See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 438 of the murderer's

Seeing the judges have tasted the cuisine of the river, the beauty of the goblin also sent his own cooking to the judges.

"Please taste my cuisine [South French steamed lobster Zomei wine foam sauce]."

The cuisine made by Senlov continued to have a super high level, just the first mouth, and he had already convinced the tongue of the judges, so that they would give it 100 points of fullness, even when giving points, the judges I have given some points, but the upper limit of the giving unit is 100 points.

Seeing the two sides once again made a flat hand, the host was exclaimed: "Oh! The two sides will have a maximum evaluation of the full score. After a time consuming an hour, the two people have once again become a flat hand, the strength of the two is The flat autumn is quite, let us give the warm applause to two of the exciting disappointments! "

In the applause of the tide, the big Hanoi has walked to the beauty of the Kobe and shaking hands with her, while singing, "You can do it twice with me twice. Playing hands, this is a rare thing. "

For the suede of the river, it is a rhetoric that he is a high cooking high. The beauty of God is not angry, but it is very modest: "The chef in the river, thank you for your praise, in order to enhance the kitchen Art, I don't know if I can taste your cuisine? "

"Of course, please wait a moment."

The Dahechi is very proud to give the beauty of the army. After taste a bite, the goblin is also showed the same expression as the judges, and the lobster is really good! "

The color of the Hanoi folk facques is more: "Of course, the reactions of the judges are like you."

However, the next sentence of the beauty of the goblin, but his smile was stiff.

"Unfortunately, isn't this the cuisine you think of? This cuisine has the taste of the second chef of Zhari Hao."

Under the nervousness, the Great Hanoi Fuhua was ignited, and gave it to the beautiful and son of God: "Your guy is saying stupid! It is because I want to find a reason for the reasons to smear me. ? I told you! This product is really a cuisine that I think! "

In the face of the roar of the river, the beauty of God said that the beauty and the child said: "Do you steal the recipe notes for the Queen Hao 2 Chef? What you do is this roast lobster is the top of it."

Dashan Fu Yang also laughed: "Hey, what evidence do you dare to say this?"

The beauty of God has taken out the Notebook of Zhenhao Second: "You should read this note before you go back yesterday?"

Seeing the notes in the beautiful and child in the hands of the son, and the Dashan in the Hanoi is too unfamiliar. "This ... What is this? I have never seen it."

God has continued: "You don't have to deny it, because this note is that I deliberately put it yesterday. The last page of this notebook is written in French. Means [Recipe Tibetan in my wig Among them, you know that you will not win more than the gap, so you will definitely take this life-saving straw to you, I will dig the bodies of the Queen's second chef to search for the recipe. I think It should now have a police to investigate the place where the body is hidden. "

Just, the sound of the beauty of the goblin is just ahead, and the police department who is guarding at the entrance of the studio has also received information from the high-wood involved.

"Is it ... um ... I know ... I have worked hard."

I listened to the phone, and the police department walked to the front of the Daruto, and she said seriously: "Just now, we have found the Hao Hao two in the back garden in your name. My body, Mr. Dahe, this time you should have no arbility, please take it with us. "

There is a convulsion in the big hiki, and it is necessary to run in the direction of the safe exit. Unfortunately, he has not run two steps. He is held by the white bird behind the police officer and thousands of leaves and thresholds. Next to the base station.

The eyes of the Dashan Fu to the grievances look at the beauty of God: "Is this guy criminal? Why? Why do I plant it in the yellow hair of you?"

God's beauty and son apologize to the Daheneu Yang Fu: "Sorry, Mr. Dahe, in fact, whether it is the cuisine in the store or the cost of the game, it is not what I did. Cooking this."

Said, the beauty of the horses will lead the sight of the Dashan in the body of Senlo.

At this time, Senlo has unloaded the dressing of the kitchen, putting a french chef will wear the drunk high cap.

