef platter. The protagonist should be beef stew. In your practice, the stewed oxtail meat is also delicious, but it is too delicious. The side dishes conceal the protagonist’s light. As far as the theme of the cuisine is concerned, your cuisine has also fallen behind"

Kikuchi Yuanguo also agrees with Kakuzaki Taki’s opinion: “Unlike you, Mori-kun defined the cuisine as a deep-fried platter from the beginning, and he continued to think and innovate toward the theme he set, making a luxurious and gorgeous , So that people can eat the final perfect meal without a trace of greasiness. Actually, if I want to say, your cooking is not too different in taste, but Sen Luo-kun is much better than you in the details." .

After listening to the judges commenting on the reason for his failure, Xingping Chuangzhen did not show a frustrated look on his face. He turned his head to look at Sen Luo, his eyes still full of warfare: "Sen Luo, I lost this time. , But I will definitely win it next time!"

Then Xingping Chuangzhen suddenly changed back to the usual smirk and leaned in: "Hey, Sun Luo, can you make any more dishes now? Let me try it too, although I am very unwilling, but I was already drooling when I watched your cooking during the game."

Sen Luo nodded helplessly: "Well, there are some materials, but we have to wait a little bit."

After a while, Senluo took a deep-fried seafood platter and handed it to Xingping Chuangzhen. After Xingping Chuangzhen took over Senluo’s food, he began to gobble up. After a while, he followed the judges’ footsteps. Like the judges, his clothes burst into pieces unknowingly.

Seeing Xingping Chuangzhen sitting on the ground, his whole body exploded to the point where only a pair of boxer briefs was left, but still chewing with his head while applauding, the corner of Senluo's mouth rose slightly: "Xingping Chuangzhen, you are just a strange guy. Ah, the chefs who lost the duel with me are generally afraid of cooking, and many of them have given up cooking, but you seem to be different from the others."

"(O_O)? Huh?"

Xingping Chuang really looked at Senluo suspiciously: "Isn’t it normal to have a win or lose and win in cooking? If you lose a game like you said, you will be afraid of losing more than 400 games to your dad since childhood. Wouldn't I be afraid to die?"

"It turns out that you have the heart of being a strong man who can face your weaknesses calmly and constantly strive to become stronger. Unlike most people, you find all kinds of excuses to cover up in order to keep your boring face and self-esteem. It's really interesting. I will look forward to the day when you beat me, but don't let me wait too long. Xingping Chuangzhen."

After finishing speaking, Sen Luo waved his hand, jumped into the auditorium, and walked toward the place where everyone in Izumoliao was.

The second game after that was no different from the original book. The theme was the same as Sen Luo and the others. They were also [foreign food], Hayama Liang’s [Abisius-style roast duck] and Kurokuba Ryo’s [French stewed eel] No matter in which aspect they are equal, even the judges who are top ten graduates cannot judge which is better.

In the end, it was suggested by Dojima Silver that Nagiri Senzaemon decided, Hayama Ryo and Kurokuba Ryo both advanced, and the final became the first three-way melee since the school was founded.

Fortunately to watch this unprecedented grand occasion, the audience also boiled over, and the students of the news department responsible for reporting also found the three who advanced to the final as quickly as possible.

In the auditorium, Haruo Nijima, who was sitting with Sunra and the others, took a notebook and a recording pen, and approached Senra like a dogleg: "That... Mr. Sunra, congratulations on your promotion to the finals, I don’t know. Can you talk about your views on the finals?"

"What's your opinion, let them let them go, anyway, I must win in the end."

Senro spoke in a calm tone, and could not hear any pressure on the final. Seeing this, Niijima Haruo immediately bowed to him: "It is indeed Senra, is this the heroic and domineering of the king? Don't worry. , I will write the best report."

At this point, the semi-finals of the autumn selection are all over, and then it is the usual time of the year that the ten outstanding operating meeting responsible for the autumn selection will publicly announce the ingredients used in the final.

The lights in the venue dimmed suddenly, and only a beam of light shone at the entrance of the venue.

In the light, Isshiki pushed a trolley slowly into the venue from the door, and there was a huge translucent cube of ice on the trolley.

"Oh? Is that the ingredient for this time?"

Hearing Morira's question, Niijima Haruo nodded again and again: "Yes, Mori-sama, according to past information, the finals of the autumn selection are always based on the theme of [autumn seasonal ingredients]. Will not deviate from this theme, after all, this theme is most suitable for autumn trials."

Under the attention of everyone, Isshiki Hui took a big hammer and slammed it on the ice, and the ice slag splashed all over, and a saury appeared from the inside.

Isshiki Hui announced loudly: "This time the theme of the autumn trial finals, as you can see, is [Saury]!"

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