Afterwards, Gao Liu Guangchen called Gao Liujia's physician for Gao Liu Dao's treated injuries. Here, he took the help of accepting high Liujia industries.

Early the next morning, Gao Liu Guangchen also made the brother Gao Liu Yasxiao, the third grade of the middle, and the Gao Liu Dao, who was full of bandages, and left the Gao Liujia's building under the Gao Liu Yongchen.

At this time, Gao Liu has replaced the originally expensive Japanese suit, dressed in an ordinary office worker suit, with a small round glasses, the temperament of the body is venting from a financial value to a family. Eye socialitis, people see that they can't help but have an inexplicable sadness.

He is walking, but also indicates that the power center of Gao Liujia has left the Gao Liujia, and the highlighted power of Gao Liujia has fallen into the hands of Gao Liu.

A few days later, when the jujube was injured and discharged, I was very surprised after the Gao Liu family had a lot of things, and it was surprised that Gao Liu Yongchen's bold, and on the other hand, the strength of [darkness].

Gao Liujia is not a general martial arts, that is the existence of Sanshi, Sichuan Shenjia, who can be with Sichuan God, but Senli [dark] actually said that Easy Lord let him easily.

Taking into account the strength of [dark], you can really find the way to control the longan, and the prudentity of Queao finally agreed to the proposal of Senlu, and applied to the school graduated in advance.

And Queao cautious, there is also Ge ​​Yayui, and the original unique, she didn't die in the jujube in the hand, under the words of Senlo, there is also the attitude of her. A little change, in order to be with your beloved people, Ge Yefei fell decided to join the Duo Yulu to join the [darkness].

Helping Gao Liu Guangchen's seduce Gao Liu's family of Senlo has reported that there is also a jujube who has a jujube, and after the masters praise, they returned to their daily learning. .

Going back to the long-month, Senlo found the report of the Sprucking of the True Emerald N-winning in these days.

In the afternoon, The flyer sent to the hands of Senlo.

"Enjoy the Maple Conference?"

Looking at the flyer in his hand, Senli cast a doubtful gaze to the new household.

The new household : "Yes Yerassa, this is the traditional activities that must be held every year, but also a few people standing in the first grade vertex can be straightforward."

"It turned out, I know the new housess, I will arrive on time."

The next day, Senli came to the designated place of the Junfeng Conference, and the venue was established in a maple forest in the land of the moon. It placed a sputum in the air in the empty space in the forest, four weeks plugged in Full of the banner of the Warring States style, the banner of the long-month logo, standing on the two rows of witch women's clothing neatly to the position of the position.

Under the guidance of a maid, Senlo walked into the position, I saw the tatami laying in the center of the position, two row cushions and Japanese coffee tables have been placed.

On the side of the seat, the remaining seven seven seven players of the autumn selection competition have been sitting there, and I don't know if it is for the number of people. When the pre-preliminary score is second only to the eight-player Takmi, also in column, There is a huddle paint, I don't know why it is also sitting in the middle of everyone.

"Oh, everyone is here, it seems that I am the latest."

Seeing Senluo, everyone greeted him, and after the one responded by Senlo, they were unfair to sit on the first seat.

After that, the experience of the crowd of three or two two two two two or two, there was a joyful, and there were also tugged out of the magic and spark, only the position of the field was shaking in the position of the population.

I saw that Tian Hui was as good as a convulsion, and Senli asked: "Tanah Sang, what happened?"

I heard my name was called, Tian Huan Hui couldn't help but hit a spirit. He turned his head and discovered that he was called her again. Tian Hui Hui and said a breath, saying: "Senlo, I am because I want to see the senior Sisters, so they are somewhat nervous, and I don't know what they look like. If you are like a school leader, you will be good. "

On the other hand, Tian Huai gave the ideals of the ideal school sisters impression in his mind.

After listening to Tian Huai, Senluhaha smiled: "Tana Mulberry, you don't have to be too nervous, you have passed the test in my store, now you will not fall in the wind, Take your courage. "

On the side, I'm lucky to see the strength of Senluo said that the strength of Tian Hui has been upgraded, and immediately came over: "Oh? The local area is in the field is the store of Senlo? It is evil, so envious, how, do you want to be I am coming to the field? "

Tian Huaiyi listened to the lunar hand: "Don't you don't, how can I be an opponent of a true king, or a good time.

Fortunately, I didn't have forced, and shrugged and got to look at Senlo: "Say Sen Luo, I saw it in the news, it is a disaster, the restaurant in the two stages has encountered a murder, could be What are your recent things? Do you want to find a shrine to worship? "

Senlo's "" took a shredded tea in front of the tea: "I didn't have to be on the upper body, I was not me, I just happened to be blocked by the dead gods."

"(O_o) ?? Dead god ring? What is it?"

Just as Senluo prepares and smashes a dead school student, the entrance to the position has passed two dull drums.

Then I heard the servants of the door, "Yuan Yue Ten" is driving !!! "

Everyone turned the line of sight to the entrance to the position. I saw a long-moon ten guilt, who was headed by Si Yu, who was not neat, and the zero zero scattered came in, according to the seat at the seat. Sit down.

After sitting, Si Yu has not yet come and say anything to open, and I have said that I will win the first time: "Hey, I said, now we have seen it, what is the dissolution today? Then we will put this event next year. Abolition, don't you think this activity is very troublesome? And see it, how is it? "

In the face of sudden proposals, everyone in the first grade is in the same place. The Ruishan Zhixin next to my ill, I also pushed the glasses, and I said that I said: "I have been as long as it is, you still have to discuss, thanks to this activity, how much is the budget, don't see Even if it is for the sake of interest, it is also worth it to accompany the heart of the fairy. "

I didn't want to think about it for a long time: "Township, you still have to drill in the eyes, you just don't like a student, I think you still drop back to the society."

Ruishan Bunjin is also condensed, but also hits: "Shut up to it, you are a short!"

For a long time, I have a long time to explode, but he just have to have something to do, just a horrible momentum, and the fine sweat is full of his forehead.

His mechanically called the direction of the percentage, and I didn't know when Senli's eyes were already eyeped.

I feel the sight of my photo, Senluo said: "I have been a long time, this is active, the fairy left guards have naturally have his usage. After all, it is most likely the most likely the most likely in the future. People, with the current ten hands, the close feelings of the opponent, will have more stimuli to both sides, but in fact you lose to me, don't worry hard to study hard? So saying that such a tradition is worth it. Please do not express unfair speech. "

Feel the pressure of Senlo, I have been in an instant, "cut", and closed his mouth.

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