"In the first time, I met Mr. Dali, I was the executive kitchen of Batri, named Wu Senlo, and you killed the killing of the Erhao Hao, which is our company specially hired a chef in this new restaurant. You can show a talent in our company, rich in life, it can be in the future, but all this is broken because you didn't eat self-respect, so I promised the plan to come to the plan, for the thing, it is to take your rope. Law. "

Yeiro shaped the good leadership image of the employee, and he didn't worry until the big river in front of the Darut, he hit him, and continued to fight: "Because the beauty and sister wants me to pay for it, I don't want to do it. The situation with your strength is not a lot of effort, I have a lot of effort, I still feel that the cuisine is such a difficult thing. "

Then, Senlo took the head to the ear of the river, and said with only the voice he could hear: "You have thought that it is broken by the police. From your person who dares us. Your end stop only has hell, no second option. "

Feeling the "Senli Black Eye White Pupi, the big Hanoi has been scared, and the whole person shakes the sieve.

Under the strong survival, the Daheneu has burst out all unprecedented power, and I saw him suddenly made away the binding of two criminals, grabbing a knife on a cuisine to constantly waving. Two people.

Subsequently, the Dashan Fuku seized the opportunity to ran to the safe exit of the studio, and took the door and fled the stairs all the way.

Seeing the shackles, the police officer is played: "Fast chasing! Don't let the guy run!"

Not waiting for the police to finish, Senluo has already chased it. It is slower than him, and the August Valley is also chasing it.

In the area, Senlo used the body of Bankasira, the feet continued to put the wall and the stair handrail, like a monkey to shuttle in the corridor, in a while, in a hurry, the big hiped in a hurry Foreign auxiliary.

When I saw Senluo in front of myself, the Dahechi Fuji scared a butt and sat on the stairs.

However, he was immediately picked up by Senlo, just as Senlo had to go to his life, the sound of Augogu Qingqiu came over from Senlo: "Let him, this murder is still I can't do it! "

Senli looked up, I saw that Agum Valley Qingqiu jumped from the stairs above the stairs, and the feet were full of knives and flying and kicking straight to Sen Luo grabbed the arm of the river.

Senlo Ye Lake hand, easy to avoid the kick of Agugu Qingqiu, Dashan, auxiliary machine, rolling, rolling, hiding behind Agu Valley Qingqiu: "Mr. Criminal, I will go back to you! Quickly, I will arrest me, Catch me back! "

However, what he didn't expect is that Agutan Qingqiu did not move to him, looked at the opposite Senlo: "Here is the world, not where you have the world, you can do it. Even if you want to kill, you should I am coming. "

In the unbelievable eyes of the Darut, Agugu Qingqiu turned around and hugged his head.

"Justice ~ Execution!"

I haven't waited for the big Hanoi to understand how to understand how it is, I saw Agutan Valley Qingqiu hands grabbed the head of the big river in the head of the river, with a crumpled, the crisp, Dashan The cervical vertebrae was folded into a 90-degree right angle by Agugu Qingqiu, and the whole person was struggling with the painful color.

Senli's black line looked over the eyes of the eyes of the eyes, the Agutum Valley: "(· Ω ·` ll) ~ Agu Valley Sang, you let me live, but you don't kill him? "

"That is not the same, you killer killing is a crime, I am just implementing justice."

I broke myself, and I didn't pay attention to Senlo, and I took the body of the big river and slammed into the stairway. The body rolled down to the next floor, forged a large river Because it is panicked, it is falling down, and the illusion of falling down the stairs.

Looking at the Skilled Actuat of Agum, it is obviously not the first time.

"(¯ω ¯;) yes, I don't care how to die, I will die anyway, this saves my good job, thank you."

After that, the police department also rushed to the scene, and the August Valley Qingqiu did not move the words, and the words prepared in advance were narcled to the police department.

Because this case has evidence that the police department finally decided to directly transfer this case directly to the accidental death of the murderer, and the case also came to an end.

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