See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 441 of the result of the runaway

After flying Gao Liu Guangchen, the jujube of the ground was a whisper, suddenly jumped, ignored the Senlo standing in the middle of the two, flew to Gao Liu Guangchen, at this time, one of his only eyes changed It became a bloody, and it took a fierce breath.

Looking at the jujube cautious in half of the beast, Senluo snorted, and he looked at his ankle pulled him from the air. He looked at the floor on the floor, suddenly, steep splash, floor A humanoid pothole appeared.


Jujube is really exciting to come over and see the situation, and Senlogang has made a eye, and the Robert and Angel who holds the shoulders of the jujube.

"Don't come over, cautious, this is ridiculous, do you still don't understand? You are the switch of the kuko to the end of the jujube, and the reason why the cautiass will rush, the main reason is because of your feelings."

In Senluo, the jujube struggled to climb from the pit, this time, he instinctively turned the target to the perceived Senlo threatened to him.

Looking at the jujube who rushed over, Senluo had a mouth: "Cut, is it a beast that only knows the damaged beast under the blood drops? At the same time, the physical function has greatly improved, but Because this is enhanced, the gap is not a good thing. "

Then, the shape of Senlo is moving, and it is easy to avoid the jujube attack, and the hands have a sword, go to the acupoints of the jujube.

"Wu kicked it.

In the eyes of everyone, only countless hand shadow changes, the bloody, the bloody, the bloody, the bloody, the bloody poke it, and Senlo has been rubbed with the jujube and stands back to the rear of the date. .

And the original crazy jujube is a breath, the eyes slowly change back to the state of human, the whole person seems to be taken away, and the soul is generally on the ground, lost awareness.


This time, Senluo did not let people block, Jujube is really a king of the jujube, but unfortunately did not get the response she wanted.

"I temporarily seal his body's flow, I want to come to the dragon's eyes, I will be temporarily quiet. I have been playing so badly by Gao Liu, plus longan, his body has already pineapple pineapple. It's better to move him to the hospital early. "

On the one side, Senlo went to the wall, will have lost their conscious Gao Liu Ji pulled out, picking up on his shoulders, then ordered: "Odin, this is finished, let's go to the hospital first, you will Let everyone spread. "

After the command, Senlo made the text seven brought the jujube, and a group went to the school to visit the Affiliated Hospital of the Emperor University of the United Kingdom to receive treatment.

In the evening, Jujube cautiously woke up from a coma.

"Well? It seems that the ceilings I have met."

Looking at the ward, smelling a faint disinfection, the jujube carefully trying to act in his body, but he just moved, the whole body immediately came to the pain of drill heart.


The slight sound immediately woke up the Gay Yefei fish in his bed and took care of Gao Liu Yuchen's jujube.

Jujube is really over: "Brother, you wake up? How do you feel? Is there uncomfortable?"

Queao Shen is weak: "Yeah, I don't know why I feel that I am hurting."

Ge Yayui, on the side, immediately stood up: "Cautious Jun, you endure! I am going to call the British doctor and the Senlosan."

Said, Ge Yezhen's rush hurriedly ran out to give the space to the brothers and sisters.

However, the jujube is a long-awaited height, and the jujube who is still unconscious is still coma, and the jujube sitting around him is uncomfortable.

In a short while, Ge Yefei took the British doctor and Senlo them back to the ward.

The British doctor looked at the jujube to play in the hospital bed: "The last time is good, this time, each time you come to hurt so serious, is it so dangerous now?" I have more opportunities to study the flesh of the war, this is a good thing. "

"Cough, every time you have trouble, you are really embarrassed.

Jujube and Dao said, and looked at Senlo: "Look, this time it stops that I am from the rushing? Sorry, I have to add trouble for you."

Senlo hooks: "Don't be so polite, if you have a three long two short, you will not be better in the hearts of the, I just do what I should do with friends who eat a pot."

Jujube kiao sighed, some laughed: "Hey ~ You are, if you want to be unbearable, if you really have the point, I am going to die. "

Senli Hammer is on the jujube: "Benden Sang, you will die all day, the fate is hanging in the mouth, this time, it is not easy to pay back a life, you Can you cherish it anymore? Everyone in Yunwei is worried about you, and the real night will be sad. Again, what is the use of death, you will run away, it is because you are too weak Ah, what should you think now, and you can freely manipulate the longan. "

Jujube cautiously, the big bag of comics style is called: "Good pain! What do you do! I am a wounded, I understand, but how to become, how to control the longan, I have no shortprints at all, I have no way to serve as a master of the people. "

The role of the Senli mouth: "Gao Liujia is a little, it is a famous martial arts, the world is very broad, why bustle in a door valve closed door? How to be cautious, do you want to come to us [dark], I will Introducing a lot of powerful people to know, have their help, I believe you will have a way to control your longan. "

Jujube cautious: "It turns out that this is your purpose."

"Well, this is just a mutually beneficial matters, and even if you don't join [dark], a few days of heaven will be dark."

Zaudao and others listened to the end of the face: "Senlo, what do you mean?"

"You won't think that the Give minister is just to play with you? Well, the guy of the Guangchen is also an acoustic child. You will know it in a few days. You don't have to answer me now, wait for you to hurt the hospital. After telling me that your decision is good. Also, cautiass, although I don't want to say more to your private life, but orthopedics is often unfortunate, you control the character of yourself, more Pay attention to people who love you side. "

Jujube cautiously: "Cut, you want you to have a lot of you."

"Haha, I wish you a speedy recovery."

After that, Senlo turned around to leave the ward with oneself.

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